Reference Booklet For Online CPV Assessment

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Online CPV
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Reference Booklet
for Online
CPV Assessment Process

Online CPV Assessment

 Online CPV Assessment is a multi-faceted and multi-dimensional approach designed to

provide reliable and valid information about a range of competencies of an individual
considered to be necessary for successful performance at a target level in a specific job.

 The Online CPV assessment is designed to capture the important leadership

characteristics as defined in the NTPC Executive/Managerial Competency, Potential
Competencies and Core Values (CPV) framework.

Parameters for CPV Assessment
Executive/ Managerial Competencies
Competency Name Upto E5 E6- E7
The assessment parameters are broadly Analytical Ability Mandatory Optional
divided into three categories : Learning Mandatory Optional
Team Player Mandatory ---
Communication Skills Optional Mandatory
Executive/Managerial Competencies Managerial Effectiveness --- Mandatory
Potential Competencies Team Building --- Mandatory
Decision Making --- Optional
Core Values Interpersonal Skills --- Optional
Innovation and Creativity Optional Optional
• Executive/ Managerial Competencies Adaptability Optional ---
Empowering and Motivational Ability --- Optional
have 05 Mandatory and 03 Optional Cost Consciousness Optional Optional
components. Executives will be provided Quality Consciousness Optional Optional
with an opportunity/option to choose any Agility Mandatory Mandatory
Mobility Mandatory Mandatory
03 competencies (which fit their profile
best) out of the optional competencies.

Parameters for CPV Assessment
Potential Competencies
Competency Name Upto E4 E5 E6-E7
Leadership --- Mandatory Mandatory
System Orientation --- Mandatory Mandatory
• Potential Competencies are Resource Management
and admin ability
--- Mandatory Mandatory
mandatory for E5, E6 and E7 levels. Team Building --- Mandatory ---
Business Attitude --- --- Mandatory

• Core Values are uniformly applicable Core Values

Value Name Upto E4 E5 E6 E7
for all levels. Integrity Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Customer Focus Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Organizational Pride Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Mutual Respect and Trust Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Innovation and Learning Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Total Quality and Safety Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Types of Tools/ Exercises

 CPV Assessment requires the executives to

undergo a series of online exercises that simulate
on-the-job situations. In order to conduct
objective assessment, the executives shall be
required to respond to challenges similar to
those they are likely to face in their present/
future role.

 CPV Assessment is expected to run for approx.

4.5 hours and would consist of exercises such as
Case Studies, Situation Reaction Questionnaire,
Scheduling Exercises, Reflection, Role Plays and
Types of Tools/ Exercises
Total Exercises:
E2 – E5 : 10 exercises (8 Business Simulations and 02 Psychometrics)
E6 – E7 : 12 exercises (10 Business Simulations and 02 Psychometrics)
Approx. Time for Online Assessment: 4.5 hours
• Case Study - 1 no.s (E2-E5) and 2 nos. (E6-E7)
• In Basket Exercise - 1 nos.
• Scheduling Exercise - 1 nos.
• Reflection Exercise - 1 nos.
• Situation Reaction Questionnaire (targeting 3 different sets of competencies) - 3 nos.
• Role Plays - 1 no.s (E2-E5) and 2 nos. (E6-E7)
• Psychometrics (Big Five and Firo-B) - 2 nos.
All questions in this assessment will be “Multiple-Choice Questions”.

Types of Tools/ Exercises
1. Reflection
• Executives are given situations representing them in their current roles and they are required
to respond by choosing one of the given 5 answer options, which best describes their
response to these situations.

2. Role Plays
• Executives are given transcript of a dialogue between a manager and a subordinate around
few operational/ performance/ management related issues. These transcripts usually flow
section wise, and for each of the section executives have to respond by marking the answer
(out of 5 given situations) which they think best suits the situation.

3. Case Study
• Executives will be required to analyze case study/ studies presented and will be required to
take appropriate actions for the business.
Types of Tools/ Exercises
4. Scheduling Exercises
• This is an activity where executives are provided with data that he/she needs to analyze and
present a plan indicating how resources will be deployed and issues tackled to achieve a
specific objective. It requires the scheduling of tasks and resources.

5. In Box/ In Basket
• Executives are given a bunch of pending emails and sought their suggestion on best way of
handling these emails. These emails can be from internal stakeholders (superiors/peers/cross-
functional peers/team members, etc.) or external stakeholders (customers/govt. agencies, etc.)

6. Situation Reaction Questionnaires

• Executives are presented with business situations and are required to respond with the answer
option which they think best handles the business situation.

7. Psychometrics (Big Five and Firo-B)

• These psychometrics are additional stand-alone tools. While they do not contribute to the CPV
scores, they help in forming a holistic perspective on any assessee.
A glimpse of the
Online Page…

Login Page

Candidate will be provided with login credentials one day before the assessment date.
However, the credentials will be activated at specific time on the day of assessment only.
Page to Confirm Personal Details and Choose Optional Executive/ Managerial Competencies

The candidates are required to select 3 optional competencies from the given set of Optional
Executive/Managerial competencies in their respective Grades.
Language Option

The candidate has an option to choose a preferred language- either ‘Hindi’ or ‘English’, and once selected, it
cannot be changed.
Camera (Optional)

The system will provide the candidate with an option to use camera. However, this is not compulsory.
Instruction for Online CPV Assessment

Candidates are advised to go through the instructions in detail.

