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Soldie r Te am

De ve lopm ent

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Te rm in al Le arni ng
Ob je ct iv e

 Action: Identify team development

techniques to enhance unit performance

 Condition: Presentation, video clips, use of

FM 22-100

 Standard: Describe team development

principles IAW FM 22-100

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Enab li ng Le arni ng
Ob je cti ve A
• ACTION: Describe why people join groups

• CONDITION: In a classroom, given instruction about

leadership doctrine, practical exercises and group

• STANDARD: Describe the reasons why people join

groups and teams

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Why d o p eop le joi n
gr oup s

 A sense of belonging
 Association: Being known as a member
 A sense of common interests
 A sense of adventure and travel
 Attraction to other members
 A means to an end
 Money
 Acquire job skills and talents
 Set conditions for future education
 Set conditions for future career opportunities

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Enab li ng Le arni ng
Obj ec tive B
• ACTION: Define Group and Team

• CONDITION: In a classroom, given instruction about

leadership doctrine, practical exercises and group

• STANDARD: Define Group and Team

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Gr oup

A cluster, crowd, or throng; an assemblage,

either of persons or things, collected without
any regular form or arrangement; as, a group
of men or of trees; a group of isles.

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Te am

TEAM: a small number of people with

complementary skills who are committed to
a common purpose, performance goals, and
approach for which they hold themselves
mutually accountable.

(Katzenbach and Smith, The Wisdom of Teams, p. 45.)

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Di ffer en ce s b et we en
group an d t ea m

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Enab li ng Le arni ng
Obj ec tive C
 Action: Discuss the Team Building Stages

 Condition: Presentation, Class Notes,

Video Clips

 Standard: Discuss the Team Building

Stages IAW FM 22-100

Combined Arms Leadership Division

St ages of Te am
Buil ding

• Formation Stage

• Enrichment Stage

• Sustainment Stage

Combined Arms Leadership Division

For ma tion S tage
• Reception
- Welcome
- First Impression

• Orientation
- Learn about unit
-Unit Standards - Missions
- Values - History
- Goals

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Band of Brothers Film Clip
CD1 – 4:40 – 9:08

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Lea de r Act ion s
Fo rmat ion St ag e

• Listen

• Communicate

• Establish buddy system

• Set the mental state

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Enri chm ent S ta ge

• Begin to trust self and peers

• Begin to start training as a team

• Grow collectively

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Dirty Dozen Film Clip

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Lea de r Act ion s
Enr ich ment St ag e
• Train

• Establish Goals

• Establish clear lines of authority

• Give responsibility

• Develop trust
Combined Arms Leadership Division
Susta in me nt St age

• Consider unit “Their Team”

• Trust their Team

• Take Pride in Team

• Want Team to Succeed

• Able to act without being told

Combined Arms Leadership Division
Band of Brothers Film Clip

CD 3: 36:12 – 45:26

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Lea de r Act ion s
Sust ai nmen t Stage

• Continue to build internal control

- Accomplish tasks by teams
• Make Training more challenging
- Turn up the heat
- Practice and Critique
• Continue to demonstrate trust
- Use WE, OUR, US
• Before making a decision, Think about
the impact on the team

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Enab li ng Le arni ng
Ob je ct iv e D
• ACTION: Identify the two types of bonding.

• CONDITION: In a classroom, given instruction about

leadership doctrine, practical exercises and group

• STANDARD: Discuss the two types of bonding and how

they relate to unit cohesion

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Bondi ng

The development of strong interpersonal

relationships among soldiers and between
soldiers and their leaders.

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Hori zo nta l Bond ing

Trust Roles

Interdependence Individual
Combined Arms Leadership Division
Ver ti ca l Bond ing

Leaders show concern

for their soldiers
Leaders trust and D
respect each other I
Soldiers trust and are
confident in their leaders
Combined Arms Leadership Division
Enab li ng Le arni ng
Ob jec tive E
• ACTION: Identify characteristics of good teams

• CONDITION: In a classroom, given instruction about

leadership doctrine, practical exercises and group

• STANDARD: Discuss the characteristics of good teams

IAW FM 22-100 and Class Discussions

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Prac ti ca l Exe rc is e

 Top 5 CHARACTERISTICS of a good team

 Top 5 leader ACTIONS/ASPECTS that

promote team building

 Top 5 CHALLENGES leaders face with team


Combined Arms Leadership Division

Good Tea ms

 Work together to accomplish the mission

 Execute tasks thoroughly and quickly
 Meet or exceed the standard
 Thrive on demanding challenges
 Learn from their experiences and are proud of
their accomplishments

Combined Arms Leadership Division

What te am work
inc re as es. .
 Confidence
 Trust
 Competence
 Motivation
 Cohesion
 Cultural Awareness
 Equal Opportunity
 Communication abilities
 Discipline

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Le ad er Ac ti ons /
As pect s
 Pull each member into the team because you may
someday ask that person for extraordinary effort.
 Apply your interpersonal skills that transform individuals
into productive teams.
 Build and guide your team through the developmental
 Know your soldiers/team members: Each team develops
 Develop subordinates because they are tomorrow’s

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Chal len ges t o Tea m
Buil ding

 Personnel Turnover Rate

 Stabilization of Key Personnel
 Constraints on training resources
 Personal sacrifice (values)
 Diversity (Cultural, Religious, Society, etc)
 Communication (or lack of these skills)
 Lack of Interpersonal skills

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Disc ussi on Q uot e

If the leaders of the small teams that make up the

Army are competent, and if their members trust one
another, those teams and the larger team of teams
will hang together and get the job done. People
who belong to a successful team look at nearly
everything in a positive light; their winners’
attitudes are infectious, and they see problems as
challenges rather than obstacles. Additionally, a
cohesive team accomplishes the mission more
effectively than a group of individuals.
FM 22-100, 5-103

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Disc ussi on Q uot e

Your subordinates must know – must truly believe –

that they’re a part of the team, that their contribution
is important and valued. They must know that you’ll
train them and listen to them. They don’t want you
to let them get away with shoddy work or half-baked
efforts; there’s no pride in loafing. You must
constantly observe, counsel, develop, listen; you
must be every bit the team player you want your
subordinates to be– and more.
FM 22-100, 5-110

Combined Arms Leadership Division

What k ind of te am
do y ou w ant t o
have ?
 Bowling Team
 Individual efforts, combined results = TEAM

 Track Team
 Individual efforts “BEFORE” the other member can
begin = TEAM

 Football Team
 Individual efforts dependent on other members =
Malone, Small Unit Leadership, p.88

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Sum ma ry

 TLO: Identify Team Development

Techniques To Enhance Unit

 Definition of Group and Team

 Team Building Stages

Combined Arms Leadership Division

Th e Arm y Te am

“ The Army is a team. It eats, sleeps,

breathes, fights, as a team.”

GEN George S. Patton

Combined Arms Leadership Division

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