Example of Cases - Quantitative Case-Dikonversi

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1. Case 1:
What is Le? = Equivalent Length
a. Length of pipe = 10 meter and the inside diameter of the pipe is 2
inch. If Along the pipe there is accessories, for example gate
½ closed, then this valve will gave friction which is equivalent to
certain length of pipe.

So, Le total = L of the pipe + Le given by gate valve ½

closed How to find the Le? Use graphic to calculate the Le.
Try to find the Le:

Le given by gate valve ½ closed in 2 inch pipe = 20

ft So Total Le = 10 meter + 20 ft = …. Meter

b. A steel pipe (Size 3 in, Schedule 40) has a length of 20 m. There

are 2 turns (square elbow) and one gate valve (fully opened) on
this pipe. Determine the equivalent length of the pipe.

2. Case 2

P1=P2=atmospheric, v1 very slow, F  0, W = none

P1 v 2 P v 2
2 2 z
 g  2g  z1 Ws  F   g 2g

v2 
Calculate v if the the height of the tank is 4

3. CASE 2

A liquid is flowing from Tank A to Tank B (both are open tank and
contact with the outside air) through a pipe (types commercial steel with
inside diameter (D) of 0.3 meter and volumetric velocity (Q) 30 ft3/s and
gradeline of 15 m. Properties of the liquid: density (ρ) 1000 kg/m3 and
viscosity (µ) of 1.1 x 10-3 kg/m.s. Gravitational force (g) is 9.8 m/s2. What
is the pipe length needed to flow the liquid (LAB)?
To solve the problem: use Bernoulli Equation
2 2
P1 v1 P2 v
  z1  W s  F   2  z2
 g 2g  2g
PA = PB = Atmospheric
No pump, W = 0
Z1 - F = Z2
Z1 - Z2 =F
DELT = 15 meter = F
AAZ(V in tank A) equal to VB (V in tank B)  very slow compared to the
velocity in pipe (VAB)  VA and VB are <<<<
F= 15 m
VAB (velocity in pipe from A to B) can be calculated based on the Q
(volumetric velocity and Area)

Find from the graph for commercial steel for diameter used in
this case (Figure 126)
Then find f (Figure 125)
Then L can be calculated

A liquid ( = 1 g/cm3 ,  = 1 cp) is flowing through a smooth pipe with the

volumetric velocity 120 m3/hr along 150 m pipe. If the elevation height is
15 meter and the gravitational force is 9.8 m/s2, what is the diameter of
pipe used?
The pipe is open, connected to outside air

Z = ZA – ZB

Bernoulli Equation
2 2
P1 v1 P2 v
  z1  W s  F   2  z2
 g 2g  2g
PA = PB = Atmospheric
No pump, W = 0
There is no change in
pipe size  VA = VB
The important Figures:

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