Health Behavior PSC - 202

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Health Behavior

PSC – 202

13.00 - 14.40

Afif Kurniawan, M.Psi., Psikolog

Endang Retno Surjaningrum, MAppPsych., Ph.D., Psikolog
Vania Ardelia, S.Psi., M.Sc.
What Do We Learn?

 Definition and Determinant of Health Behavior

 Social Cognition Model:
 Health Belief Model (HBM)
 Health Locus of Control (HLoC)
 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
 Transtheoretical Model (TTM)
 Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM)
 Protection Motivation Theory (PMT)
 Chronic Illness
 Intervention Mapping

Mid Exam : 35%

Final Exam : 35%
Presentation : 30%

TOTAL :100%
Health Psychology is a new and rapidly developing sub-
discipline of psychology.

It can be described as
“the aggregate of the specific educational, scientific and professional
contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and
maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, the
identification of etiological and diagnostic correlates of health and illness
and related dysfunction, and the analysis and improvement of the health
care system and health policy”
(Matarazzo, 1982).
What do Health Psychology do?

 Health promotion and maintenance (e.g., healthy habit,

daily exercise promotion, media campaign about diet)
 Prevention and treatment (e.g., ways to cope with stress,
adapting to an illness, perform routine medication)
 Illness etiology (e.g., social factors and behavior which
contribute to healthiness or illness)
 Analyze and improve health care system and design

 behaviors undertaken by people to enhance or

maintain their health
 health habits: firmly established behaviors that are often
performed automatically such as wearing a seatbelt, brushing
one’s teeth and eating a healthy diet

 primary prevention – instilling good health

habits and changing poor ones
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