Система Противодействия Eng Covid-19

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Система противодействия covid-

Guidelines for preparing and conducting an audit


 This Guide contains the requirements of the COVID-FREE: 2020 standard,

as well as guidelines for auditing AntiCovid 19 system in organizations.
 This Guide can also be used to prepare audits for organizations.


 According to Art. 16 of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention,

1981 (No. 155): "Employers have to ensure that the workplaces, machinery,
equipment and processes under their control are safe and do not
compromise health."

 Organizations are accountable  COVID-19 infection and other

for their contributions to the infections as a result of contact
AntiCovid-19 that occurred during the
Introduction  It can be reached through
performance of work duties, it
can be considered as an
management measures to occupational disease, if this does
contain the spread of COVID-19 not contradict legal norms.

 Standard COVID-FREE:2020 defines specific

requirements and provides guidance for the
development, implementation, maintenance,
review and improvement of AntiCOVID-19

1 Application
The requirements of the standard are
universal and intended to be applied by all
organizations, regardless of the type, size or
nature of the activity, whether the public,
private or non-profit sector.

 Internet resource World Health Organization

 Internet resource International Labor
Organization (https://www.ilo.org/);
2 Normative  ISO/PAS 45005:2020 «Occupational Health
references and Safety Management – General guidelines
for safe working during the Covid-19

 Risk: possibility (low, medium, high)

 Organization : a person or group of
that employees may be infected with
people with their own functions with
COVID-19, as well as assessing the
responsibilities, authorities and
impact of this event on the activities
relationships to achieve their goals
of the organization

 Remote work: a form of employment in which employer and employee are at a

3 Terms and proper distance between each other, transmitting and receiving technical
specifications, labor results and payment by using modern communication means.

 Personal data: any information

 Insurance compensation: financial
related directly or indirectly to a
compensation paid to the insured or
specific or identifiable natural
the beneficiary upon occurrence of
person, which is provided to another
an insured event
natural or legal person or persons


 The organization should, take into consideration the specifications of the industry
as well as ensure and maintain working environment that does not have risks to
the health and safety of workers, including the risks associated with COVID-19,
and take the necessary measures to prevent these risks (ensuring physical
distance , hygiene in the workplace, periodic cleaning, etc.).

4 Management

Senior management commitment

A senior management representative must commit to ensure and maintain a work

environment during a pandemic
4 .1
Verification criteria
Confirmed document

Declaration, Senior Management Commitment, Policy, AntiCOVID-19 Program


 Senior management should
appoint a person to be responsible
for informing staff in relation to
4 Management health and safety risks (including
responsibility the risks associated with COVID-

Responsible person

Senior management should be responsible for informing stuff in relating

to health and safety risks

Confirmed document
4 .2
Verification criteria Order or decree on appointment

Informing methods

Meetings, written notice, web mailing, other


4 Management 4.3
 Top management should appoint a
person responsible for tracking
related information and actions
needed, in particular on up-to-date
information from central and local
health authorities and World Health

Responsible person

A person responsible for tracking information should be appointed

by senior management

4 .3
Verification criteria Information from international and national health organizations,
national regulations

Confirmation document

Order and decree



 Top management should provide a personal protective equipment (masks,

respirators, gloves, goggles, protective suits, etc. Providing workers with
protective equipment to prevent COVID-19 infection should be done
without discrimination.

4 Management

Responsible person

Should appoint a responsible person for :

а) determination of the required list of personal protective equipment
б) their purchase
в) stuff supply
4.4 г) storage
д) disposal of used personal protective equipment
Verification criteria
Confirmation document

Orders, instructions, purchase plans, warehouse journals, disposal contracts and more.

 Top management is responsible for
employees behavior regarding
workers who are discriminated,
intimidate other employees or
members of their families living with
4 Management

Senior management commitment

Top management is responsible for employees behavior regarding workers who are
discriminated, intimidate other employees or members of their families living with

Verification criteria
Confirmation document

Code of Ethics, Declaration, Collective Agreement, AntiCOVID-19 Program



 Top management is responsible for the health, safety,

and psychological well-being of the employee, regardless
of the working place

4 Management

Senior management responsibility

Top management should make a perfect conditions regarding the health, safety, and
psychological well-being of the employee, regardless of the place of work (switching
to flexible working hours, telecommuting, vacation, etc.)

