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I am Mary Ann
Theresa Larroza
Let’s have a nice
discussion as we
go along the
vLeadership is
through Education
and Experience
Leadership and
measuring its
Leadership is developed
through Education and

Leadership and

learning are
indispensable to each

 John F. Kennedy


 Making the most of experience is the key to

developing one’s leadership ability.

 Leadership development depends not

just on the kinds of experiences one has
but also on how ne uses them to foster

 People learn more from their experiences
when they spend time thinking about them
(Kolb 1983)

 Leadership development is enhanced
when the experience involves three
different processes: action,
observation and reflection

 leadership development through

experience is the result of repeated
movement through all the three
phases (spiral experience)

 A study of successful executives found that one key
quality that characterized them was “ an extraordinary
tenacity in extracting something worthwhile from their
experience and in seeking experiences rich in
opportunities for growth” (McCall, Lombardo, & Morrison,

 Always check on small things”(Powel 1995).He

emphasized the situational importance of a leader’s
attention to detail, especially during moments of stress,
confusion and fatigue, when mistakes may most likely
to happen. One of the keys to his success was his ability
to keep learning throughout his career.
 Diagram
What skills will a successful leader need in 2010?
Identified critical leaders in 2002 need to be
successful in 2010

Cognitive ability-both raw Personal and organizational

“intellectual horsepower ” and communication skills
mental agility the ability to be influential

Strategic thinking, especially and persuasive with different

with regard to global groups
competition The ability to manage in an

Analytical ability, especially environment of diversity-

the ability to sort through managing people from different
diverse sources of information cultures, genders, generations
and sort out what’s most to ability to delegate

important effectively
The ability to make good sound the ability to indentify.

decisions in an environment of attract, develop and retain

ambiguity and uncertainty talented people
The ability to learn from


 Experience is no just a matter of what events

happen to you; it also depends on how you
perceive those events. Perception always
affects the three phases of the action-
observation-reflection model. Humans are not
passive recorders of experiences but actively
shape and construct their experiences.
Perception and observation
 Phase
Observation and perception are passive processes that both deal
with attending to events around us.

 Both seem to take place spontaneously and effortlessly.

 The fallacy of the perception that the eye operates essentially like
a film in a camera is that it assumes we attend to all aspects of
situation equally.

 In a leadership situation, we do not see or hear everything. We are

selective in what we attend to and what we in turn perceive.

 Perceptual set influence any of our senses, and they are the
tendency or bias to perceive one thing and not another.

 It’s not what we don’t know
that hurts,It’s what we know
that ain’t so.

 Will



Causes of common error:
 Overlooking “of” because of the “v” sound-
unconsciously making the task as an auditory
search and listen to the sound of “F” rather than
looking for the shape of “F”

 listening to the sound is a counterproductive

perceptual set and having read the passage
several times exaggerates the tendency

 the first task is to read the passage several times

small words like “of” disappears from our
perceptual set and when the next task comes of
counting, we have already defined in our minds
that it is a reading task, so “f” is not there to
Stereotypes about gender,
race, etc represents
powerful impediments to
learning since they
function as filters which
distort one’s observational
 Perception and Reflection
 Perceptual sets influence what we
attend to or do not attend to, what
we observe or do not observe.
Perception influences the next stage
of the spiral of experience-reflection.
Perception is inherently an
interpretative, or a meaning-making,

 On the other hand, according to Miller and Ross; the tendency

to make external attributions or blaming others or the
situation for ones failure yet make internal attributions for
ones success reflects self-serving bias.

 Jones and Nisbett identified another factor that affects

attribution. This is the actor/observer difference. It refers
to the fact that people who are observing an action are much
more likely than the actor to make the fundamental
attribution error.

 Reflection does not only involve perception and

attribution but as well as evaluation and judgment.
Perception and Action

Perception also affects actions we take.

Mitchell, Green, & Wood’s … found out that
supervisors were biased toward making
dispositional attributions about a subordinate’s
substandard performance and, as a result of
these attributions, often recommended that
punishment be used to remedy the deficit.
 Self-fulfilling prophecy - occurs when our
expectations or predictions play a casual role in
bringing about the events we predict. This occurs
at the interpersonal level too.
 A person’s expectation about another may influence
how he acts toward her, and in reaction to his
behavior she may act in the way that confirms his
expectations (Jones 1986).
 Having positive or negative expectations about
others can subtly influence our actions, and these
actions can, in turn, affect the way others behave.


 Reflection provides leaders with a variety of

insights into how to frame problems
differently, look at situations from multiple
perspectives, or better understand

Single-and Double-Loop
 Single-Loop Learning describes a kind of

learning between the individuals and the kind

of environment in which learners seek
relatively little feedback that may significantly
confront their fundamental ideas or actions.
 Argyris(1976) used single-loop learning because
it operates somewhat like a thermostat;
individuals learn only about subjects within the
“comfort zone” of their belief systems.

