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What is Urban Planning?

 Is the art and science

of ordering the use of
land and setting of
buildings and
routes so as to secure
the maximum degree
of economy,
convenience and
Building Transpor
1.3 SCHEMATIC Materials, t
Resources Water

• In a sense, God Communication

Patterns Tourism,
made the
country and Cultural Activities
man made the
town. Work/Education
Knowledge URBAN


7 types of Urban Planning:
1] . Strategic Urban Planning
Strategic urban planning focuses on setting high-level goals and determining desired
areas of growth for a city or metropolitan area.
2] . Land-Use Planning
Land-use planning largely concerns legislation and policy, adopting planning
instruments like governmental statutes, regulations, rules, codes, and policies to
influence land use.

They also serve to zone or reserve land for certain purposes such as:

 Residential
 Commercial
 Industrial
 Municipal
7 types of Urban Planning:
3] . Master Planning
Master planning is typically used for greenfield development projects, or building on
undeveloped land—instead of modifying pre-existing structures or spaces, you’re
starting from scratch.

4] . Urban Revitalization
In contrast to master planning, urban revitalization focuses on improving areas that
are in a state of decline.
5] . Economic Development
Economic development is about identifying areas of growth to foster greater financial
prosperity within the city, specifically by enticing companies to build or move offices
7 types of Urban Planning:
6] . Environmental Planning
Environmental planning is a type of strategic development that emphasizes

7] . Infrastructure Planning
Infrastructure planning deals with the fundamental facilities and systems that serve a
city and its people, and how those facilities can support goals laid out in the strategic
plan. This type of urban planning covers:

 Public works infrastructure 

 Community infrastructure 
 Safety and transportation 
What is Regional Planning?
 deals with the efficient placement of land-use activities, infrastructure, and
settlement growth across a larger area of land than an individual city or town.
Regional planning is a sub-field of urban planning as it relates land use
practices on a broader scale.
 Differ in distances or scales involved

Urban Regional
Planning Planning
Preliminary Aspects of Regional Planning may constitute the following: 

Sustainability - Sustainability leads to balance in Regional Development

 Environment
Some of the major environmental concerns that can be addressed by
regional planning approach are the following:
i. Control of pollution
ii. Maintenance of green cover, forests and eco fragile areas. 

 Disaster Management – The impact of natural disasters is exaggerated by unscientific

plus unplanned development.

 Promoting Balanced Development – Imbalanced development of the country has led

to lop-sided development in favor of urban settlements
There are (3) main resources for Planning and Development of Urban and Regional centers

 Land 
 Finance  
 Manpower
 Preparation of State Perspective Plan
 District Development Plan / Metropolitan 
 Region Development Plan
 Master Plan
 Schemes / Annual Plans
 Physical setting, settlement pattern
 Infrastructure resources
 Transport
 Environment and sustainability
 Regional Policy and development
 Regional Land use
 Disaster Management Plan
 Implementation Strategies and
Management  Structure
Types of Regional Planning:
1] Physical Regional Planning:
This types of Panning can be understand as an overall pattern of land-use, the
character and distribution of public structures and constructions. It controls the
distribution and availability of physical facilities which are necessary for the overall

2] Economic Regional Planning:

focuses on overall economic structure and activities of any region. It deals with
production, distribution and consumption of material and no-material resources.

3] Allocative Regional Planning:

This type of planning can be used in a situation when the distribution of resources are
highly uneven. Therefore, Production, distribution and consumption of resources are
mainly determined by allocation of the resources.

4] Innovative Regional Planning:

The interest of innovative planning for regional advancement has developed in the last
decade of 20th century. The connection among innovation and development is highly
Types of Regional Planning:
5] Indicative Regional Planning:
Probably, this type of Planning has been started in France after the world war II.

6] Imperative Regional Planning:

Basically, this is a planning wherein the usage is given for along the definition of
plans. As such, the two parts of preparation its formulation and execution ; are already
discussed in the beginning. The last part is composed into the arrangement in as clear
a way as the first. The rationale of this planning is basic i.e. when a plan is formulated
, it must be implemented.
Principles of Regional Planning:
1] . Principle of Vertical Unity:
The principle of vertical unity means that all phenomena (both physical and cultural)
that operate in a regional space are fully integrated and interrelated with each other.

2] . The Principle of Horizontal Spatial Unity:

This principle implies that each region constitutes a sub-system of the whole regional
system. Therefore, all the regions works together in case of planning.

3] . The Principle of Space-time Continuum:

This principle implies that spatial reality is as true as temporal entity.

4] . The Principle of Comprehensive Development:

Comprehensive development means that the regional planning seeks to achieve the
comprehensive development of the entire regional space.

5] . The Principle of Community Development:

The principle of community development is the principle of equal opportunities to all
for self development.
Principles of Regional Planning:
6] . The Principle of Equilibrium between Social Desirability
and Economic Viability:
This principle implies that while planning for comprehensive development of all
regions, the regional planner has to maintain a balance between what is socially and
economically desirable and viable during one point of time for a particular region.

7] . The Principle of Ecological Equilibrium:

The regional planning should make the ecology and environment sustainable.

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