Verification criteria
Confirmation document

Orders, decree, code of ethics, collective agreement


The organization must have a person with authority and

responsibility to control the organization's development and
implementation of the AntiCOVID-19 Program;
• Give a full tour regarding AntiCOVID-19 program ;
• Make sure that the AntiCOVID-19 system meets the
requirements of the COVID-FREE: 2020 standard;
5 Responsible for • Report on the functioning of the AntiCOVID-19 system for
AntiCovid-19 program senior management;
• interaction with the certification body.
A person who is responsible for must be provided with a right


Full Name, position, his/her authority, available resources

5 Authorized
Verification criteria
Confirmed document

Order, decree, AntiCovid 19 program

It is mandatory to conduct an interview with an authorized person while performing an audit


The organization shall take action in relation to :
A. workers who have symptoms of respiratory illness;
B. workers who have recently returned from abroad;
C. workers who are in quarantine or self-isolation after returning from abroad;
D. workers who have been in contact with a person who has a confirmed diagnosis;
E. workers who are unable to attend work due to COVID-19 reasons;
6 Actions to minimize
F. workers who have had COVID-19.
or eliminate the risks of
spreading COVID-19 All actions must be documented.

For each of the above options, if they occurred, it should be specified::

Total number of cases

Number of people, relative value (in %)

6.1 Measures taken and their number

Verification criteria
Remote work, vacation, vacation at your own expense,
sick leave, other

Supporting documents

Orders, instructions, working hours, timesheets, etc.


6.2 Actions for work/business travel

The organization should:

A. Check the up-to-date information regarding spread of COVID-19 in the territory where
the trip is planned (up-to-date information that can be found on World Health
Organization website);
B. Get the approved documents from receiving party that they are follow all needed
measures regarding COVID-19
6 Actions to minimize C. Avoid sending workers to regions where COVID-19 having a huge volume, it could
become seriously ill (for example, older workers, as well as people with chronic diseases);
or eliminate the risks of
D. Ensure that workers are going where they will have a low possibility to get a Covid-19.
spreading COVID-19 Brief on the risks of infection and precautions, and also have the necessary protective
E. Make sure that employees know what to do and where to go if they get sick while
F. Mare sure that the workers are following all the rules including restrictions on travel,
movement and mass gatherings

For each business trip it is necessary to indicate :

Epidemiological situation

Region and current epidemiological situation (information

from official sources of local health authorities)

6.2 Business trips Number of workers on a business trip

Verification criteria
Must be mentioned an actual number of people


Date and who gave the briefing and supporting


6.3 Actions in relation to visitors

The organization should determine who can visit the organization and for what purposes and
eliminate the risk infection of employees in the organization, such as: limit the time spent in
the organization
A. Limit the amount of employees who need to contact with a visitor/s;
B. Providing an information regarding respiratory symptoms , physical contact who were
infected with COVID-19, and more;
6 Actions to minimize C. providing information on self-isolation, if the visitor has recently been in an area with a
high risk infection.
or eliminate the risks of
spreading COVID-19


Actions taken in relation to visitors

6.3 Visitors
Verification criteria
Confirmed document

Journal of attendance, records of visits, meetings with the involvement of third

parties, information about visits with respiratory symptoms

6.4 Actions in relation to customers and suppliers

The organization must ensure that customers and suppliers are taking action to
combat with COVID-19.
6 Actions in relation to
customers and

Actions taken
6.4 Customers and
suppliers Documents from customers and suppliers confirming that they are taking the
necessary measures to combat with COVID-19: contracts, AntiCOVID program, self-
Verification criteria

6.5 Remote work

6 Actions in relation to
customers and
suppliers Before moving an employee to work at home, the organization must decide:
A. whether this function can be performed remotely;
B. whether there are proper resources;
C. whether the necessary conditions are met
A teleworker should be covered by insurance compensation unless otherwise specified in
the relevant acts of national legislation.
The organization should develop and document a remote work procedure for all types of

List all functions of the organization

For each of the functions should be specified as follows

- can this function be performed remotely?

- are there proper resources?
- have the necessary conditions been met?
6.5 Remote work
Verification criteria
Confirmation document

- How to work remotely

- Protocols, orders

6.6 Alternative arrangements for work

If it is impossible to perform work remotely, the organization must:

A. reduce the duration and distance of physical interaction
B. establish a rotation of employees;;
C. put aside related events which non-essential and reduce critical needs
D. introduce shift work or expand the scope of its application.

