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Cristian David Beltran Guio

• Sliver Pete is the principal antagonist • Protagonist is the character who is telling
in the story, is characterized by the the history, we can see that is a regular
fear that he produces in the town, citizen boy accompanied by his folks and
because he had killed many sheriffs families, he works on a coachman business
and anybody who said to him that he which welcomes the strangers in their
was a cheater. Unexpectedly, he will chariots. He knows the true about the
run out of the town with fear about events that happened in that windy day,
the actions that had made against the the events had happened by the time he
townsfolks and about the Preacher used to have 8 years.
• Preacher Dan is a very mysterious
• Cowpokes
and cautious character, he arrived at • Sheriffs
the town and his mission is construct • Town people
a church, he thinks will get the • Strangers dead by Sliver Pete
money playing cards with Sliver • Folks
Pete, during the game he will have • Coachman
some inconvenients and a surprising • Stagecoach

The town is small compared to the

desert, it counts with only three building,
with a naked eye we couldn't know what
are exactly those buildings. But inferring,
it could refer to a sallon, commissary and
a public establishment. The cemetery is
bigger than the town, it could be, because
Sliver Pete had murdered many
townsfolks and strangers at the town,
those are many graves.

Between the sallon and

This map is suitable for the setting of the story, it counts with commissary, it could be the
the typical wild west background because we can see a warm place where Preacher Dan
desert on a plain with its typical flora like cactuses and many and Sliver Pete had fought
shrubs around. Also we can appreciate the big mountain on their gun duel
which separates that town from other places. There is a road
hat runs through the entire ancient map.

The story starts with the description of an horrible character

who terrifies the townsfolks with his bad-tempered
personality when he plays cards and hobbies like killing
sheriffs. For that reason the people collect a reward who kills
or get out of town Sliver Pete. That person will have some
issues with him and finally after an incredible affair he goes
out of the town forever.

Conflict is marked more than everything by the

disagreement of townsfolks with Sliver Pete, also the
continual deaths of strangers eager for the reward. When the
Preacher arrives, he also will have a conflict for the money
which it has been stolen by Sliver Pete.
1. The townsfolks collect a 3. In the card game, the 5. Sliver Pete shoots the
reward of $20,000 for the Preacher lost several times Preacher and like a magic act,
person who kills or gets out and has some issues with the he gets up from the dirty
Sliver Pete of the town. For Sliver’s gun, at the final of the ground, Sliver shoots another
that reason Sliver Pete starts game Sliver Pete wins all the two times and as before he gets
to destroy many buildings, purse and Preacher notices up of the ground with much
with the excuse that this that he had cheated, Preacher pain. Later from the Preacher’s
bounty was to slow for his announces that discovery. body came out a white bird.
4. Preacher challenges Sliver 6. Aghast Sliver Pete run out
2. A windy day a mysterious Pete for doing a duel outside, of the town and Preacher Dan
character arrives at the town, for he gets what he deserves. reclaims a part of the reward
with the mission of construct With an improbable gun the for the church, but he left
a church for God, because he two men fight on a long with a unlikely identity
had said that he will get the distance between them.
remainder of money on a card

The story tells about an incredible event that happens on a

small town, a confrontation between a very good gunman
and a mysterious character called Preacher Dan.

A reflection on life set in the years 1885, and how a terrible

villain can be defeated by the power of illusion. The strength
of faith on God could be represented in various ways. But it
all comes down to the uncertainty of what happened, and the
truth is only known by few

Also It is a stereotype of life in those years, showing the

typical story of a gunman who is dedicated to provoke fear
on the population with his threats to assassinate anyone who
makes him angry, ultimately banished or detained by a
mysterious hero.

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