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Capital Market Theory and Asset

Pricing Models
Chapter 9

Charles P. Jones and Gerald R. Jensen,

Investments: Analysis and Management,
13th Edition, John Wiley & Sons

 Positive rather than normative
◦ Describes how investors could behave, not how
they should behave
 Focus on the equilibrium relationship between
the risk and expected return on risky assets
 Builds on Markowitz portfolio theory
 Each investor is assumed to diversify his or her
portfolio according to the Markowitz model

 Assumes all investors:  No transaction costs,
◦ Use the same no income taxes, no
information to generate inflation
an efficient frontier  No single investor
◦ Have the same one- can affect the price
period time horizon
of a stock
◦ Can borrow or lend
money at the risk-free
 Capital markets are
rate of return in equilibrium

Risk-Free Asset, Borrowing, Lending
 Risk free asset
◦ No correlation with risky assets
◦ Usually proxied by a Treasury security
 Adding a risk-free asset extends and changes
the efficient frontier
 Risk-free investing is “Lending” because
investor lends money to issuer
 With borrowing, investor no longer restricted to
personal wealth

 Risk-free asset can
L be combined with
B any portfolio in the
E(R) efficient set AB
◦ RF to T are lending
Z X portfolios
RF ◦ T to L are borrowing
A portfolios
 Portfolios on line RF
to L dominate all
portfolios below
 Risk-free investing and borrowing creates a
new set of risk-expected return possibilities
 Addition of risk-free asset results in:
◦ A change in the efficient set from an arc to a
straight line tangent to the original frontier
 Chosen (optimal) portfolio depends on
investor’s risk-return preferences

 Line from RF to L is
L capital market line
E(RM)  x = risk premium
=E(RM) - RF
 y = risk = 
y  Slope =x/y
=[E(RM) - RF]/M
M  y-intercept = RF

 Slope of CML is the market price of risk for
efficient portfolios, or the equilibrium price
of risk in the market
 Relationship between risk and expected
return for portfolio P (Equation for CML):

E(RM )  RF
E(R p )  RF  p

 Most important implications of CML
◦ The portfolio of all risky assets is the optimal
risky portfolio (called the market portfolio)
◦ The expected price of risk is always positive
◦ The optimal portfolio is at the highest point
of tangency between RF and efficient frontier
◦ All investors hold the same optimal portfolio
of risky assets

 All risky assets must be in portfolio, so it is
completely diversified
◦ Includes only systematic risk
 Unobservable but approximated with
portfolio of all common stocks
◦ In turn, approximated with S&P 500
 All securities included in proportion to their
market value

 Investors use their preferences (indifference
curves) to determine optimal portfolio
 Separation Theorem
◦ The investment decision about which risky
portfolio to hold is separate from the financing
 Investment decision does not involve investor
 Financing decision depends on investor’s

1. How do you determine the expected
return for individual securities or
undiversified portfolios?
2. How do investors determine the risk a
security will add to their portfolio?

* Solution is achieved by assuming investors

hold well-diversified portfolios
 CML only applies to markets in equilibrium
and efficient portfolios
 The security market line (SML) depicts
tradeoff between risk and expected return
for individual securities and portfolios
 Under CAPM, all investors hold the market
◦ Relevant risk of any security is, therefore, its
covariance with the market portfolio

