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• Three years ago when I was still in school something very

interesting happened to me, one morning I was on my way
to the school band rehearsal.
• It was a day like any other when suddenly I saw a small
bag on the ground with something inside, so I decided to
go near and pick it up to see what was inside.
• When I picked it up I noticed that it was an hermetic
envelope so I decided to open it and surprisingly inside it
contained weed
• I looked around looking for a possible owner, but when I
did not see any person, I decided to take that with me.
• After that I continued on my way to the rehearsal, where I
told my friends. They were amazed and found it funny, so
we decided to save it and sell it later.
• After rehearsal, my friends and I went to the Plaza de
Bolivar to play music and earn some money.
• We had been playing for half an hour, suddenly the police
came to search us. At that moment we get scared thinking
about what we have in the suitcase.
• Luckily they found nothing and left. After the scare and
with a bit of laughter, we finally decided to get rid of the
bag, throwing it in the trash and sneakily go home.

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