Biological Characteristic Environmental Factors Org. & Individual Factors

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Biological Environmental Org. & Individual

Characteristic Factors Factors
 Ability : Intellectual and Physical ability
 Marital Status
 Psychological factors
 Environmental Factors: Economical. Political, Cultural and
 Organizational Factor
Increasing Age

0Commitment to quality   
0Strong Work Ethics 0Inflexible
0Less Turnover 0Resistant to new
0Low Absenteeism Technology
0Job Satisfaction 0Do not change.
0Loyalty 0Always not ready
0Trustworthiness To learn from
0Accumulation of pension Younger people.
Benefits, Paid vacation,
Higher wage rates so


Female are more willing to confirm

Male are aggressive
to authority
They are more likely then women
They prefer flexi-hours ,part time
To have expectations of success.
Jobs & telecommunication.

Have same problem solving ability,
Have same analytical skills
Have same competitive drive, motivation
Have same sociability & learning ability.
Job quit rate are similar.
Job Productivity
Job Positive attitude
Better acquaintance
Directly with Principles, rules,
Seniority Related regulations.
Favorable attitude.
Less turnover
Less absenteeism
High Job satisfaction
High Amount of Knowledge increase your ability

High Education` High Expectation

Marital Status
Less absenteeism
Responsibility of Family More satisfaction
Less turnover
High productivity
Dimension Description
Number aptitude Ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic
Verbal Comprehension Ability to understand what is read or heard
and the relationship of words to each other.
Perceptual speed Ability to identify visual similarities and
differences quickly and accurately
Inductive reasoning Ability to identify a logical sequence in a
problem and then solve the problem
Deductive Reasoning Ability to use logic and assess the
implications of an argument.
Spatial visualization Ability to imagine how an object
would look if its position in space
were changed
Memory Ability to retain and recall past
½ 3  
Strength Factors:
Dynamic strength Ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or
continuously over time.
Trunk strengths Ability to exert muscular strength using the
trunk ( particularly abdominal) muscle.
Static strength Ability to exert force against external objects
Explosive strength Ability to expend a maximum of energy in
one or a series of explosive acts.
½  | 
Individuals mental characteristics & attributes
Impacting factors are
0 Perception

0 Personality

0 Attitude

0 Values.

 Economic Conditions:-
1 Employment Level
2 Economic outlook
3 Technological changes
 Political Situations
High Investment
Stable Job Security + High Expectation
Low Investment
Unstable Less Job Security + No Expectation
Culture made of factors like basic belief, values,
work ethics, need for achievement.
Organizational Factor :-
1. Physical Facilities

2. Organizational structure & design

3. Leadership style

4. Reward system.
It is any relatively permanent change in behavior
that occurs as a result of experience .
1. Learning involves change maybe good or bad.

2. Permanent change

Learning takes place when there is change in

Exp:- To teach dogs to salivate in response to the ringing of a ball.
Russian Physiologist Ivan Pavlon.
Year Early 1900s
Meat Salivation
(Unconditional Stimulus) ( unconditioned Response)

Bell No.Salivation.
(Conditional Stimulus ) (unconditioned Response)

Meat+Bell Salivation
(Unconditional Stimulus ) (unconditioned Response)

After some time

Bell Salvation
(Conditional Stimulus ) (conditioned Response)
Learning a conditioned Response involves Building up an
association between a conditional stimulus & Unconditional
Human beings are more complex than dogs but less amenable to
simple cause and effect relationship.
Behavioral environment in organizations is also complex.
Human decision making process being complex in nature makes
it possible to override simple conditioning.
Operant Conditioning:
Conditioning:- By skinner .
Behavior is a function of its consequence which may be Positive
or negative.
Pleasant or likely outcome Repetition of Behavior.
Improves Behavior by positive or negative consequences.
Social Learning
direct Exp., Observing, Other·s experience.
Learning by:-
by:- Parents , teachers, peers, friendly , relative,
motion picture, etc.
It is expansion of operant learning. Behavior is a function
of consequences.
Personality Play Important role in learning
Some Psychologist believe operant & classical both do not fit
Cognition means individual·s thoughts , knowledge, interpretation ,
understandings or views about oneself & his/her environment.
Let us first understand what cognition means. Cognition refers to
an individual·s thoughts, knowledge, interpretations,
understandings or views about oneself, and his/her
environment. Based on it, cognitive theory argues that the
person tries to form his/her cognitive structure in memory,
which preserves and organizes all information relating to the
events that may occur in learning situation.
1. Attention process ² They should pay attention
a) Attractive
b) repeatedly available
c) Important to us
d) Similar to us in our estimation
2 Retention Process ² able to retain when not readily available.
3 Process- observing converted action
Motor Reproduction Process-
4 Reinforcement Process = Motivation for modeled behavior by
positive incentives or rewards.

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