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Tenses → bentuk kata kerja yg menunjukkan waktu
dari suatu tindakan atau kegiatan
Berdasar ada tidaknya kata kerja nyata, kalimat dibagi
jadi dua : kalimat nominal dan kalimat verbal
Kalimat nominal
Tidak memiliki kata kerja nyata, hanya mempunyai
kata kerja penghubung yaitu to be sebagai kata
kerja utamanya. → am, is, are, was, were, be, been
Kalimat verbal
Memiliki kata kerja nyata sebagai kata kerja utamanya
(main verb). → walk, drink, feel, come etc.
Kalimat nominal
I am here.
She is a famous magician.

They were very excited in the journey.

He was a teacher.

He has been here for two years.

Kalimat verbal
He talks very loud.

They will go to Singapore next week.

I came to his house last month.

Contoh macam-macam bentuk Tenses:
Simple Present Tense:
He listens to the radio.
Present Continuous Tense:
He is listening to the radio.
Present Perfect Tense:
He has listened to the radio.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
He has been listening to the radio
1. Simple Present Tense

Time Now
1. Simple Present Tense
Kalimat Nominal
Subject + is/am/are + complement
I am a student

She is a singer

You are lecturer

Ikrar and Amin are famous magician

1. Simple Present Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + Verb1/verb-s/-es
I go to school every day
You look happy
They do their work on time
We like this song
He comes to his house twice a day
He learns English almost every day
1. Simple Present Tense
Jika subyeknya:
 I, you, we, they, my friends → kata
kerjanya: verb1

 he, she, it, Andi, my friend → kata

kerjanya: verb-s/es
1. Simple Present Tense
Mengungkapkankejadian, tindakan atau
sesuatu dgn ciri-2 berikut:
1. Kebiasaan
 My sister drinks milk every morning
 They speak English every day
2. Kebenaran Umum
 The sun rises in the east
 The world is round
3. Terjadwal atau terencana
 The train arrives at 04.00
 The shop closes at 09.00
1. Simple Present Tense
Tanda waktu (Time marker)
 Every : every day, every morning,
every Sunday, every year,
 Always, never, rarely, sometimes,
often, usually.
 On Sundays, on Fridays
 In the morning, in the evening
2. Present Continous Tense

Time Now
2. Present Continous Tense
Kalimat Nominal
Sama dengan simple present

Subject + is/am/are + complement

I am an university student
She is a singer
You are director
2. Present Continous Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + Verb1/verb-s/-es
I am watching television now
You are walking to the library now.
She is learning mathematics now
They are reading books in the library.
Diana and Eddy are listening to the music.
He is writing a poem.
She is talking to Mr. Harris.
2. Present Continous Tense
Digunakan pada:
1. Kejadian yg sedang berlangsung
 Susi is sleeping at her room now
 They are watching TV now
2. Kejadian yang akan datang dlm
waktu dekat
 We are living for Bali tomorrow
 We are coming soon
2. Present Continous Tense
Kata kerja yg tak bisa (hampir tidak pernah)
menjadi verb-ing:
wish  taste  smell
 want  suppose  seem
 understand  sound  see
 remember  love  prefer
 realize  mean  like
 hate  need  know
 hear  own  appear
 believe  forget have
2. Present Continous Tense
Time markers
 now
 at the moment
 at present
 the moment
 this time
3. Present Perfect Tense

Time Now
3. Present Perfect Tense
Kalimat Nominal
Subject + has/have/been + complement

I have been here for two hours

They have been in Malaysia since five

years ago

He has been here for years

3. Present Perfect Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + has/have + verb3
I have lived here for three years
We have done our work since yesterday
He has written this storybook
Mr. Rusdi has written many books since he
graduated from the university
3. Present Perfect Tense
Digunakan ketika mengungkapkan:
1. Tindakan atau keinginan yg tlh selesai sebelum
 She done all the works
 We have visited some libraries in this town
2. Perbuatan atau kegiatan yg dilakukan pd waktu
lampau dan msh berkaitan dgn waktu sekarang
 My father has taught Maths since twenty years ago
 I have waited for my mother for two hours
3. Aktivitas yg tlh selesai dilakukan, namun hasilnya
bs dirasakan saat ini
 She has read this book.
 They have seen this film several time.
3. Present Perfect Tense
Time markers
 Since …….: since last week, since 1972
 For …….: for three months, for two days
 Already, just, not yet, three times, so far
4. Present Perfect Continous Tense
Kalimat nominal
Sama dengan Present Perfect
Subject + has/have/been + Complement
4. Present Perfect Continuos Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + has/have/been + verb-ing
I have been learning English for two
The baby has been sleeping for three
My sisters has been sleeping since three
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Digunakan ketika mengungkapkan:
Suatu aktivitas berlangsung cukup lama,
dimulai pada masa lampau dan masih
terus berlangsung sampai sekarang
I have been learning English for two years
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Time Now
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Time markers
 Since …….: since I was a child
since two years ago
since we met

