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Zehra Demir
SCHEDULE 01 What is energy source

02 Types of energy sources

03 Advantages and disadvantages

What motions are based on energy

04 souces
Energy sources
Power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources,
especially to provide light and heat or to work machines.

There are 12 main different sources of energy that are

used in the world to generate power

Hydrocarbon gas Geothermal Natural gas

liquids energy Petroleum
Solar energy
Wind energy Coal
Hydropower energy in the Thermal energy Nuclear energy
form of wave
Solar Energy
The issue with solar is that while
there is plentiful amounts of
sunlight available, only certain
geographical ranges of the world
get enough of the direct power of
the sun for long enough to generate
usable power from this source.

The primary source of energy is the sun. Solar power

Its availability is also dependent on harvests the energy of the sun by using collector
the change in seasons and weather panels to create conditions that can then be turned into
when they may not always be used. a kind of power. Large solar panel fields are often used
It requires high initial investments in the desert to gather enough power to charge small
for productive use as solar substations, and many homes use solar systems to
electricity storage technology has provide for hot water, cooling and supplement their
not reached its optimum potential electricity.
The power of the water is used to turn generators to
produce the electricity that is then used. It is non-
polluting, entails no waste or produces toxic gases,
and environment friendly.

The problems faced with hydropower right now have

to do with the aging of the dams. Many of them need
major restoration work to remain functional and safe,
and that costs enormous sums of money.
Wind power is becoming more and more common. The new innovations
that are allowing wind farms to appear are making them a more common
sight. By using large turbines to take available wind as the power to turn,
the turbine can then turn a generator to produce electricity.

Wind Power It requires high investment, and wind speed is also not uniform every time,
which affects the generation of power. While this seemed like an ideal
solution to many, the reality of the wind farms is starting to reveal an
unforeseen ecological impact that may not make it an ideal choice.
While nuclear power remains a great subject of debate as Nuclear Power
to how safe it is to use, and whether or not it is really
energy efficient when you take into account the waste it
produces – the fact is it remains one of the major
renewable sources of energy available to the world. Nuclear energy is produced from uranium, a
non-renewable energy source whose atoms
are split (through a process called nuclear
fission) to create heat and, eventually,
electricity. Scientists think uranium was
created billions of years ago when stars
formed. Uranium is found throughout the
earth’s crust, but most of it is too difficult or
too expensive to mine and process into fuel
for nuclear power plants.
Nuclear Power

The energy is created through a specific nuclear reaction, which

is then collected and used to power generators. While almost
every country has nuclear generators, there are moratoriums on
their use or construction as scientists try to resolve safety and
disposal issues for waste.
In future, nuclear power will make use of fast neutron reactors by not only utilizing about
60 times the amount of energy from uranium but also unlocking the potential use of
thorium, which is a more abundant element, as a fuel. Now some 1.5 million tones of
depleted uranium seen as little more than a waste becomes a fuel resource. 
In effect, as they operate, they will ‘renew’ their own fuel resource. The possible outcome
is that the resource of fuel available for fast neutron reactors is so abundant that
significant depletion of the fuel source is almost impossible under practical terms.
Oil is converted into many products, the most When most people talk about the different sources
used of which is gasoline. Natural gas is of energy, they list natural gas, coal and oil as the
starting to become more common but is used options – these are all considered to be just one
mostly for heating applications, although there source of energy from fossil fuels. Fossil fuels
are more and more natural gas-powered provide power for most of the world, primarily
vehicles appearing on the streets. using coal and oil.

The issue with fossil fuels is twofold. Getting to the fossil fuel
and convert it to use, there has to be heavy destruction and
pollution of the environment. The fossil fuel reserves are also
limited, expecting to last only another 100 years given the basic
rate of consumption.
Thank You
For attention
Break time

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