5.2 - System Analysis and Design

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System Analysis and Design

•A system is a collection of people, machines and

methods organized to accomplish a set of specific
•The systems approach is a way of looking at how
the elements of the world are organized and
managed, so that the pattern of interactions
become clear.
•When we study information systems, it becomes
imperative to get acquainted with the theoretical
framework for their use, development and their
impact on Organisations.
•Hence we need to have an understanding of how
the systems are developed and implemented.
System Development Life Cycle:-
The methodology of developing system is
popularly called System Development
Life Cycle (SDLC). The phases follow a
linear cycle as follows:-
1. Defining the Problem
2. Feasibility Study
3. System Analysis
4. System Design
5. System Development and
6. Evaluation and Maintenance
1. Defining the Problem:-
This phase defines the user requirements, or
what the user expects the system to do
and thus sets the direction for the whole
The success of the system mostly depends
upon how accurately a problem is defined
and investigated along with the choice of
The resources to be made available to the
project are also specified in this phase.
2. Feasibility Study
• Whether the system is practically
feasible – it is judged under feasibility
• It is a test of new system’s workability,
fund requirements, technological
know-how, impact on organsation and
ability to meet user’s requirement etc.
• In other words, it helps to define the
scope of the system.
• Costs are compared with anticipated
The feasibility study must evaluate technical, social
and economic feasibility.
- Technical feasibility:- The proposed system
must be evaluated from a technical viewpoint
first, and if technically feasible, its impact on the
organisation and staff must be assessed.
- Economic feasibility:- It deals with the cost and
expenses of the proposed system. The proposed
system must justify by cost and benefit criteria to
ensure that the project will give the best return at
the earliest.
- Operational feasibility:- The need of various
people affected by the proposed system must be
taken into consideration. That is the cost of
computerization, retraining, change in job status
and transfers should be taken into consideration.
3. System Analysis
• This phase is a detailed appraisal of the
existing system and includes finding
out how the system works and what it
• It includes finding out in more detail
about the system problems and if users
require any new or changed system.
• So, the system analysis is a detailed
study of the various operations
performed by a system and their
relationship within and outside of the
4. System Design
• The system design describes the final system
and the process by which it is developed.
• It refers to the technical specifications (similar to
an architect’s blueprints) that will be applied in
implementing the proposed system.
• Here, format of the output is determined.
• Tools that are used in a system design are flow
chart, report layout, etc.
• System design usually proceeds in two steps:
Conceptual design and Detailed Design.
- Conceptual Design:-
• Here the conceptual solutions proposed by the
feasibility study are looked at in more detail.
• Major new functions are proposed and change
to existing functions are defined.
• Important inputs and outputs are also defined
and performance requirements are specified.
• At the conclusion of conceptual design, we may
know what we need in order to build the system.
- Detailed Design:-
• During the detailed design, the database and
programme modules are designed and detailed
user procedures are documented. The
interaction between the system users and
computers is also defined.
5. System Development and Implementation:-
• This is the phase in which computer-based
system is constructed from the specifications
prepared in the design phase.
• All necessary procedures, manuals, software
specifications and other documentation are
• Implementation also covers user training, site
preparation and file conversion.
• Implementation can take one of the three forms:-
- Implementation to replace a manual system
- Upgradation of the existing system
- Implementation of a modified application to
replace an existing one.
6. Evaluation and Maintenance
• In this phase, if the new information is inconsistent
with the design specifications then the changes
have to be incorporated to meet the requirements.
• The evaluation of the system takes place after the
system is implemented.
• Evaluation checks to see if it has indeed satisfied
the goals set for it.
• Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the
system during its working life and to tune the
system to any variations in its working environment.
• If a major change to the system is required, then a
new project may have to be set up to carry out the
• In Short, systems analysis is the analysis of the
problem that the organization will try to solve with
an information system.
• Systems analysis describes what a system should
do to meet information requirements.
• System design shows how the system will fulfill this
• Like the blueprint of a building or house, the system
design consists of all the specifications that give the
system its form and structure.

The different types of system development models

- Waterfall model
- Prototype model
- Spiral model
- Rapid Application Development [R.A.D] model
- Waterfall Model:-
• The waterfall model is a sequential development
process, in which development is seen as flowing
steadily downwards (like a waterfall).




- Prototype Model:-
• The prototyping model was developed on the
assumption that it is often difficult to know all of
your requirements at the beginning of a project.
• When using the Prototyping Model, the developer
builds a simplified version of the proposed system
and presents it to the customer for consideration as
part of the development process.
• The customer in turn provides feedback to the
developer, who goes back to refine the system
requirements to incorporate the additional
- Spiral Model:-
• The spiral model is a software development
process combining elements of both design and
prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to combine
advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts.
• Also known as the spiral lifecycle model, it is a
systems development method (S.D.M) used in
information technology.
• This model of development combines the features
of the prototyping model and the waterfall model.
• The spiral model is intended for large, expensive
and complicated projects.
- Rapid Application Development (R.A.D) Model:-
• Rapid Application Development is a term originally
used to describe a software development process
introduced by James Martin in 1991.
• R.A.D. was developed in IBM and finally formalized
it by publishing a book in 1991 called Rapid
Application Development.
• R.A.D is a software development methodology,
which involves iterative development and the
construction of prototypes.
• In short, R.A.D. refers to a group of application
development methods with a goal to meet tight
schedules. Prototyping is a common approach
used in R.A.D
System analysts help organisations to use
technology effectively and to incorporate rapidly
changing technologies into their existing systems.
• A system analyst’s work evolves rapidly, reflecting
new areas of specialization and changes in
• System analysts focus on the system problems and
use computer technology to meet the needs of an
• They design and develop new computer systems
by choosing and configuring hardware and
Role of a system analyst:-
• Leader:- Hiring, training and motivating
• Spokesman:- Contacts outside the department to
other areas of the organisation.
• Monitor:- Scan the external environment to keep
with technical changes and competition.
• Liasion:- Working relationships between IT and
business units.
• Entrepreneur:- Translates organisational plans and
strategies into information system actions.
• Resource Allocator:- Decides how to allocate
human, financial and information resources and
acts as the main custodian of corporate data.
Role of a system analyst:- (contd.)
• Innovation:- Should look ways to make better
business decisions, improve returns, build
connectivity, both within the organisation and
across the length of the value chain.
• Communicating performances and value:- Once IT
executives get their performance measurements in
place, they need to share value metrics.
• Acting as visionary:- Should broaden their visions
and shift their priorities from saving money for the
company to create value for customers.

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