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Personality according to Hindu

Tradition and scriptures

- An Indian Perspective of personality

Personality and triguna Theory

● Triguna theory has roots in Bhagavad Gita, one of the most important book of indian
● Triguna theory composite of tri- dimensional personality to aid the understanding of
the mental make-up of the person.
● Guna refers to the inherent energy or vital collection of powerful energies which
drives people to work, with which human mind functions.
● The three gunas or qualities are- sattva (balanced), rajas (passionate), tamas (dull)
● Dominance of the guna determines the individual’s personality.
Personality type in triguna theory

Sattvic Guna- is the spiritual quality, non-violent, has inherent desire to be good and caring, free from
attachment to objects, non affected by success or failure, believes in forgiveness, wisdom and faith, free
from doubt and have control on self.

Rajasic Guna- is the active quality, desire to acquire things and attachment to acquired things, binds person
to bodily activities and selfish interest, thrust for more and more, filled with joy in success and sorrow in
failure, dod good activities for gain of respect, fame, money etc, goal- oriented, bold and authoritative

Tamasic Guna- is the material; quality. Attachment to myth, immorality, and rest, revengeful, actions are
directed for their own welfare, narrow and limited vision, no self control, stubborn, arrogant, wrong
judgment of ethical and unethical
Pancha Kosha theory of personality

Pancha Koshas theory, mentioned in the Taittiriya Upanishad.

Personality model given in Taittiriya Upanishad consist of five sheaths

❏ ‘Annamaya’ (food sheath), segment of human system nourished by food

❏ ‘Pranamaya’ (vital air sheath), segment nourished by bioenergy
❏ ‘Manomaya’ (mental sheath), segment nourished by education
❏ ‘Vijnanamaya’ (intellectual sheath), segment nourished by ego
❏ ‘Anandamaya’ (bliss sheath), segment nourished by emotions
Each sheath has its own characteristics. Dominant in one of these kosha/ sheath
manifest particular qualities:

Annamaya Kosha-
● believes that he is only the physical body, attached and consumed Vijnanamaya Kosha-
solely by the physical form, gives more importance to physical
things. ● knowledgeable and wise.
● Such persons are good sports man and loves physical fitness ● Loves literature, creative and are good orators.
programs like games, sports, aerobics, Karate, bodybuilding, physical ● decides, judges, and discriminates between the information he
comfort, food, dress etc.
processes and is innovative.
● Discovery, research and management are the areas where these
Pranamaya Kosha-
people are involved in
● believe for a time that he is the finer energy animating the physical
● gives importance to Meditation and Physical exercise.
Anandamaya Kosha-
● Such people are very active and energetic
● stable in behaviour and firm in decision
Manomaya Kosha- ● are happy in every state of life
● appreciate higher order of things
● has thoughts and desires which identify with form and name, ● thinking like Nature, prayers, meditation connection with God etc
position and qualities
● emotional in nature.
● lacks the cognitive abilities of reasoning
● void of any discrimination
● may have keen appreciation for fine arts, music and dance and

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