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Trends of Cryptography

Quantum Cryptography
Quantum cryptography is a science that applies quantum mechanics principles to data encryption and data
transmission so that data cannot be accessed by hackers.

Why Quantum Cryptography:

 The rapid development of quantum computers promises to deliver powerful computer science
capabilities that solve complex computing problems.
 Quantum computers are capable of generating new threats at unprecedented speed and scale.
 Complex mathematical equations that take traditional computers months or even years to solve
can be broken in moments by quantum computers running quantum algorithms like Shor’s
 As a result, systems capable of breaking traditional math-based cryptographic algorithms are
predicted to arrive within the next 5-10 years.
Different cryptographic applications under development using quantum properties

 Quantum-safe cryptography: The development of cryptographic algorithms,

also known as post-quantum cryptography, that are secure against an attack by a
quantum computer and used in generating quantum-safe certificates.

 Quantum key distribution: The process of using quantum communication to

establish a shared key between two trusted parties so that an untrusted
eavesdropper cannot learn anything about that key.
Quantum key distribution
Quantum key distribution (qkd), uses a series of photons (light particles) to transmit data from one
location to another over a fiber optic cable. By comparing measurements of the properties of a
fraction of these photons, the two endpoints can determine what the key is and if it is safe to use.
1) The sender transmits photons through a filter (or polarizer) which randomly gives them one of four
possible polarizations and bit designations: vertical (one bit), horizontal (zero bit), 45 degree right
(one bit), or 45 degree left (zero bit).
2) The photons travel to a receiver, which uses two beam splitters (horizontal/vertical and diagonal)
to “read” the polarization of each photon. the receiver does not know which beam splitter to use for
each photon and has to guess which one to use.
3) Once the stream of photons has been sent, the receiver tells the sender which beam splitter was
used for each of the photons in the sequence they were sent, and the sender compares that
information with the sequence of polarizers used to send the key. The photons that were read using
the wrong beam splitter are discarded, and the resulting sequence of bits becomes the key.

If the photon is read or copied in any way by an eavesdropper, the photon’s state will change. The
change will be detected by the endpoints.
 Alice and Bob want to send a secret to each other that no one else can intercept.

 With QKD, Alice sends Bob a series of polarized photons over a fiber optic cable.
This cable doesn’t need to be secured because the photons have a randomized
quantum state.
Neural Cryptography
 Key exchange protocols are based on Neural networks.
 The neural cryptography ensures that the key cannot be inferred, even if an
attacker knows the details of the algorithm and can monitor the communication
 Commonly used Tree Parity Machine (TPM) model.
 Each party constructs own TPM with shared parameters and chooses initial
random weight values for the TPM. (Note: Initial value kept private , input/output
values kept public)
 Then, they generate a random input vector and calculate their own output values
by feeding the generated common input into the TPM.
 By exchanging the output values, they update their own weight values with a
given learning rule(Hebbian learning rule/ random walk learning rule).
 These procedures are repeated until the weight vectors are fully synchronized,
and the synchronized weight vector can be used as a shared secret key
 Each party (A and B) uses its own tree parity machine. Synchronization of the tree parity
machines is achieved in following steps:

1) Initialize random weight values

2) Execute these steps until the full synchronization is achieved
3) Generate random input vector X
4) Compute the values of the hidden neurons
5) Compute the value of the output neuron
6) Compare the values of both tree parity machines
7) Outputs are the same: one of the suitable learning rules is applied to the weights
8) Outputs are different: go to 2

 After the full synchronization is achieved (the weights of both tree parity machines are same), A
and B can use their weights as keys.
 This method is known as a bidirectional learning.
Attacks and security

 To provide a brute force attack, an attacker has to test all possible keys making
the attack impossible with today's computer power.
 Security against quantum computers: data are stored as qubits (quantum binary
digits) whereas Neural key exchange protocol is not based on any number theory.
It is based on the difference between unidirectional and bidirectional
synchronization of neural networks.
Homomorphic Encryption

 The purpose of homomorphic encryption is to allow computation on encrypted

 It uses public key to encrypt data
 Allows only the individual with matching private key to access its unencrypted
• Partially Homomorphic Encryption
• Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption
• Fully Homomorphic Encryption

• Partially homomorphic encryption (PHE) allows only select mathematical

functions to be performed on encrypted values. This means that only one
operation, either addition or multiplication, can be performed an unlimited
number of times on the ciphertext.
 A somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) scheme is one that supports select
operation (either addition or multiplication) up to a certain complexity, but
these operations can only be performed a set number of times.
 FHE is capable of using both addition and multiplication any number of times
and makes secure multi-party computation more efficient, though it is still in
development stage.
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