Beta – What does it tell us?
 Standardized measure of systematic risk
 Relative measure of risk: risk of an
individual stock relative to the market
portfolio of all stocks
 Relates an asset’s covariance with the
market portfolio to the variance of the
market portfolio
Covi, M
 2
 Indicates the risk an asset will add to a well-
diversified portfolio
 Measures an asset's nondiversifiable risk
 The slope of the line formed when as asset’s
returns are regressed against the market return
 A measure of the sensitivity of an asset’s returns to
changes in the market return
 Is the relevant risk measure for well-diversified
 Beta > 1; security moves with the market only
more, security is riskier than average
 0 < Beta < 1; security moves with the market
only less
 Beta < 0; security moves counter to the market
 Market beta equals 1
 Portfolio beta is a weighted average of
individual stock betas
Company Beta
Amazon 1.35
McDonald’s 0.72
Kellogg Company 0.64
Biogen 0.59
Wal-Mart 0.87
FirstEnergy 0.30
ConocoPhillips 0.74
Delta Air Lines 1.29
Goldman Sachs 1.35
Newmont Mining -0.03
Tiffany & Co. 2.01
 Required rate of return on asset (ki) is
composed of
◦ Risk-free rate (RF )
◦ Risk premium (i [ E(RM) - RF ] )
 Risk premium adjusted for specific security

ki = RF + i [ E(RM) - RF ]
◦ The greater the systematic risk, the greater
the required return

Beta and the SML/CAPM

 Beta = 1.0 equal risk

E(R) SML to market (average)
kM B
 Securities A and B are
more risky than the
kRF market
◦ Beta > 1.0
 Security C is less
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Beta risky than the market
◦ Beta < 1.0

 Treasury bond rate used to estimate RF
 Expected market return unobservable
◦ Often estimated using past market returns
and taking a mean value
 Estimating security betas is difficult
◦ Beta is only company-specific factor in CAPM
◦ Beta estimation requires asset-specific

E(R) •


• Rrf

-0.2 0.8 1.0 1.2 eta

 Higher risk assets require higher returns
 Investors are only compensated for bearing
non-diversifiable risk
 Asset prices are not impacted by diversifiable
 Undiversified investors have an inferior risk-
expected return trade-off
 Investors determine the risk they bear; market
determines their compensation
 Market model
◦ Relates a stock’s return to the return on the
market, assumes a linear relationship
◦ Produces an estimate of return for any stock
Ri =i +i RM +ei
 Characteristic line
◦ Line fit to a security’s return relative to the
market index

RMSFT,t • • •
• •
• • Slope = rise ÷ run
= Beta
• •
• • •
• RMKT,t

Characteristic Line •
• •
 Betas change with a company’s situation
 Estimating a future beta
◦ May differ from the historical beta
 RM represents the total of all marketable
assets in the economy
◦ Approximated with a stock market index
◦ Approximates return on all common stocks

 Methods for estimating beta vary by time
period, market index, return interval, etc.
◦ Therefore, estimates of beta vary
 Regression estimates of true  and  from
the characteristic line are subject to error
 Portfolio betas more reliable than individual
security betas

Tests of CAPM
 Assumptions are mostly unrealistic
 Empirical evidence has not led to consensus
 Points widely agreed upon
◦ SML (CAPM) appears to be linear
◦ Intercept is generally higher than RF
◦ Slope of SML is generally less than theory
◦ It is likely that only systematic risk is

 Based on Law of One Price
◦ Two assets with identical future cash flow
streams cannot sell at different prices
◦ Equilibrium prices adjust to eliminate all
arbitrage opportunities
 Unlike CAPM, APT does not assume
◦ Single-period investment horizon, absence of
taxes, riskless borrowing or lending, mean-
variance decisions

 APT assumes returns generated by a factor
model that allows for more than 1 factor
 Factor Characteristics
◦ Each risk must have a pervasive influence on
stock returns
◦ Risk factors must influence expected return
and have non-zero prices
◦ Risk factors must be unpredictable to the

 Most important are the deviations of the
factors from their expected values
◦ Expected return is directly related to sensitivity
◦ CAPM assumes only risk is sensitivity to market
 Expected return-risk relationship for the APT
can be described as:
E(Ri) =RF +bi1 (factor 1 risk premium) +bi2 (factor
2 risk premium) +…+bin(factor n risk premium)

 Risk factors are not specified ex ante
◦ To implement APT model, need factors that
account for differences in security returns
 CAPM identifies market portfolio as single factor

 Studies suggest certain factors are reflected in

security returns
 Both CAPM and APT rely on unobservable

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