 Double-loop Learning involves a willingness to confront
one’s own views and an invitation to others to do so
 It springs from an appreciation that openness to
information and power sharing with others can lead to
better recognition and definition of problems, improved
communication, and increased decision-making
 It’s learning how to learn. Through reflection leaders
learned how to change leadership styles by questioning
their assumptions about others, their roles in the
organization, and their underlying assumptions about
the importance of their own goals and those of the
Leadership Development Dilemmas for
(Ohlott, 1999
Wholeness and Authenticity-job demands had forced their lives to become
one-dimensional; giving up important part of themselves such as; being
creative, friendly, musical, athletic etc. Ignoring some part of them in order
to succeed

Clarity- developing clarity about own strengths, weaknesses, values, needs,

priorities, and goals as leaders

Connection- concern in the degree on interpersonal connectedness with

others, desire for closer friendship and family ties but felt isolated with few
confidants of either gender

Control-the need to feel more comfortable in exercising authority and the

need to deal differently with organizational situations, the desire to be more
politically sophisticated
The Relevance of women’s Personal
Experiences to Effectiveness (Rutherman,
Ohott, their Leadership Panzer & King 2002)

 Opportunities to enrich interpersonal skills-

 Psychological benefits
 Emotional support and advice
 Handling multiple tasks
 Personal interests and background
 Leadership opportunities

Thinking Frames and Multiple
 Perspectives
Thinking Frames refer to the tactics and strategies people use
to organize their thinking and to construe the meaning of
events (Perkins 1986).
 These are the mental tools which may or may not be useful,
just as a hammer or saw depending on the task on hand.
Thinking frames represent limits on the ways we can operate
on our environment.
 Leadership development can be thought of as a process of
developing more complex and differentiated frames for
organizing ones thinking (consequently actions) about
 Theories and definitions of leadership can give different frames
or perspectives in interpreting leadership situations, which
may help in influencing others to achieve educational goals.
 Crucibles” of experience- developmentally rich
situations (Bennis & Thomas 2002)

There are two developmental factors that is

important to leaders and leaders-to-be, that make

any given experience potent in fostering
managerial growth:
 The people you work with and the characteristics
of task ( Kouzes & Posner, 1987; Lombardo &
Eichinger, 1989).

The People You Work With

 The people you associate with can stimulate

development in many ways. Kouzes and
Posner (1987) noted the diverse ways others
nurture our growth:
 Others play an especially important role in
personal and professional development at
work. A boss, especially who is a very good or
very bad can be a powerful catalyst for
growth. Exceptional bosses are vivid examples
of how (or how not) put values into action.

 Working with others who have different backgrounds,

perspectives, or agendas can often be a growth experience.
 Working with problem subordinates can stimulate managerial
 Different management skills are called on when you must
make major changes to group or project such as downsizing
it, restructuring it, or starting it from scratch (Lombardo &
Eichinger, 1989).]

 You can learn about effective and ineffective leadership by

paying attention to the positive and negative models
around you or beyond your immediate boss.

 Close association with experienced person who is

willing to take you under his wing (mentor).
 . Typically mentoring relationship is informal. Both benefit
in this process
 The mentors benefit by greater influence they accrue by
having former mentored in various positions across the
organization, having a younger replacement ready to
fill their position if they are promote (Bass, 1990)
 the mentoree benefits by gaining influential ally and by
learning about subtler aspects of organizational ethics,
influence, and leadership; are more career
opportunities (Whitely, Dougherty, & Dreher 1988, Zey

 Executive coaching is somewhat related to

mentoring. It is seen as a responsibility of an
executive to coach the managers who report
to them.
 Good coaching is good management. It is
investment that can help change
counterproductive behavior, often
interpersonal, that threatens to derail an
otherwise valued manager (Wardroop &
Butler, 1996).

The Task Itself

Work related task can be developmental

 often more complex and ambiguous than

 that stretch individuals and allow them to test
themselves against new and difficult tasks.
(Kouzes & Pusner, 1987)
Leadership development can be enhanced if

the environment one works is changing,

dynamic, uncontrollable and unpredictable.
(old answers may not work and needs
Making the Most of Your Leadership
Experiences: Learning to Learn from
What would a man Characteristics
be wise ; let him
of Successful of Derailed
Leaders drink of the Leaders
Ability to develop or adapt. Inability to develop or
Ability to establish adapt.
That bears
collaborative on .itsPoor
relations bosom
workingthe record
Ability to build and lead a Inability to build and lead
team. a team.
Non-authoritarian. of time ;
Authoritarian .
Consistent exceptional Poor performance.
performance. Too ambitious
A message
Ambitious. to him every wave can
deliver .
Adapted from J.B. Leslie and E. Van Velsor, A Look of derailment
To teach him to creep till he knows
Men and women learn

differently (from the study of

Hughes and Velsor, 1990)

 Anatomy of learning Experience

   page 7
Anyone who stops learning is old,
whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who
keeps learning stays young. The
greatest thing in life is to keep
your mind young.
Henry Ford
To be successful learning must continue
throughout life beyond the completion
of one - s formal education .
The need of extrinsically applied education
should be the start of an education that is
motivated intrinsically. At that point the goal
of studying is no longer to make a grade or
earn a diploma, find a good job; rather it is to
understand what is happening around one, to
develop personally meaningful sense of what
one’s experience is all about. (Csikszentmihalyi,
1990, p. 142)

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