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Lesson Support for Chapter 3

Second Read
Grade 9, Unit 1—Chapter 3
pp. 43-44

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 1
Text-Based Discussion Questions

1. Describe how the action builds during this


2. Explain Dracula’s reason for breaking the

mirror. Do you believe him? Why
or why not?

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 2
Text-Based Discussion Questions

1. Describe how the action builds during this scene.

(In the beginning the narrator, Jonathan, is shaving.

The Count appears out of nowhere and scares him.
The action builds to the climax where the Count
grabs for Jonathan’s throat but is calmed by the
crucifix. The Count breaks the mirror.)

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 3
Text-Based Discussion Questions

2. Explain Dracula’s reason for breaking the mirror. Do you

believe him? Why or why not?

(Dracula claims that the mirror is “a foul bauble of man’s

vanity,” or in other words, he says that Jonathan is being vain
and overly concerned with his appearance. It can be inferred
that Dracula gives this reason as an excuse and that he is
really covering up the fact that he does not have a reflection
in the mirror.)

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 4
Focus on Character Interactions,
pp. 43-44

In a story, interactions between characters drive the

plot and reveal the main idea or theme. Perhaps
you’ve heard the phrase, “For every action, there is a
reaction.” A character acts; another character
responds to the action. From the way a character
responds, we can infer his or her feelings and
Fill in the following organizer with the narrator’s and
Dracula’s actions and reactions during the story. The
first action is done for you.
Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 5
Focus on Character Interactions,
pp. 43-44

Narrator begins to shave.

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 6
Focus on Character Interactions,
pp. 43-44

Narrator begins to shave.

Dracula comes up behind the narrator.

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 7
Focus on Character Interactions,
pp. 43-44

Narrator begins to shave.

Dracula comes up behind the narrator.

Narrator cuts himself and bleeds.

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 8
Focus on Character Interactions,
pp. 43-44

Narrator begins to shave.

Dracula comes up behind the narrator.

Narrator cuts himself and bleeds.

Dracula’s eyes blaze and he grabs narrator’s throat.

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 9
Focus on Character Interactions,
pp. 43-44

Narrator begins to shave.

Dracula comes up behind the narrator.

Narrator cuts himself and bleeds.

Dracula’s eyes blaze and he grabs narrator’s throat.

Narrator draws away.

Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 10
Focus on Character Interactions,
pp. 43-44

Narrator begins to shave.

Dracula comes up behind the narrator.

Narrator cuts himself and bleeds.

Dracula’s eyes blaze and he grabs narrator’s throat.

Narrator draws away.

Dracula’s hand touches crucifix and his anger passes.
Dracula warns him not to cut himself and flings the mirror
out the window.
Connections, Grade 9, Chapter 3, Second Read  © Perfection Learning®  Reproduction for classroom use only. Slide 11

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