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Pushpendra Singh
It concerned with the functioning of the organization depends
upon how people work behave in the organization.

It helps in Understanding human behavior has assumed great

significance for the managers for managing the people

Pushpendra Singh
What are Organization ?
 Organization is a group of people of working together to
archive a set of goals.
 According to Schein:-

“An organization is the rational co-ordination of the

activities of a number of people for the achievement of
common explicit purpose or goal, through division of Labour &
function & through a hierarchy of authority & responsibility”.

Pushpendra Singh
Why do organization exist ?

We depend on organization for education, employment,

clothing, shelter, health, wealth, travel & much more.
 Increased specification & division of Labour

 Use large scale technology

 Manage the external environment

 Economics on transactional cost

 Exert power & control

Pushpendra Singh
Organizational Effectiveness
Organizations are said to be effective, when they produce
quality goods & services at reasonable cost.
Eight principles for effectiveness of Organization….
o A basis for action
o Staying close to the customer

o Atonomy & entrepreneurship

o Productivity through people

o Hands-on value driven

o Stick to the knitting

o Simple form, learn staff

o Simultaneous loose-light properties

Pushpendra Singh
Meaning & Definition of Organizational

Organizational Behavior is directly concerned with the
understanding, prediction & control of human behavior in
organizations. It is an area of study that investigates the impact
that individuals, groups & structure have on behavior within

Pushpendra Singh
 According to ‘ Raman J. Aldag’ :-
“ Organizational Behavior is a branch of the social science
that seeks to build theories that can be applied to predicting,
understanding & controlling behavior in work organization”.
 According to ‘Fred Luthans’ :-

“ Organizational Behavior is directly concerned with the

understanding, production & control of behavior in

Pushpendra Singh
Organizational Behavior Model
 Individual Level
 Group Level
 Organizational Level

 The Individual - Working environment should satisfy

individual needs as well as attainment of organisational goals.
 The Group - Formal and informal. Understanding of groups
complements a knowledge of individual behaviour.
 The Organisation - Impact of organisation structure and
design, and patterns of management, on behaviour.
 The Environment -Technological and scientific
development, economic activity, govern mental actions.
Pushpendra Singh
Role of Organizational Behavior
 Understanding Human Behavior
a.) Individual Behavior
b.) Interpersonal Behavior
c.) Inter group Behavior
 Influencing the Human Behavior
a.) Leadership
b.) Motivation
c.) Communication
d.) Organizational change & development
e.) Organizational climate.

Pushpendra Singh
Elements of Organizational Behavior
The organization's base rests on management's philosophy,
values, vision and goals. This in turn drives the organizational
culture which is composed of the formal organization, informal
organization, and the social environment. The culture
determines the type of leadership, communication, and group
dynamics within the organization. The workers perceive this as
the quality of work life which directs their degree of
motivation. The final outcome are performance, individual
satisfaction, and personal growth and development. All these
elements combine to build the model or framework that the
organization behavior.

Pushpendra Singh
Challenges and Opportunities for
Organizational Behavior
 Responding to Globalization
 Managing Workforce Diversity
 Improving Quality and Productivity
 Empowering People
 Coping with Temporariness
 Stimulating Innovation and Change
 Improving Ethical Behavior – defining right & wrong

Pushpendra Singh
Contributing principles to Organizational Behavior
 Psychology: A science that seeks to measure, explain and sometimes
change the behavior of humans and other animals
- Psychologists concern themselves with studying and attempting
to understand individual behavior.
- Contributions include in the areas of learning, perception,
personality, emotions, training, leadership effectiveness, needs and
motivational forces, job satisfaction, decision making processes,
perf appraisal, attitude measurement, employee selection
techniques, work design and job stress.

 Sociology: study people in relation to other fellow humans.

- Group behavior, organization structures, organization culture,

Pushpendra Singh
 Social Psychology: Blends the above two.
- Focuses on influence of people on one another
- Change – how to implement it, reduce barriers to its
acceptance, understanding changing attitudes, comm
patterns, group decision making processes.
 Anthropology: Study of societies to learn about human
beings and their activities.
- Work on culture and environment to understand
differences in fundamental values, behaviors, etc. I people
in diff countries.; differences among national cultures
 Political science: Studies behaviors of individuals & groups
within a political environment.
- Conflict, power, manipulation for self-interest.

Pushpendra Singh

It can be conclude that organizational behavior is an exciting

field of study which can help the managers in effective
handling of human resource for the realization of organizational

Pushpendra Singh

Pushpendra Singh

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