International Marketing

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 What is international promotion?
 Features of international Promotion
 Methods of international promotions
-Below the line promotion
-Above the line promotion

 uses of international promotion

 Stages of international promotions
 Advantages of International Promotions
 Conclusion
What is international promotion?

 International promotion is promoting the

business internationally or world wide or it is
the marketing carried out by companies in
overseas or across national borderlines.

 Key function - developing and spreading

credible communication about an offer
(product / service).
world’s largest beverage company

Sold in more than 200 countries through out the world

Features of international Promotion
 Multi lingual advertisements.
 Wider platform for all the products and

 Wider brand awareness through different

medias (internet / magazines / tv/ radio).

 Advertising campaigns on a large scale
 Conducting charitable contributions.
Methods of international promotions
Below the line promotion includes promotion methods which are more
personal, traditional and allow the company control. They can include:

 Public Relations- when a business communicates directly with it's

public through press releases and speaking at conferences

 Sales promotions - such as 50% extra free, buy one get one free or
coupons and gifts

 Sponsorship - where a business will pay to be associated with another

product, person or event. Sportspersons are often sponsored by sports

 Direct sales - when a representative of the business will visit potential

Methods of international promotions
Above the line promotion includes promotion methods using
"mass media", Such techniques are usually seen as impersonal,
designed to reach as many people at as little cost as possible.
They can include:
 TV, Radio and Cinema - allows businesses to target a large
group of people
 Newspapers - allow advertisers to reach specific groups of

 The web (internet)- allows businesses to reach a large

international audience at a very low cost.
 Outdoor/transport - advertisements on the side of busses,
outside shops and on billboards enable
Uses of international promotion
International promotion has many potential uses
in business:
 Increase sales
 Attract new customers
 Encourage customer loyalty
 Create awareness
 Remind potential customers
 Encourage new customers
 Encourage brand switching
 Position a product
Stages of international promotion
 Identify Target Audience.
Which area , category, purpose will be decided
 Determine Communication Objectives.
The company identifies the most important promoting
objectives (sales / demand/ Expanding/ market shares )
 Determine the Message.
The company will decide the structure format of message,
message source.
 Budget Decisions.
The company will decide the estimated cost of
promotional activities
 Communication Mix Decisions
The media & method of promotional activities.
Businesses promote themselves internationally
and for various reasons:
 increase and maintain demand for the product.
 increase and maintain the market share of the
 raising awareness for the product.
 create or enhance a brand image.
 To expand by promoting new areas.




stages uses

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