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Lecture 4


September 2021
Reading list
• Essential reading
• Anderton, A – Chapters 8, 9 & 10
• Additional reading
• Core Econ – Unit 7
• Anderton, A – Chapter 7
Part 1
The demand curve The demand curve plots the effective
demand, the quantity consumers are willing
to buy at different prices.
There might be a demand for health care in
£ Contraction due to
higher price poorer communities, but it is not effective. 
P2 = 15
The demand curve has a downward slope
Expansion due to due to the law of diminishing marginal
P1 = 10 lower price utility.
There is an extension of demand when the
P3 = 4 quantity demanded rises.
There is a contraction of demand when the
quantity demanded falls.
What ceteris paribus assumptions are
0 12
3 5 Quantity made?
Consumer surplus
Consumer surplus is the
As the price falls
P2 = 15
A consumer surplus difference between how
B much buyers are
P1 = 10
C prepared to pay and what
P3 = 4
they actually pay.

0 12
3 5 Quantity
Consumer surplus and a shift in demand
Price A rightward shift in the demand curve
£ would cause consumer surplus to
increase from the triangle A to the
B triangle A + B. The area B represents
A the gain in consumer surplus.

0 12
5 Quantity
Shifts in the demand curve
Conditions of demand
Substitute goods
Income P = 10

Interest rate
Fashion D2
Expectation D1
0 20 50 80 Quantity
Complementary goods
Demand and income
An increase in income


Normal good

D normal
D inferior
0 20 50 80 Quantity
Inferior good
Part 2
Price elasticity of demand
Price elasticity of demand
• When the price of a good rises, the quantity demanded will fall.

• But by how much?

• That will depend on the elasticity.

• Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of

consumers to price change.
• It is usually represented by Ɛ (Greek epsilon).

• But you don’t have to bother. It just looks cool.


% change in quantity demanded

% change in price

% Δ QD
You queue before you pee. %ΔP
Interpreting numerical values
• Elasticity is always calculated in percentage changes.
• PƐD is always negative.
• Only considering the magnitude:
• PƐD > |1| (elastic) i.e. %𝚫QD > %𝚫P
• PƐD < |1| (inelastic) i.e. %𝚫QD < %𝚫P
• PƐD = |1| (unitary) i.e. %𝚫QD = %𝚫P
• The further away from zero, the more elastic is the demand.
Solution to (a)
120 - 100
% Δ QD 20%
100 =
%ΔP -40%
Answer: PƐD is -0.5
Representing on a diagram
Price 1. Calculate the PƐD of D1 and D2 as price falls from
£ £12 to £10.
2. Interpret your findings.
3. Explain the slopes of D1 and D2.



D1 D2

100 110 150 Quantity

1. Calculate the PƐD of D1 and D2 as price falls from £12 to £10.
D1 → ΔQD = (110 – 100)/ 100 = 10% →ΔP = (10 – 12)/12 = -16.7%
PƐD = 10%/-16.7% = -0.5988024 or -0.6

Price D2 → ΔQD = (150 – 100)/ 100 = 50% →ΔP = (10 – 12)/12 = -16.7%

£ PƐD = 50%/-16.7% = -2.99 or -3

2. Interpret your findings.
3. Explain the slopes of D1 and D2.



D1 D2

100 110 150 Quantity

PƐD along a demand curve
PƐD = ∞

PƐD = -1


PƐD = 0
Estimated PƐD for various goods
Determinants of PƐD Goods PƐD

• Closeness of substitute goods Salt 0.1

Airline travel, short-run 0.1
• Proportion of income spent on the
good Coffee 0.25
Fish consumed at home 0.5
• Habitual consumption (addiction)
Private education 1.1
• Whether the purchase can be
delayed Restaurant meals 2.3
Airline travel, long-run 2.4
• Necessity or luxury?
Automobiles, short-run 1.2 – 1.5
• The time period
Chevrolet automobiles 4.0
• Width of market definition
Fresh tomatoes 4.6
• Cost of substituting Harvard handout 1991
Importance of PƐD
• Total Consumer Expenditure (TE)
• TE = P x Q
• TE = TR
• When deciding to set the price, why is it important
to know the product’s PƐD?
Economic Guidance for Business
• If demand is elastic
• Lowering prices will raise total revenue
• If demand is inelastic
• Raising prices will raise total revenue
• If demand is unit elastic (PƐD = -1)
• Total revenue is maximised
Using PƐD in government policy
• Government choices:
• Raise tax revenue
• Reduce the consumption of unhealthy products
• How can price elasticity help?
• PƐD for cigarettes (-0.78 to -0.35) (source)

• PƐD for fizzy drinks (SSB) in Mexico (-1.06 to -1.16) (source)

Part 3
Income and cross elasticity of
Income elasticity of demand
What happens to the demand of a good when income rises?

% change in quantity demanded

% change in income

% Δ QD
Interpreting numerical values
• Elasticity is always calculated in percentage changes.
• YƐD is positive for normal goods.
• YƐD is negative inferior goods.
• Once you have determined whether YƐD is positive or negative and
considering only the magnitude:
• |YƐD| > 1 (elastic) i.e. %𝚫QD > %𝚫Y
• |YƐD| < 1 (inelastic) i.e. %𝚫QD < %𝚫Y
• |YƐD| = 1 (unitary) i.e. %𝚫QD = %𝚫Y
• The further away from zero, the more elastic is the demand.
Cross-price elasticity of demand
What happens to the demand of a good when the price of
another good rises?
% change in quantity demanded (A)
% change in price (B)

% Δ PB
Interpreting numerical values
• Elasticity is always calculated in percentage changes.
• XƐD is positive for substitute goods.
• XƐD is negative complementary goods.
• Once you have determined whether XƐD is positive or negative and
considering only the magnitude:
• |XƐD| > 1 (elastic)
• |XƐD| < 1 (inelastic)
• |XƐD| = 1 (unitary)
• The further away from zero, the more elastic is the demand.
Bye for now and see you in the seminar.

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