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Lecture (Contd.

• MOS Regions of Operation

1. Weak Inversion Region

2. Moderate Inversion Region

3. Strong Inversion Region

Lecture (Contd.)

Threshold Voltage

When the oxide-Si interface potential reaches a sufficiently

positive value the majority carriers flow from the source to the
drain, thus channel is formed under the gate oxide and the
transistor ‘turns on’. The value of Vg(gate voltage) for which this
occurs is called the ‘threshold voltage’.
Lecture (Contd.)

Drain Current & Transconductance

Non Saturation Drain Current:

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Saturation Current:
Lecture (Contd.)

Transconductance Equation
Lecture (Contd.)

MOS Capacitances:
Lecture (Contd.)

MOS Capacitances( Contd.):

Second Order Effects

Short-channel effects occur in MOSFETs when the

channel length becomes comparable to the depletion
layer widths of the source and drain junctions.

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 7

February 18 , 2020 Dr. Sanjeev
Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad
Second Order Effects(Contd.)

Body Effect
Threshold voltage is a fn. of the total charge in the depletion
region, now since the gate charge must mirror the depletion
charge before an inversion layer is formed.
Now as the negative bulk potential is increased the depletion
charge increases and hence the threshold voltage also
increases. This is called body effect.

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 9

February 18 , 2020 Dr. Sanjeev
Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad
Second Order Effects(Contd.)

Due to body effect the threshold voltage modifies to:


Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 11

February 18 , 2020 Dr. Sanjeev
Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad
Second Order Effects(Contd.)

Channel Length Modulation.

Actual length of the inverted channel gradually
decreases as the potential difference between the gate
and drain increases.
Channel length is a fn. of Vds, this effect is called
‘channel length modulation’.

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 13

Second Order Effects(Contd.)

Channel Length Modulation(Contd.).

The  modified drain current  due to channel length modulation is as given below,

Trans conductance modifies to:

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 14

Second Order Effects(Contd.)

Subthreshold Conduction.
Even for gate voltage less than the threshold voltage
there exists a finite drain current, called subthreshold

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 15

MOS Small Signal Model.

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 16

MOS Small Signal Model.

The resistor between drain and source can be represented as:

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 17

MOS Small Signal Model.

We know bulk behaves as second gate, thus drain current

becomes function of bulk voltage.
Modeling this dependence of current source we can write the
value as:


Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 18

MOS Small Signal Model.

Differentiating the drain current with bulk voltage :

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 19

Assignment Questions

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 20

Single Stage Amplifiers

Analog Design Octagon

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 21

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Resistive Load

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 22

February 18 , 2020 Dr. Sanjeev
Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad
Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Resistive Load

From which

When the device is in triode region then,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 24

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Resistive Load

Considering the base transistor in deep triode region one can assume that,

Therefore from the equivalent circuit as shown below we can show that,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 25

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Resistive Load

Now since the transconductance plays a major role and we know that its value drops
considerably in deep triode region therefore Vout should be maintained greater than the
effective gate potential, thus using the equation as
input/output characteristics and viewing its slope as small signal gain one can write,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 26

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Resistive Load

If the voltage drop across the drain resistor remains constant and the drain current is
reduced then drain resistor should increase. Increase in resistor value will result in
significant channel length modulation effect hence the equation modifies to:

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 27

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Resistive Load


Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 28

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Diode Connected Load

To obtain impedance of the device we can write V1=Vx and Ix=Vx/ro + gmVx
i.e impedance of the diode is equal to (1/gm)//ro=1/gm

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 29

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Diode Connected Load

If body effect exists in the circuit then V1= -Vx & Vbs=-Vx and

(gm+gmb)Vx + Vx/ro = Ix
Therefore, impedance seen at the source of transistor is lower when body effect is

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 30

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Diode Connected Load

Now let us consider CS stage with diode connected load as shown below, for negligible
channel length modulation gain can be written as,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 31

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Diode Connected Load

If the variation of with output voltage is neglected the gain is independent of

bias currents and voltages. Therefore the gain remains relatively constant indicating
that the i/o is relatively linear.

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 32

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Diode Connected Load

The diode connected load can also be implemented with PMOS device. The circuit is
free from body effect, the gain can be shown as,

where channel length modulation effect is also neglected.

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 33

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Current Source Load

For large voltage gain it requires that we increase the load impedance of the CS stage.
However with diode connected load or resistor as load, increasing the load resistance
limits the output voltage swing.
Hence a more practical approach is to replace the load with current source.
Here, both transistors operate in saturation region and the total impedance seen at the
output node is r01//r02

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 34

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Triode Load

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 35

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Source Degeneration

the nonlinearity of the ckt. arises from the nonlinear dependence

of ID upon Vin. Therefore,
and hence define the equivalent transconductance of the circuit

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 36

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Source Degeneration

Assuming, we can write

The equiv. transconductance equation above indicates that with increase in source resistance the
transconductance becomes weaker function of . Therefore,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 37

Single Stage Amplifiers

Common Source Stage with Source Degeneration

With body effect, the equivalent model can be drawn as,

From the model we can see that the current through R s is Iout , therefore, Vin = V1 + Iout Rs . Therefore applying KCL at
node X, we have

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 38

Single Stage Amplifiers

Consider CS stage with and

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 39

Single Stage Amplifiers

Rearranging the gain equation we get,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 40

Single Stage Amplifiers

Equivalent Circuit for calculating output resistance ,

Current flowing through ro is given by Therefore adding the

voltage drop across ro and Rs we obtain,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 41

Single Stage Amplifiers

To Compute the gain of a degenerated CS stage with channel length modulation and body effect.

Therefore the current through ro can be written as,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 42

Single Stage Amplifiers

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 43

Single Stage Amplifiers(Source Follower)

Common Drain or Source Follower

With CS stage in order to achieve higher gain the load impedance must be as large as
possible. Therefore, if such stage should has to drive a low impedance then the ‘buffer’
must be placed after the amplifier such that it drives the load with negligible loss to the

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 44

Single Stage Amplifiers(Source Follower)

Common Drain or Source Follower(Contd.)

The i/o characteristics can be expressed as,

Differentiating both sides w.r.t Vin ,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 45

Single Stage Amplifiers(Source Follower)

Common Drain or Source Follower(Contd.)

The same result can also be obtained by using the small signal model,

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 46

Single Stage Amplifiers(Source Follower)

Assignment Questions

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 47

Thank you

Dr. Sanjeev Rai, ECE Department, MNNIT Allahabad 48

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