Team 4 - Section A - Purple Crypto

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Purple Crypto

There are 3 eras of currency:

Commodity based, politically based,
and now, math-based.
– Chris Dixon
Roles of individual members

• CEO/Founder- Tushar Jain, is responsible for the overall

functioning of the company as well managing and overlooking the
individual departments of the company.
• Outside Consultant- Divesh Taneja, Oversees the technical and
legal requirements of the company.
• CFO- Tanvin Aneja, looks after the finances of the company and
finds out from where capital can be procured.
• Artificial Intelligence Engineer- Vansh Saxena, Is responsible for
converging AI with Our Cryptocurrency Exchange.
Initial budget requirements

Total Budget Required- Rs. 2,01,62,000

Budget Breakup
Cost of setting up the Exchange and AI- Rs. 1,11,12,000
Salary Plus Benefits for the Consultant- Rs. 13,00,000
Salary Plus Benefits for The AI Engineer- Rs. 7,50,000
Marketing Budget- Rs. 20,00,000
Salary plus Benefits for the Technical Teams and Executives- Rs. 50,00,000

• Transparency- There is a lack of transparency and accountability amongst the crypto sphere
and even though they claim to be decentralized, that is not true. Like traditional currencies the
power dynamics underline the negotiations and the nuances of marketing strategies can mislead
users and investors.
• Credibility- ICOs can often lead to scams, therefore the exchanges must make sure the coin
listed is reliable and a complete assessment must be done before it is listed.
• Liquidity- A lack of liquidity can make the market more volatile and prone to price slippages.
• Transactional Delays- Many times cryptocurrency exchanges tend to delay transactions if they
believe the transaction has not been authorized by the user.
• Regulation- Due to the volatile and relatively unknown nature of the cryptocurrency market a
certain level of regulation is required by regulatory authorities to put on exchanges, but not to the
extent that new companies get discouraged to enter the space.
Current situation in india

• In 2018 the Supreme Court put a ban on the use of

cryptocurrency in India, which was recently lifted in March
• Ever since the ban lift India has seen a boom of investors
interested in the crypto space, the digital wallet company
Paytm recently announced that it will allow holding
cryptocurrency in its wallet.
• According to Mint, Coinswitch Kuber a Crypto- Exchange,
over 400,000 investors have signed up in just 4 months of
operations in India.
• Globally, Cryptocurrency Exchanges have recognized the
enormous potential in Indian Markets, with global
exchanges buying or partnering with Indian Crypto
Exchanges. As in the case of Wazir X.
Use of Emerging Technologies

• Blockchain
All Cryptocurrency transactions are possible only because of Blockchain. A
blockchain is a decentralized Distributed database (ledger) that stores all
transactions that take place in the cryptocurrency space. Once a transaction is
undertaken, the transaction is transmitted to a network of computers around
the world, those computers solve mathematical equations to verify the
transaction, then only is a transaction validated( A block is added).
• Artificial Intelligence
Our Company will Use AI to automate security protocols and identify
vulnerabilities not easily detected. Artificial Intelligence can be used tackle
one of the biggest problems that Crypto Exchanges face today, i.e. Security.

• Keeping the current rising trend of cryptocurrency trend in India in mind, we

look to reach about 2,00,000 users by the Third Quarter of 2021.
• We are looking to extensively market our company at the same time make
people aware of Cryptocurrency, as cryptocurrencies are still relatively
unknown in the Indian market, but if awareness increases so will our users.
• As we are looking to scale our operations globally we will be looking to partner
up with global Cryptocurrency exchanges over the coming months.
• Once we reach our desired customer base for the year 2021 we will look to
increase our transactional cost by 10%.
• We plan to launch Purple Crypto by the Second Quarter of 2021, once our
Crypto Exchange is stable and the AI convergence is completed.
Current company scenario

• We are currently on track of launching our cryptocurrency

exchange. We have hired a consultant who is looking over all the
technological and legal challenges that we might face while
launching our exchange.
• Our Crypto Exchange will be operational by January 15, 2021. We
have decided upon a transactional fees of about 0.2% (which will
increase once we hit our user goal).
• We have hired a technology solution provider who will be looking
at the technical aspects of the operation.
• We have also brought an artificial intelligence engineer on board
who will help us in the convergence of AI with our Exchange.
• Our Consultant has also put together a team which is working on
doing market research and developing “Purple Crypto”.
Operating Activities (Rs.) (Rs.)2
Transactional Receipts 58,71,579

Salary to Employees 46,75,000

Operational Expenses 40,00,000

Net Cash From Operationg Activities -28,03,421

Cash Flow Investing Actiities

Purchase of Fixed Assets -20,00,000

(31 March
2021) Net Cash From Investing Activities -20,00,000

Financing Activities

Equity Issued 20,00,000

Short Term Debt 5,65,800

Long Term Debt 11,26,500

Net Cash From Financing Activities 36,92,300

Net Decrease in Cash 11,11,121

Next steps

• Once we accomplish in achieving all our objectives, we would further

continue to push the technical boundaries of our company. At the
same time we will strive to tackle the challenges that the
cryptocurrency market faces.
• As we grow more and more in the Indian market we will have a greater
understanding of the user and market requirements. Which will help us
achieve our ultimate goal which is to bring about a revolution in the
Indian stock market and lead the charge towards creating an economy
of the future. An economy which is very much aware of the effect
cryptocurrency will have on the world and its multiple uses.

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