Context for Online CPV Assessment

Candidates are advised to go through the instructions in detail.

Case Study

Snapshot of the Exercise - Case Study

Role Play

Snapshot of the Exercise - Role Play

Scheduling Exercise

Snapshot of the prelude to Exercise - Scheduling

Situation Reaction Questionnaire

Snapshot of the Exercise - Situation Reaction Questionnaire

Sample Questions
(to give an idea of questions that are
asked in Online CPV Assessment)

Example 1: Role Play
In a Role Play, executives will be provided with a transcript of dialogue between You (a manager) and Mr. X (one of your team

The transcript will be followed by few questions with 5 options demonstrating possible way of handling such a situation.
One of the questions could be :

1. How will you ensure that his concerns are effectively addressed? What will be your final statement to influence him?
a. You will not say anything but wait for him to clarify his doubts with you. Too much of information at once will not do
any good and can further confuse him. If he raises any questions, then you will effectively / appropriately respond.
Until then you will keep the management informed about the proceedings of the meeting.
b. “I know you still have your doubts but this is natural. If this is the case with everyone, we can call for a meeting where
we also have the presence of our management. Any questions that you have can be addressed so that everyone in the
team will have a clear picture on the same. I feel this will also help to gain their commitment towards the project.”
c. You will disperse the meeting that you had with him as you have communicated whatever you wanted to say to him.
Since there is nothing more to add, you feel that you should not waste any more time and should let him get back to his
roles and responsibilities and resume concentration on his work.
d. …
e. …

You will be required to choose one of the options which best demonstrates your way of responding to such a situation.
Example 2: Situation Reaction Questionnaire
In a Situation Reaction Questionnaire, executives will be provided with a small business situation with five option responses.
Executives are required to respond to the situation by selecting best possible response out of the given five responses.

You have been on the graduate training scheme with a government department for almost six months. You joined with three
other trainees and have been working closely with them on a number of initiatives and projects. You notice a change in one of
your colleagues. He has not been his usual self for a few days now. Earlier today you think you overhead your manager talking
about him too, saying that he had not been impressed with his contribution during a recent customer meeting. You and this
colleague are due to jointly submit a piece of work for a customer in the next week and you are worried that he might not be
able to deliver on it successfully.

1. Offer to take your colleague for a coffee and ask him how he is doing, explaining that you are worried he hasn’t been
himself recently and you are worried about him.
2. Take your colleague aside and explain that you can see that he is not functioning as well as usual at the moment and offer to
deliver the majority of the work on the upcoming customer project.
3. Keep an eye on your colleague over the next few days, looking for ways to work more closely with him as you do so.
4. Tactfully approach your manager and explain that you couldn’t help overhearing what he said about your colleague and that
you think there may be something wrong.

Exercise-3 Scheduling Exercise – Sample Scenario & Question
Executive is presented with a business situation with multiple conflicting priority situations mentioned, e.g.:
A large project at hand:
- Timelines of the project reduced drastically due to government notice/ customer demand/ competition
- Issues have surfaced in one of the previously delivered consignment/ completed projects – Need for rework
- Teams need laptop to work and complete the project on time. A large order has to be placed.
- Customers have suddenly included some more new modules in the current project – requires training manpower on new technology
- Training Budgets frozen, etc.
Sample Question:
What is the most effective approach/ plan that you will choose to resolve these issues and meet the end objective?
 Adopt the following plan:
• Talk to team members and lay down their tasks and goals. You will also clearly indicate the timeline by which they need to complete them.
You will tell them that this has to be strictly followed otherwise they could face the consequences of non compliance. Tell other team
supervisors also to communicate a similar to their teams.
• You will look at using the resources effectively. You do this by asking the management to hire more resources that may be required. You also
ask team members to postpone their leaves and focus on the project, don’t accept resignations since you need them to work on the project. You
will order for more laptops even if it costs more since these are essential.
• To oversee execution you will ensure all team members report directly to your manager about what they are working on every week. You will
push team members to work faster and more efficiently. You will have in place very strict review systems that watch what they are working on
and escalate any deviation from the plan.