 For …….: for three years

for three hours
5. Simple Past Tense

Time Now
5. Simple Past Tense
Kalimat Nominal
Subject + was/were + complement
I was in Banjarmasin last week
She was very happy yesterday
Edwin was here just now
They were very excited
We were very happy
5. Simple Past Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + Verb2
John went to Singapore last month
He visited me yesterdaay
She wrote a letter to her father last week
I met Linda three days ago
They drank tea this morning
5. Simple Past Tense
1. Kejadian yg terjd di waktu tertentu di
masa lampau
 Dina was here yesterday
 He played badminton last Saturday
2. Kebiasaan atau kejadian yg berulang-
ulang di masa lampau
 He always studied hard when he was a
 In the past, he smoked almost every day
 You always cried every day when you were
a baby
5. Simple Past Tense
Tanda waktu (Time marker)
 Yesterday
 Just now.
 Last ……: last week, last month, last
year, last Monday, last February
 ….. ago: three days ago, two weeks
ago, two years ago
6. Past Continous Tense

Time Now
Kalimat Nominal
Sama dengan Simple Past Tense

Subject + was/were + complement

6. Past Continuos Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + was/were + verb-ing
Susi was listening to the radio when I came
The young lady was sleeping when her friends
When I was writing a story , my mother phoned

The director phoned me when I was attending a

Indi was watching television, while Indra was
reading a novel
6. Past Continous Tense
Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan:
1. Tindakan di masa lampau yang disela tindakan
atau kejadian yg lain
 Susi was watching television when I came
2. Dua kejadian atau tindakan yg terjadi dlm
waktu yg sama di masa lampau
 Iwan was reading a book while Susan was
sitting in the living room
3. Kejadian atau tindakan yg sedang berlangsung
pd waktu tertentu di masa lampau
 Doni was studying at eight o’clock last night
6. Past Continous Tense
Time markers
 when
 while
 at
7. Past Perfect Tense
1 2

Time Now
7. Past Perfect Tense
Kalimat Nominal
Subject + had been + complement

 He had been here before I came

 The student had been in the classroom
before the lecturer come in
7. Past Perfect Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + had + verb 3
Didan had gone to the school before he went
Dina drank her tea after she had finished her
Before Shinta cooked, she had bought meat in
the market
Doni had lived in Jakarta for five years before
he moved to Surabaya
7. Past Perfect Tense
Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan:
1. Tindakan yg terjd sebelum tindakan lain di masa
Didan had gone to the school before he went

2. Kejadian atau kondisi atau peristiwa yg

berlangsung selama waktu tertentu dimsa
lampau, tetapi berhenti sebelum “now”
Doni had lived in Jakarta for five years before he
moved to Surabaya
7. Past Perfect Tense
Time markers
 before
 after
 when
8. Past Perfect Continous Tense
1 2

Time Now

Kalimat Nominal
Sama dengan pola Past Perfect Tense

Subject + had been + complement

8. Past Perfect Continous Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + had + been + verb-ing
My father had been working at the
company for twenty years before he
The doctor had examined the patient
accurately before he decided to operate
8. Past Perfect Continous Tense
Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan:
1. Tindakan yg berlangsung lama, yang telah
terjadi dan terus berlanjut sampai pada
suatu saat di masa lampau.
Jadi aktiviasnya sudah berlangsung dan
baru berhenti sebelum aktivitas lain di
masa lampau terjadi.
She had been working at he hospital for twenty
years before she changed her job.
8. Past Perfect Continous Tense
2. Tindakan yang sedang berlangsung di
masa lampau.
Sinta was very tired because she had been
cooking all day.

Time markers
 before
 for
9. The Future Tense
Kalimat Nominal
Subject + well/shall + be + complement

 I shall be here tomorrow

 They will be very happy because
of you
 She will be there
9. The Future Tense
Kalimat Verbal 1
Subject + well/shall + verb 1
 The disrector will create a new movie next
 They will take an examination tomorrow
 Tantri will travel around Kalimantan next
9. The Future Tense
Kalimat Verbal 2
Subject + am/is/are + going to + verb 1
I am going to finish my study next
He is going to visit Bali next month

They are going to see their parents this

9. The Future Tense
Time marker
1. Tomorrow
2. Next ……..: next week; next month; next
3. Tonight
4. In the future
5. This weekend
6. In five days
10. The Future Continous Tense
Kalimat Nominal
Sama dengan Future Tense

Subject + well/shall + be + complement

10. The Future Continous Tense
Kalimat Verbal
Subject + well/shall + be + verb-ing

 At 8 o’clock tomorrow, I will be watching

my favorite film
 He will be listening his favorite song at this
time tomorrow
 She will attending the mathematics class at
this time next Tuesday.
10. The Future Continous Tense
Time markers

 at this time tomorrow

 at nine o’clock tomorrow morning
 at the same time tomorrow
 at this time tomorrow

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