The United States of America: Dystopia: Eshkar Kaidar-Heafetz

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The United States

of America:
Eshkar Kaidar-Heafetz
America is one of the largest, most powerful
countries in the world, constantly boasting a
“history of democracy.” While our politicians
love to tell us our country is heaven, it is, in
reality, the dystopia we read about. The
United States engages in:
- Conservative economic programs
- Claiming equality in social status
- Imperialism
- Military values
- Leadership principle
- Violence
- Mass mobilization
- Extreme nationalism
- Education as character building
- Scapegoating
The traits of a dystopian society which we fear.
(I will be covering 5 of these)

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How does the U.S.
engage in this?

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The United States has become
more conservative
• After the end of the presidency of Ronald Reagen, the
Conservative economic economic system of the United States has greatly erred
towards that of “Trickle down economics.”

programs • The United States spends significantly more money

within the military budget than education, social
services, healthcare, infrastructure, and energy
 ”Low taxes, reduced government spending and combined.
minimal government debt. Deregulation, free trade,
privatization and tax cuts are its defining qualities.” • Attacks towards social service programs such as
Medicare and Food stamps are constant and annual.

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Conservative economics towards dystopia

The United States utilizes conservative economic polities in

order to reduce any possibility of government
interventionism, ceding it to multibillionaire corporations
who only stand to gain from immoral actions

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Claiming equal status to all those
under its sovereignty
• The United States has constantly pushed the premise of
“Liberty and Justice for all” despite having a deep-
rooted history and present of racism.
• Not only racism, but every aspect of life is
disproportionately worse for women and people of
• The individual rights and freedoms of people of color
are continuously violated at an unequal rate, with black
people often lacking due process and equal access to the
criminal justice system
• Despite all that, our government officials still continue
to claim the U.S. is not only a land of the free, but an
equal land to all of its citizens

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False equality towards dystopia

The United States utilizes its claim of false equality to draw millions to the
U.S. every year, trapping many in systems of modern slavery, claiming their
punishment is not only deserved, but necessary. This allows the government
to justify its actions, continuing their war on equality

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The United State’s imperialism is unmatched

• The United States has the third most colonies in the

world, third only to France and the UK
• The US’s imperialistic reaches are wide-spread, with
footholds in everywhere from Europe to Asia to the
Middle East.
• Before the end of 1940, the U.S. owned over 100
unclaimed islands
• During 1840, the U.S. claimed over one third of Mexico
• The U.S. utilizes the IMF and world bank in order to
influence world economies

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Imperialism towards dystopia

The United States utilizes political and economic power in order to

abuse the international system for its own gain. Not only that, but its
immoral use of the IMF and World Bank has trapped millions of
innocents in cycles of inescapable poverty in order to enrich one of the
richest countries in the world.

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Military Value

• The United States glorifies its military,

valuing the “protection of the military”
above any economic priority
• Military recruitment videos glorify
serving, treating the life within its
branches as that of a movie
• A guesstimate of US military bases and
asset values equals over 12 trillion dollars
• While the U.S. claims to value its military,
veteran’s treatment is failing

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Military Value towards dystopia

The United States utilizes its powerful and under-cared for military in order
to gain and maintain political prowess, threatening death and destruction
against those who oppose it. This is integral to dystopias, as they force other
countries into fearing them, allowing themselves to expand and kill further

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Extreme nationalism

• With alt-right groups on the rise, Extreme

nationalism is at an all time high
• The United States conditions extreme nationalism
through not only its army, but everyday rituals such
as the pledge of allegiance
• The U.S.’s extremist mindset over nationalism
creates a refusal for possible change such as
socialist movements and liberal reforms

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Conservative economics towards dystopia

Extreme nationalism is the basis to any dystopia, creating large

swaths of brainwashed, unknowing public support for horrendous,
immoral actions while simultaneously silencing those who dare to
speak against it.

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1. "Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2021, by race", Statista, May 3, 2021,
2. Siddique, Ashik and Koshgarian, Lindsay, "Trump's FY2020 Budget Request Bloats Militarized Spending—and Slashes Actual
Human Needs," National Priorities Project,
3. Brennan, Liam, "
serve/2019/11/08/2c105b48-0183-11ea-9518-1e76abc088b6_story.html," Washington Post, November 2019
4. Hoole, Elisabeth, "Rostra Economica – Neocolonialism: the role of the IMF and the World Bank",, September 2019
6. National Partnership for Women and Families, "America’s Women and the Wage Gap," March 2021
7. Petrella, Christopher, "The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters",
matters/, November 2017

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