Example 4 : Diff. b/w Reflection & Situation Reaction Questionnaire
Reflection Situation Reaction Questionnaire (SRQ)
What? Executives are required to reflect on the work that they do at NTPC Executives are provided with simulation business situations and are asked to
and answer to questions posed to them. respond to these situations.
E.g. When your team member is faced with issues and challenges with You have been on the graduate training scheme with a government department
his/ her other team members, what is the approach you adopt? for almost six months. You joined with three other trainees and have been
1. Study/ understand the problem. Provide reassurances to team working closely with them on a number of initiatives and projects. You notice a
members to ensure he/ she doesn’t lose their morale. change in one of your colleagues. He has not been his usual self for a few days
Immediately escalate the issue to the higher ups to ensure now. Earlier today you think you overhead your manager talking about him too,
successful resolution on time. saying that he had not been impressed with his contribution during a recent
2. Study/ understand the problem. Reassure team members to customer meeting. You and this colleague are due to jointly submit a piece of
ensure he/ she doesn’t lose their morale. Analyze all the work for a customer in the next week and you are worried that he might not be
information in detail and independently make decisions on the able to deliver on it successfully.
ways to resolve it. Supervise their work to ensure alignment to 1. Offer to take your colleague for a coffee and ask him how he is doing,
goals so as to avoid the reoccurrence of issues. explaining that you are worried he hasn’t been himself recently and you are
3. Study/ understand the problem. Provide reassurances to team worried about him.
members to ensure he/ she doesn’t lose their morale. Tell your 2. Take your colleague aside and explain that you can see that he is not
team member to discuss the issues with the rest of his team functioning as well as usual at the moment and offer to deliver the majority
and urge them to decide on the way forward, to ensure that the of the work on the upcoming customer project.
ideas chose are feasible and effective. 3. Keep an eye on your colleague over the next few days, looking for ways to
work more closely with him as you do so.
4. Tactfully approach your manager and explain that you couldn’t help
overhearing what he said about your colleague and that you think there may
be something wrong.

Online CPV Assessment : Further understanding…
Online CPV Assessments do not have right / wrong answers.
• They merely judge how different people respond to similar situations. As it is, some
approaches of handling a situation are more suitable and some less suitable. Assessment is
purely an output of whether an individual’s response is best suited to the situation presented.
Online CPV Assessments are not like Aptitude Test.
• Aptitude Tests measure the cognitive (skills used to comprehend, process, remember and
apply incoming information) response of individuals; however online CPV Assessment is
aimed at measuring behavioral competencies of executives.
People who are efficient on Computers do not necessarily have an advantage.
• Online CPV Assessment purely relies on your ability to comprehend a business situation and
click on the most apt response as per you. The bias (if any), which could have crept in due to
typing of responses has been eliminated.
If the site location has low internet speed, it will not slow down the individual’s
• NTPC and Thomas Assessments will ensure that the server load is managed well. The
internet speed will not affect any individual’s assessment by any means.

FAQs for Online CPV Assessment
What is an Online CPV Assessment?
Online CPV Assessment is a process that uses multiple online assessment techniques to evaluate participants for a
variety of business purposes and decisions with the objective of assessing groups of individuals on identified
Managerial Competencies, Potential Competencies and Core Values.

How am I going to be assessed?

You will undergo an online assessment which will be a series of exercises that simulate on-the-job situations. Each
competency will be assessed by at least two different tools. Each exercise will have number of questions, each
question measuring one competency. Depending upon your responses, you will be rated on competencies on a
rating scale of 1 to 10.

What are different types of exercises on which I would be assessed?

A CPV Assessment consists of simulation exercises such as Case Studies, Business Simulations, Reflection,
Scheduling, Role Plays and Psychometrics. The simulation exercises typically replicate a work place scenario and
checks how are you likely to respond if put in such a situation. Psychometrics helps us understand your

FAQs for Online CPV Assessment
What are the parameters on which I am going to be assessed?
The assessment process is aimed to measure the managerial competencies, potential competencies and core values.

What measures can I take to prepare for online CPV Assessment?

The online CPV Assessment is focused on behavioral competencies and core values. Therefore, no study or
preparation is required for this kind of an assessment.

From which location shall I have to participate in this Online CPV Assessment?
The Online CPV Assessment shall be held at a centralized location at your site as per the schedule which shall be
notified separately.
Your site HR will inform you about the same.

How will I get to know about the results on my performance in Online CPV Assessment?
You will get a comprehensive report detailing your performance in all the exercises. Report will also consist of an
Individual Development Plan (IDP) around the identified development areas.
The IDP shall be shared after the completion of all the assessments.

FAQs for Online CPV Assessment
What happens if a participant is not able to complete a particular exercise completely? Say, out of the 5
questions in a particular case study, he/she is able to attempt only 2 in the allotted time. How will his score be
calculated? Will it be on the basis of the answers given?
In such a scenario, the attempted questions are scored as per conventional way, i.e. each option choice has a
weighted score, and depending on the response a score on a competency is calculated.
For the unattempted questions, a base rating of 1 is allotted as the rating scale moves from 1 to 10.
The time is allotted for any exercise in such a way that one can attempt the entire exercise in the given time.

Is Auto Save feature there in the system for assessment to take care of any system failure, power outage, etc.?
Yes, there is Auto Save feature built - in the system. In case exercise is stopped in between due to any unforeseen
circumstances, then the executive gets an opportunity to start the assessment from that point itself. He/ she will not
be penalized for the time and will get only remaining time for answering the rest of the assessment.

Migratory Birds at NTPC Dadri

Thank You
NTPC Ramagundam


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