6 Actions in relation to The organization should document the taken actions and notify workers.
customers and The measures taken should not be in conflict with applicable national legislation.

List functions that cannot be performed remotely

An alternative work organization should be identified for each of these functions.

6.6 Alternative
Verification criteria

Photos of the working areas , orders, instructions, working hours, the journal of the
3 Соблюдаются
arrival and departureли необходимые
of workers, условия?
the journal of the shifts , etc.

The organization should take into consideration the geographical location of

the organization, the industry (sector) of the economy, types of work and job
responsibilities that entail different levels of risk (low, medium or high), as well
as the age and existing diseases of employees..
During the risk evaluation you need to consider :
• The possibility of being infected (transmission method, contact with an infected
person or infected objects).
• The negative health impact (age, chronic illness and physical condition).
Risk evaluation The level of risks should serve as a foundation for making decisions regarding
the measures specified in p.6 of this standard.

Low risk of infection – types of work and work responsibilities that do not
involve frequent and close contact with the public and other workers,
visitors, customers, customers or outside contractors, and do not require
contact with persons with known or suspected COVID-19.
Medium risk of infection – types of work and work responsibilities that
involve frequent and close contact with the public, other workers, visitors,
customers, customers, or outside contractors, but do not require contact
7 Risk evaluation with persons with known or suspected COVID-19.
High risk of infection – types of work and work responsibilities that involve
frequent and close contact with persons with an established or suspected
COVID-19, as well as contact with objects and surfaces on which the virus
may be present.

The degree of infection probability should be determined based on:

Low risk of infection – types of work and work responsibilities that do not involve frequent and close contact
with the public and other workers, visitors, customers, customers or outside contractors, and do not require
contact with persons with known or suspected COVID-19.
Medium risk of infection – types of work and work responsibilities that involve frequent and close contact with
the public, other workers, visitors, customers, customers, or outside contractors, but do not require contact with
persons with known or suspected COVID-19.
High risk of infection – types of work and work responsibilities that involve frequent and close contact with
persons with an established or suspected COVID-19, as well as contact with objects and surfaces on which the
virus may be present.

7 Risk evaluation .
Workers with a high-risk of infection
Verification criteria
Action should be taken for workers over 55 years of age and with
chronic diseases


AntiCOVID-19 program

The organization must ensure the protection of

personal data obtained to take measures to
Anti COVID-19 from unauthorized access to them
such as: destruction, alteration, blocking,
copying, providing, distribution or from other
8 Personal information illegal actions.

Receiving as well as protection of personal data

must be carried out in accordance with national

Legislative provisions

Legislative provisions regulating the protection of personal data in organization

8 Personal information
Verification criteria

AntiCOVID-19 program , section 8


The organization have to develop and execute the AntiCOVID-19 program.

The program should get an approval only after discussion with employees of the

The implementation of the Program is mandatory for all employees of the

9 AntiCOVID-19

AntiCOVID-19 program

Analysis :
- regarding full information
9 AntiCovid-19 program - regarding to match with a standard
Verification criteria - regarding relevance
- regarding availability

Based on the situation of the Program, the organization have to develop measures
to implement the Program.
For each event must be established :
A. necessary resources;
10 Activities planning B. Responsible person;
for the implementation C. deadlines.
of the Program
The developed measures and selected preventive measures must be reviewed and
adjusted in case of changes in local epidemiological trends, detection of COVID-19
cases in the workplace, or non-compliance with established requirements by
employees, visitors, customers or customers.

Action Plan

10 Event planning
Verification criteria Analysis of the Action Plan:
- Has a responsible person for the implementation of the activity been appointed?
- Are deadlines established?
- Are resources identified?

On a regular bases, at least once a quarter, the authorized person must draw up
a report on completed activities.

Based on the provided report, in case of resumption, suspension, change of the

order of work, making an adjustments on working conditions, a decision is
10 Report made to correct the Program and develop an appropriate measures.

The organization have to collect relevant documented information as evidence

of the taken actions to AntiCOVID-19.

Reporting on the implementation of activities

11 Report
Verification criteria Analysis of the report on the implementation of the Action Plan

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