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The Mass Media

Igor Pereira Nóbrega

What is it ?
O The mass media refers to various media tools used to
connect a large audience via mass communication.

O Some examples of mass media are : The Internet, the

press, radio, television and social media.
The press
O Magazines – normally contains various articles about
different subjects. These magazines can be categorized
into 2 different types, the consumer and the business
magazines. The bigger difference being business type
magazines are subscription only and contain little to no

O Newspaper – A newspaper is a publication containing

news and information, it’s published daily or weekly
and its main focous is in spreading news about
important events.
O Radio broadcasting is a one-way transmission of
information from the transmitter to the listeners, radio
stations often use their services to talk about current
events and express the transmitters opinion, usually
with a guest making the conversation more interesting,
radio stations often broadcast music aswell.
O The television is a communication medium used to
transmitter images and sound, it is a mass medium for
advertising, entertainment, news and sports.
The Internet
O The internet is an interactive medium of mass media,
it’s accessible almost immediatly via smart phone or
O The internet has a vast amount of ways to transmitter
your media, blogs, RSS feeds, podcasts and more.
The internet Origins
O The internet was created in 1989 as a means to transmit
data from one computer to another when scientist
feared the pentagon would be attack and their data lost.
O Fast-forward a little bit and the internet had grown,
internet protocols have been created and with the help
of more advanced computers the web was starting to
become what it is today.
O The internet is a great source of entertainment and
information with most news and Shows being uploded
in hours after their transmission. You can shop online
from your home with ease.
O Although not everything about the internet is good, if
one is not experienced enough you can get robbed or
O The web is not safe for children to use without
supervision, there are coutless sites who focous on
robbing your identity, people who harass other people
for the sake of it and more.
Why is the mass media
important ?
O The massive media is one of the most significant forces
in modern culture, being able to transmit information to
such a large audience affects the world massively.
O Thanks to mass media the promotion and distribution of
goods and services has increased, the masses are more
informed, educated and entertained,
O Mass media works to transmit heritage and cultural
O The rise of new mass media creates a global platform to
bring people together.
Mass Media and the Public’s
O The relationship between politics and the mass media is
closely related for the reason that media is a source in
shaping public opinion and political beliefs. As a result,
political figures and parties are particularly sensitive
towards their media presence and the media coverage of
their public appearances.
O Through the proper consent in mediums to advocate,
different social groups are able to influence the
decision-making that involves child safety, gun control,
What mass media do I use
O The mass media I use the most is the Internet, I youtube
and twitch to entertain myself. I really like using both
these platforms because there are so many content
creators for so many different subjects that you can’t
really get bored.

O And I use Instagram and twitter to see what is

happening around me. Instagram to check on my
friends, and twitter to see what’s trending overall.
O https://
O https://

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