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MGM 4126

Objective of the course
Learning outcomes
• Pelajar dapat;
• 1. merancang strategi pengukuhan perhubungan
harmoni antara majikan, pekerja dan kesatuan
mereka. (C5)
• 2. merungkaikan permasalahan yang timbul
antara majikan, pekerja dan kesatuan mereka.
• 3. menilai hak majikan, pekerja dan kesatuan
mereka berdasarkan akta, kes perundangan dan
isu semasa. (A3, EM)
week Topics Chapter
Week 1 Introduction To Industrial Relations Chapter 1
• the nature and goals of industrial relations
• employer and employee relationship and
their roles to each others
• Industrial Relation Act 1967

Week 2 Malaysian Industrial Relations & Employment Law Chapter 1

• The parties involved in our IR system
• Role of government in industrial relation
• Role of ministry of HR and its agencies
Kandungan kursus

Week 3 The Employment Act and Related Acts Chapter 2

• Types of status for employments
• The psychological contracts
• The individual employment contract
Week 4 The Employment Act and Related Acts Chapter 2
• Employment of Women
• Employment of Foreigner
• Children and Young Person
Employment Act

Week 5 The Social Security Laws Chapter 3

• Social Security System
• Social security Organization 1969
• Employee Provident Fund 1991 (EPF)
Week topics chapter
Week 6 The Law on Occupational Safety & Chapter 4
• The Provision Of Osha Act 1994
• Who are covered?
• the OSHA Act and protections
for employees and employers?
Week 7 Trade Unions Chapter 5
• Trade Union Act 1954 (Revised
• Why Do Workers Join Unions
• The Process Of Union Membership

Week 8 Trade Unions Chapter 5

• The Employers‘ Attitudes Towards
• Situation That Promote Non Union
• The Process For Registration And
Recognition Of TU
Week 9 Collective Bargaining Chapter 6
• Steps In CB
• The Criteria For Union Bargaining Strength
• The Issues Of Recognition And De
• Recognition

Week 10 Collective Bargaining Chapter 6

• The Collective Bargaining Process
• The Negotiation Techniques
• The Significant Of Collective
• Agreement

Week 11 Trade Disputes & Industrial Action Chapter 7

• Conditions Leading To Grievances
• Industrial Action By Employees
• Industrial Action By Employers
• Settlements Of Trade Disputes
Week 12 The Industrial Court Chapter 8
• The Role Of Industrial Court
• The Jurisdiction Of Ind Court
• The Types Of Awards By Industrial Court
Week 13 Discipline at the Workplace Chapter 9
• Types Of Disciplinary Issues At
• Managing Workplace Disciplines

Week 14 Discipline at the Workplace Chapter 9

• The Guidelines On Taking The
• Disciplinary Action
• Types Of Dismissal
Test, Assignment and Mark
Chapters Mark Week
Test 1 1,2, 3 20% Week 6

Test 2 4&5 15% Week 11

Group project Case studies 20% Week 13/14

Presentation Case studies 10% Refer to the date given

Individual 5% On going
Final exam 6, 7, 8 & 9 30%
Reference book

Available at Shopee RM56.00


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