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 A call centre is a centralized office used
for the purpose of receiving and
transmitting a large volume of requests by
 Typically, a call center has the ability to
handle a considerable volume of calls at
the same time, to screen calls and forward
them to someone qualified to handle
them, and to log calls.
Type of call centre

 Inbound

 Outbound
Working Environment
 Quality control
 Quality monitoring

 Call recording

 Call reporting

 All under one roof

 Workforce management software

 Tier system
 Queueing theory
 ACW (After Call Work)

 ACD (Automated Call Distribution)

 Agent performance analysis

 Automated Surveys

 Third party verification

Industry locations
 Many call centres have been built in areas that
are depressed economically. This means that the
companies get cheap land and labour, and can
often benefit from grants to encourage them to
improve employment in a given area.
 General Electric started a trend to move call
centres to India, where there is a large pool of
English-speaking people.
Call centre performance
 Average delay
 ATT (Average Talk Time)

 AHT (Average Handling Time)

 Calls/Hour

 Average waiting time

 No. of times consumers hang up in a

 Predictive dialing

 Multi-Skilled Staff

 Prioritization of Callers

 Automatic Number Identification

Additional issues in call centres
 Call Center Noise Hazards
 Planning for failure of equipment

 Need for flexibility in meal-times and

washroom needs
 Need for job variety and training

 Job exhaustion and stress

 Staff turnover
Variations on the generic call
centre model
 Remote Agents

 Temporary Agents

 Virtual Call Centres

 Interaction Centres
Call centres in India
 India has a competitive edge
 Indian IT industry is all set to grow

to $55 billion by the end of 2008

 Covers several fortune 500

 No. 1 in producing engineers

 Dell has announced that it plans to

increase its BPO headcount in

Gurgaon to 2,500 professionals over
the next 12-14 months, from the
existing 800 people
Criticism of
call centres
From Callers
 operators working from a script.
 non-expert operators (call screening).
 incompetent or untrained operators incapable
of processing customers' requests effectively.
 overseas location, with language and accent
 automated queuing systems. This sometimes
results in excessively long hold times
 complaints that departments of companies do
not engage in communication with one
From Staff
 close scrutiny by management
 low compensation

 restrictive working practices

 high stress: a common problem

associated with front-end jobs where

employees deal directly with
 repetitive job task.

 poor working conditions

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