Emotion Recognition Based On Machnine Learning

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Early depression prediction and

estimation using machine learning

• Among all the forms of psychological and mental disorders, depression is the most common form.

• Nowadays a large number of youths and adults around the world suffer from depression.

• Depression can cause severe problems in case of failing to detect it at an early stage or failing to ensure the
timely counseling of a depressed person.

• It is one of the major reasons to raise suicidal cases.

• But ironically, our society still does not want to acknowledge depression as a mental disorder causing a
significant number of depressed persons to remain unidentified and untreated.

• This study has investigated machine learning classifiers using various socio-demographic and psychosocial
information to detect whether a person is depressed or not.
• Mental disorders in India are one of the major causes of non-
fatal diseases. In 2020, about 197.3 million people had mental
disorders in India. It comprises depressive conditions of 45.7
million and anxiety disorders of 44.9 million. According to the
survey of Global Burden of Disease Study during 2010–2020,
there is a significant correlation among the occurrence of
depressive disorders and the death rate for suicides. The
mental disorder contribution to India’s overall DALYs rose from
2.5 percent in 2010 to 4.7 percent in 2020. Depressive disorders
added most to overall mental disorders DALYs in 2020.

• The basic working unit of the brain is called neuron, which is a specialized cell that transmits
information to other nerve cells. The three basic parts of a neuron are a cell body and two
extensions called an axon and a dendrite. The nucleus is present inside the cell body which
controls the activities of cell. The axon looks like a long cablelike projection that carries messages
from the cell. Dendrites look kind of like the branches of a tree that enables neuron to speak with
other nerve cells. Depression is fairly common with many people that sometimes get worse
without proper treatment. Depression are often classified into different categories but under
worse conditions it can lead to sleep disorder, obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. EEG
signals are read using EEG sensor
Existing Method
• Many researchers have proposed important speech features which contain emotion information,
such as energy, pitch, formant frequency, Linear Prediction Cepstrum Coefficients (LPCC),
MelFrequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) and modulation spectral features (MSFs). The last
step of speech emotion recognition is classification. It involves classifying the raw data in the form
of utterance or frame of the utterance into particular class of emotion on the basis of features
extracted from the data. In recent years in speech emotion recognition, researchers proposed
many classification algorithms, such as Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Hidden Markov Model
(HMM), Neural Networks (NN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
• During present scenario, for human emotion recognition an extensive research is made by using
different speech information and signal. Many researchers used different classifiers for human
emotion recognition from speech such as Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Neural Network (NN),
Maximum likelihood bayes classifier (MLBC), Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Kernel
deterioration and K-nearest Neighbours approach (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), Naive
Bayes classifier.

• The maximum efficiency is 89.89%

Proposed Method
• This study aims to identify whether a person is depressed or not, to determine the key factors
that induce depression, and to determine the best machine learning approach to identify the
depressed persons. This study also intends to minimize the required time for screening
depression. The major contributions of this work are as follows: I. Extracting the most important
socio-demographic and psychosocial factors responsible for forming depression. II. Generation of
a dataset including the socio-demographic and the psychosocial information of the persons to
predict depression. III. Exploring different machine learning and feature selection algorithms to
screen the existence of depression efficiently. IV. Due to the simplicity of the required
demographic and psychosocial information used in this study, a suspected depressed person will
feel less hassle to give the required information of this study to detect depression rather than
answering the questions of different authentic depression screening scales.
“Speaker Independent Liqin Fu, Xia Mao, 2016 Hidden Markov 79%
Emotion Recognition Based Lijiang Chen Model (HMM)
on SVM/HMMs Fusion
GMM Based Intermediate A. D. Dileep, C. 2014 Gaussian Mixture 80.57%
Matching Kernel for Chandra Sekhar, Model (GMM)
Classification of Varying
Length Patterns of Long
Duration Speech Using
Support Vector Machines
Gender Specific Emotion Vinay, Shilpi 2018 Naive Bayes 86.98%
Recognition Through Speech Gupta, Anu classifier
Signals Mehra
EEG-Based Emotion Longxin Yao , 2021 SVM classifier 97.68%
Recognition by Exploiting Mingjiang Wang ,
Fused Network Entropy Yun Lu , Heng Li
Measures of Complex and Xue Zhang
Networks across Subjects
An Affective Service based Danai Styliani 2020 ELIZA - a natural 96.62%
on Multi-Modal Emotion Moschona language processing
Recognition, using EEG
enabled Emotion Tracking
and Speech Emotion
Multi-Modal Emotion Linqin Cai , 2021 CNN and LSTM 96.89%
Recognition From Speech Jiangong Dong ,
and Facial Expression Based Min Wei
on Deep Learning
Block Diagram
Hardware Requirements

• RAM : 4 GB
• HDD : > 60GB
Software Requirements

• Python
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