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HI5002- Finance for Business

Interactive Tutorial Session 2- Topic 1

Introduction to Finance to Business

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Topic 1: Introduction to Finance for Business

Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?

Question 2: What are four essential types of business in Australia?
Question 3: What is the goal of a finance manager?
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions,
securities markets and securities instruments?

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Topic 1: Introduction to Finance for Business


French word

Resources of Engage in
Money, cash, business, government financial Provide money -
payment & individuals transactions Investments

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?

Fundamental financial questions

What Long-term How to raise money How to manage

investments? to fund investments? cash flow?

Working capital
Capital budgeting Capital structure

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?

What Long-term How to raise money How to manage

investments? to fund investments? cash flow?

Working capital
Capital budgeting Capital structure

Analyses Time Selects

High free cash flow(FCF)
Financial manager For each opportunity generating project

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?
Capital budgeting = decision making on investment in a long term asset
(non-current assets)

Numerical formula for Free Cash Flow =

Earnings Amortization Change in

before Interest and Net Working
and Taxes Depreciation Capital

FCF = f (Size, Timing, Risks)

Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?

What Long-term How to raise money How to manage

investments? to fund investments? cash flow?

Working capital
Capital budgeting Capital structure

Debt (D)

Equity (E)
Firm decides on(A)
Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?

Capital structure: decision making on what type of funding the company should use

Capital loan
Debt (D)
with fixed
obligations Issue

Corporation’s earnings
Equity (E)
shares Issue
Capital structure: Debt Funding + Equity Funding (Non-current liabilities and Equity)

Debt (D) Equity (E)

Optimize between debt and equity To fund projects

Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?

What Long-term How to raise money How to manage

investments? to fund investments? cash flow?

Working capital
Capital budgeting Capital structure


Firm decides on Cash Inventory

Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?

Working Capital Management: Decision making on daily operating activities

(current assets and current liabilities)
Balance Sheet

Assets Liabilities

Current assets Net Working Capital = Current liabilities

Cash Current assets – Short-term debt
Inventory Current Liabilities Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
Long term debt
Long term assets
Shareholder’s equity
Question 1: What are three important questions of corporate finance?

Note down: How three important questions of corporate finance related to the areas of a company’s
balance sheet
Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 2: What are four essential types of business in Australia?

Limited Liabilities Corporation

Sole trader Partnership Company

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 2: What are four essential types of business in Australia?

Limited Liabilities Company Corporation

Sole Trader Partnership
(Private) (Public)

Advantages: Advantages: Advantages: Advantages:

• Easiest to start • Two or more owners • Two or more owners • Limited liability
• Least regulated • More capital available • More capital available • Unlimited life
• Single owner keeps all • Relatively easy to start • Limited liability • Separation of ownership and
the profits • Income taxed once as • Unlimited life governance.
• Taxed once as personal personal income. Disadvantages: • Transfer of ownership is easy
income. Disadvantages: • Limited non-employee • Easier to raise capital.
Disadvantages: • Unlimited liability shareholders (50) • A large number of
• Limited to life of owner • General partnership • Difficult to transfer ownership. shareholders.
• Equity capital limited to • Limited partnership • Complicated dissolution Disadvantages:
owner’s personal wealth • Partnership dissolves when • More financial reporting • Divergence of objectives
• Unlimited liability one partner dies or wishes between owner and
• Difficult to sell to sell governance executives.
ownership interest. • Difficult to transfer • Taxation of company profits
ownership. can be an issue.
Two forms: • Complicated reporting and
 General A legal person
 Limited A legal person
Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 2: What are four essential types of business in Australia?
Private Company Public Company
Business Form Sole Trader Partnership (LLC) (Corporation)
Owner One Up to 20 in Australia Up to 50 non-employee Unlimited
LP: At least 1 GP shareholders

Legal Status Owner is the business Owners are the business Legal Person Legal person

Liabilities Unlimited Unlimited for GP Limited Limited

Limited for LP
Life Limited Limited Unlimited Unlimited
Regulation Less Less More Much more with reporting &
disclosure requirements

Access to capital Limited Limited More Unlimited

Taxation PAYG PAYG Corporate Tax Corporate Tax

GST if sales > $75,000 GST if sales > $75,000 GST GST

Transfer Difficult Difficult Difficult Easy on securities market

Note down: comparison of business types using 8 criteria

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 3: What is the goal of a finance manager?

Goal of a finance manager

Profit maximization

NO !!!!!!!
Note down: why profit maximization cannot be the goal of financial management?

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 3: What is the goal of a finance manager?
Goal of a finance Profit maximization

Drawback of profits

Not actual cash Ignore timing of CFs

Ignore risk
flows (Current and Future)

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 3: What is the goal of a finance manager?

Goal of a finance Maximize

manager company value

Yes ! Yes! Yes!

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 3: What is the goal of a finance manager?

Good Poor

Increase firm Financial Decrease firm

market value decision market value

Goal of financial management Maximise market value of shareholders

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?

Money has a time


5 basic
Individuals respond principles of There is a risk-
to incentives finance return trade-off

Market prices Cash flows are

reflect information source of value

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?

Money has a time

value $1 $1
Today After one year
5 basic
Individuals respond principles of There is a risk-
to incentives finance return trade-off

r = 5%
Interest $1 after 1 year = 1+1*0.05 =
Market prices Cash flows are
reflect information source of value

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?

