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• Do you like to eat eggs or any egg dishes?
• What is your favorite egg dish?
Lesson 1. Egg Cookery

Egg is a poultry product from domesticated female birds.

• Chicken
• Duck
• Quail
• Goose
Egg is a versatile ingredient that can be cooked and served in
different ways.
Functions of an Egg
1. It serves as a binding ingredient. These ingredients
will coagulate when cooked.
2. It can be used as a thickener. Give the cooked or
baked product a perfect texture.
3. It is used for making dips and sauces.
Nutritive Value of Eggs
• Egg is not only delicious but it is also one of the most nutritious foods
available for consumption.
• It is considered a complete meal.
• It is rich in protein which is essential in:
 Building and repairing body tissues.
 Building and maintaining strong and healthy muscles.
 Keeping the body fluids in balance.
 Contains the nine(9) essential amino acids.
Nutritional Content Found in Eggs
1. Omega-3 – helps protect the heart.
2. Choline – development of the human brain.
3. Vitamins – (Functions of Vitamins):
• Vitamin K = helps blood clot.
• Vitamin B complex = promotes good appetite and produce energy.
• Vitamin A = helps develop and maintain a normal eyesight.
4. Minerals – have the functions that body needs:
• Iodine = normal functioning of thyroid gland Zinc = healing of the wounds
• Phosphorous = strong bones Iron = normal circulation of the blood
• Selenium = antioxidant
5. Cholesterol and lecithin – structure and function of all the cells in the body.
Ways to Cook Eggs
Hard-boiled Egg
• Is cooked without removing its cover or shell.
• Submerged in water and is brought to a boil for 10-15 minutes until its
egg yolk and egg white are already in solid form.
Soft-boiled Egg
• Is similar to a hard-boiled egg.
• Boiling time is reduced to 7 minutes so that the white turns into soft, solid
structure while keeping the yolk runny.
Scrambled Egg
• Is prepared by beating the egg yolk and the egg white together.
• The salt is added in the beaten egg.
• It may be hard scrambled or soft scrambled, depending on individual
Omelet and Frittata
• Are scrambled egg topped with other ingredients like meat, vegetables, or
• Typically served open faced, where as, omelet is folded in half to cover
the toppings.
Sunny side up
• Is done by frying the egg on lightly greased pan without flipping it.
• Its yolk is maintained in its bright round shape like a bright sun showing
Pouched Egg
• Is done by cooking the egg in water with a temperature of 75 degree
• The egg white is cooked until it is almost solidified while the yolk
remains as soft as a soft-boiled egg

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