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Anatomy and Physiology I

The Skeletal System

Physiology of the Skeletal System

Skeletal System
 Bones are made of several tissues

 Primarily made of collagen and calcium salts

 About 206 bones in the human body

Functions of Skeletal System
 SUPPORT: Hard framework that supports and anchors the soft
organs of the body.

 PROTECTION: Surrounds organs such as the brain and spinal


 MOVEMENT: Allows for muscle attachment therefore the

bones are used as levers.

 STORAGE: Minerals and lipids are stored within bone material.

 BLOOD CELL FORMATION: The bone marrow is

responsible for blood cell production.
Parts of the Skeletal System

 Axial skeleton
 Skull and bones that support it
 Includes vertebra and ribs
 80 bones

 Appendicular skeleton
 Limbs
 126 bones
Features of a Long Bone:

Epiphysis: Ends of the


Diaphysis: The shaft of

the bone which surrounds
the medullary cavity.

Articular Cartilage:
Cushions the ends of the
bones and allows for
smooth movement.

Epiphyseal Plate:
Areas made of cartilage
allowing for the growth of
the bone.

 Where bone meets bone

 Ligament – holds bone to bone
 Types of joints:
 Immovable - skull
 Ball-and-socket - shoulder
 Hinge - knee
 Pivot – forearm
 Gliding - vertebrae
 Cartilage covers ends of movable bones
 Reduces friction
 Lubricated by fluid from capillaries
Bone Structure
 Periosteum – hard outer covering
 Cells for growth and repair

 Compact bone – hard strong layer

 Bone cells, blood vessels, protein with Ca and P

 Spongy bone – at ends of long bones

 Has small open spaces to lighten weight

 Marrow cavity – hollow in middle of long bones

Bone Structure
Bone Marrow

 Red marrow – produces blood cells and clotting factors

 Found in humerus, femur, sternum, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis
 Produces RBC 2 million per second

 Yellow marrow – stores fat

 Found in many bones
Haversian System

 Structure of compact bone

 Rings of bone tissue with blood vessels and nerves in the center
Haversian System
Shows lacunae and caniculi
Bone Development
 Initial skeleton of cartilage in infants

 Replaced with bone by osteoblasts

 More than 300 bones at birth – fuse to 206

 Always growing and breaking down

 Osteoblasts – form new bone cells
 Osteoclasts – break bone cells down
 Osteocytes – mature bone cells
Broken Bones
 Fracture is a break of the
 Simple or Complex
 Regrowth of bone:
 Spongy bone forms in first
few days
 Blood vessels regrow and
spongy bone hardens
 Full
healing takes 1-2
Ankle Fracture Surgery
Fibular Fracture
Homeostatic Imbalances

• Disease of children due to a lack of vitamin D.
• Calcium is not deposited in bones.
• Bones become soft.
• Bowing of the bones, and other deformities occur.
Homeostatic Imbalances
• Bone reabsorption is greater than bone deposition.
• Due to any of the following:
• Lack of estrogen in women.
• Lack of exercise to stress the bones.
• Inadequate intake of calcium and phosphorus.
• Abnormalities of vitamin D metabolism.
• Loss of muscle mass.

Decline in Bone Density

Bone Resorption > Bone Deposition

Increase Risk for Fracture

compression fractures of vertebrae
hip fractures

Role of calcium, vitamin D, estrogen, exercise

Calcitonin vs. Parathyroid Hormone
Age Related Dysfunctions

Osteoarthritis- 90% of pop. By age 40

chronic inflammation of articular cartilage
can be normal age-dependent change
can also be pathology due to:
age-related changes
decrease blood supply
Haversian System

Recommended for children

whose bones are still growing.
This series of treatments
involves several surgical
procedures, a lengthy
convalescence period, and
considerable risks -- but it can
add up to 6 inches of length to
a leg.
Under general
anesthesia, the bone to
be lengthened is cut.
Metal pins or screws
are inserted through the
skin and into the bone.
Pins are placed above
and below the cut in the
bone, and the skin
incision is stitched
A metal device (usually some sort of
external frame) is attached to the pins in the
bone and will be used later to gradually pull
the cut bone apart, creating a space
between the ends of the cut bone that will
fill in with new bone. The lengthening device
is used very gradually to ensure adequate
filling of the bone and stretching of the soft
Later, when the leg has reached the desired length
and has healed (usually after several months),
another surgical procedure will be done to remove
the pins.

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