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Agatha Suprihatin
Nita Prihatini
Eous Tri Wahyuni
Abdul Rozzaq
Yuli Wijayanti
Miftahur Rahmah
Zayin Nurrohmah
A. Definition of Construct
According to Carin (in agriamur
ti, 2009) that learning theory is
that students as learners, do not
take what they get for granted, bu
t actively build knowledge indepen
dently individual.
B. The importance of constructiv e
in the learning process
Constructivism is expected to pro
vide positive inspiration for renew
al programs in the science learning
process, especially for elementary
school-aged children. Currently, co
nstructivism is in some ways often
referred to as an interactive learn
ing method, and continues to be dev
C. Characteristics of Constructiv
The characteristics of learning in constructivie are:
1) Provide opportunities for students to build new knowledge throu
gh involvement in the real world.
2) Encourage student-initiated questions/ideas and use them as a g
uide for designing instruction.
3) Supporting cooperative learning takes into account student atti
tudes and behavior.
4) Take into account the results of the study of how students lear
n an idea.
5) Promote & accept student effort & autonomy.
6) Encourage students to ask questions and dialogue with students
& teachers.
7) Considering learning as a process that is as important as learn
ing outcomes.
8) Promote the process of student inquiry through study and experi
D. Principles of Constructive
1) Knowledge is built by the students themselves.
2) Knowledge cannot be transferred from teacher to student
, except only by the student's own active reasoning.
3) Active students construct continuously, so there are al
ways changes in scientific concepts.
4) The teacher only helps provide suggestions and situatio
ns so that the construction process runs smoothly.
5) Dealing with problems relevant to students.
6) Learning structure around the main concept of the impor
tance of a question.
7) Seek and assess student opinions.
8) Adapting the curriculum to respond to student perceptio
E. The Purpose of Contruct
The objectives of constructive are:
1) Developing students' ability to ask quest
ions and looking for their own questions
2) Helping students to develop a complete un
derstanding and understanding of concepts
3) Developing students' abilities to become
independent thinkers.
4) There is motivation for students that lea
rning is the responsibility of the studen
ts themselves.
F. Steps of Constructive
Widodo (2004) states that constructivist learning consist
s of 5 sequential stages, namely:
1) Introduction: The stage of preparing learners to take
part in learning activities.
2) Exploration: The stage of identifying and activating t
he learner's prior knowledge.
3) Restructuring: The stage of restructuring the learne
r's initial knowledge in order to form the expected co
4) Application: The stage of applying the concepts that h
ave been built in different contexts/conditions or in
everyday life.
5) Review and Evaluation: The stage of reviewing what has
happened to the learner related to a concept/learning
G. The Advantages of Cintr
The advantages of constructivie the
ory include:
1) Thinking
2) Understanding
3) Remember
4) Social Skills
5) Fun
H. Disadvantages of Constructive

Disadvantages of Constructive:
In the discussion of these shorcomi
ngs or weaknesses, we may be able to
see in the learning process where the
teacher’s role as an educator seems
less supportive.

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