Money has a time

Additional risk
Basic taken when
Individuals respond principles of There is a risk- additional
to incentives finance return trade-off return expected

Market prices Cash flows are

reflect information source of value Higher risk, higher expected return

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?

Money has a time


Expected return
return for
5 basic
taking on
Individuals respond principles of There is a risk- added risk
to incentives finance return trade-off

return for
Market prices Cash flows are Risk
reflect information source of value

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?

Money has a time

value Actual
5 basic
Individuals respond principles of There is a risk-
to incentives finance return trade-off
Profit in
Reality no

Market prices Cash flows are

reflect information source of value

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?

Money has a time

Financial decisions
Managers decisions
to consider
5 basic
Individuals respond principles of There is a risk-
to incentives finance return trade-off

Market prices Cash flows are Incremental Cash

reflect information source of value Flows

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?

Money has a time Higher

Good share
news prices

5 basic
Individuals respond principles of There is a risk-
to incentives finance return trade-off

Bad Lower
news share

Market prices Cash flows are

reflect information source of value

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 4: What are the five basic principles of finance?

Money has a time


Shareholder’s Manager’s Self

Basic interest decision interest
Individuals respond principles of There is a risk-
to incentives finance return trade-off

Incentives not Agency cost /

aligned to Principal – agent
shareholder’s problem / Agency
Market prices Cash flows are interest problem
reflect information source of value

Applieddown: Howforcorporations
Business Statistics Managers apply this principle in mitigation of agency cost Holmes Institute
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Financial market place

Financial market functions

Channel funds from Evaluation of Efficient trading

savers to borrowers securities platform
Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?
Financial institutions –
traditional classification

Banks Non-bank

Insurance companies
Commercial banks
Financial corporations

Securities companies
Deposit taking institutions
Investment funds

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Commercial Bank

that help public

companies issue
shares or bonds
They are
securities dealer

Note down: How investment banks are different from commercial banks
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Holmes Institute
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?
Classification of
Australian Financial

Authorised Non-ADI
Insurers &
Deposit- taking Financial
Superannuation Funds
Institutions (ADIs) Institutions

Financial Securitizers &

Investment other Financial Auxiliaries
Funds intermediaries

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
The Ellen Shows: Ellen explains stock market

For the first time ever, Bill Gates sat down with Ellen, and he chatted about
becoming a young billionaire, the trampoline room in his house, and the
outstanding work he's doing with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Types of securities market

Primary markets

Secondary markets
Securities market

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?
Types of Primary Market

Public investors

Company issues new securities to public for the first time – IPO
Proceeds from securities selling go directly to the public company
Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?
Types of Secondary Market


Securities are exchanged between investors. Proceeds from securities

transactions go from one to another investors
Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?
Secondary Market (OTC and Exchange markets)

Allows investors to No new funds Transfer of Facilitates

buy and sell raised, no direct ownership from marketability,
previously owned or impact on original one investor to valuation and
existing securities issuer of security another liquidity of assets

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Dealers Market (OTC) Auction Market (Exchange)

Money Market (short term) Capital Market (long term)

Securities market

Underlying Market Derivatives Market

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?
Dealers Auction Market
Market (OTC) (Stock Exchange)

Wholesale secondary Market Retail secondary

Dealers with each other Securities trade Public investors through brokers

Facilitated in OTC market Transactions Through electronic trading system

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Money Capital
Market Market

Short term security instrument with Terms of Long term security with
1 day to < 1 year maturity security > 1 year maturity

High Liquidity High or low

Not a market place, informal network Organized & electronic trading

of banks and traders Network system, central settlements through
clearing houses & depository centres

Treasury bills, eurodollar deposits, Shares, bonds, investment fund units

repurchase agreements Examples and derivatives

Institutions and individuals with Suppliers of Public investors, firms, securities

highest liquidity & lowest risk funds dealers with diversified liquidity & risks
Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?
Underlying Derivatives
Market Market

Derivatives like future contracts or

Underlying assets and securities options derived from underlying
traded, capital and banking market assets or securities

Home loan and ordinary shares

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Stock Market Rap BY Smart Songs

Jan 4, 2010

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Stock market Public market for


Shares Investment units /

Bonds Derivatives

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

What is a security instrument
Financial claim

Stocks Bonds Investment Fund Units Derivatives

relationship issuer Investment
Publicly-traded portfolio Rights through
corporation financial contracts

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Types of securities

Equity security Debt security Investment units /


Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Equity security

Represents share
Also called as
ownership of Two types
shares and stocks

Ordinary shares Preference shares

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Debt security

Issued by
corporations, Represents fixed
based on maturity
financial institutions financial claim
or government

Maturity period Named Issued in

< 1 year Bills Money market

1 – 10 years Debentures & notes Capital market

> 10 years Bonds Capital market

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

The difference between stocks and bonds

The Fast Draw's easy explanation of stocks and bonds ...
By CBS Mar 7, 2011

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Question 5: What are the types of financial institutions, securities
markets and securities instruments?

Investment units /

Based on type of
funds, certain
number of shares
ownership positions
or investment
at the fund
are issued

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Stock Market Returns - Funny Video
By Travel Mi Dec 2, 2020

Holmes Institute
Applied Business Statistics for Managers
Topic 1: Introduction to Finance for Business

Now you have got the answers for the questions:

1. What are three important questions of corporate finance?

2. What are three essential types of business in Australia?
3. What is the goal of a finance manager?
4. What are the five basic principles of finance?
5. Who and what are there on financial market place?

It is time for a quiz with MCQs which can help with your
online test in Week 5!!!

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