Handbook On Safety Measures

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Handbook on
Precautionary safety measures and guidelines for
Restarting Operations After COVID-19 Lockdown at BDx
We care for everyone..
Today, Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has affected the health and
safety of people across the world.. And the aftermath of this unprecedented situation
would lead the societies and organizations to a lot of changes in the way things
move from now on.. The effect is expected to be a long term one.. While the
concerns on the impact on demand vs supply, market and economy, liquidity, GDP
growth rates, currency fluctuations, etc. are on one side, our immediate focus is to
secure the people from health hazards and support the government and relevant
authorities to implement the recovery program effectively.
In this critical time, it is our prime responsibility to ensure health and safety of our
employees, their families and all other stakeholders. Also, we need to safeguard
business continuity by ensuring “Customer First” and viability of the business.
In this perspective, this “Restart Manual” is prepared for the benefit of our
employees, and to serve as a guidebook, when we return to our work and
Change is inevitable. Change is always for the better or progress. Change is the
“New Normal”. We need to discard jobs that do not fit the needs, change procedures
or the way we work and continue to navigate in these turbulent times. Let us work
together as “One Team One Goal” with greater speed and intensity.

COVID-19 Protection Measures for Employees

Note: In the interest of everyone, it is necessary that each employee declares required information
truthfully (health status), at the time of resumption of work.

Area Wise Activity Summary for Employees

Who should not come to company for work ?

• When an employee or his/her close contact or family member having symptom of Covid-19

• Person who visited affected area in last 21 days or in close contact with any affected person..

• Chronically ill person / pregnant woman* (subject to doctor’s advice)

During travel from home to office/work

Precautions during entry and exit at workplace

What are the precautions to be taken in working area ?

What to do in working area ?

Visitor entry at office/factory premises

Safety Measures taken by the Company

Resources Availability, Training and Monitoring (Contd..)

BDx wishes everyone a healthy and happy life..!!


Ms. Riya Amrute
Contact Details : +91 8850595796
Email Id : riya.amrute@bdxworld.com


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