Scrum in Nut Shell

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Scrum in Nutshell

Product Owner a) The Product Backlog is an ordered list of user stories a) The SM facilitates the Sprint Planning Meeting
a) Owns the product backlog as he/she has to maximize the ROI of the Product b) The PO presents the Product Backlog to the team, in order of priority
b) The items in the Product Backlog include
features that deliver the c) Backlog items are often written as user stories
b) Is responsible to define the content and prioritize the value
Product /Project Vision
d) The team together with the PO clarifies all questions around the user-stories, as
c) Decides Release data and content c) The highest prioritized items need to be needed
better detailed and specified – the team
d) Discusses and agrees with the stakeholder what to do and why e) The development team estimates the effort needed as per user-story and decides
needs to be able to estimate4 and
test these items which stories can be committed for the next sprint
e) Discusses and agrees with the Development team how to represent in the
backlog what needs to ve done d) The list of items is constantly evolving, changing and updating, f) This meeting is time-boxed to a maximum of the 5% of the sprint length
the Product Owner is responsible to make sure the Product
f) Accepts or Rejects the results of a sprint a) The team meets daily for the Daily Scrum, or daily stand-up meeting, where they
backlog reflect these changes
coordinate their work and communicate impediments to the scrum master
Development Team a) The Sprint Backlog is a list of items which are committed to be b) Each team member talk to the three questions
a) Is a cross-functional team, meaning every skill needed to create a potentially accomp0lished during the sprint a) What did you do (achieve) yesterday ?
shippable product increment must be in the team. It is normally around 7+/-2 b) The items for the Sprint Backlog are taken b) What impediments got on your way ?
members out of the Product Backlog c) What are you going to do today ?
b) Is responsible for the product quality c) The items in the Sprint Backlog are broken c) The Daily Scrum is also called Daily Stand-up, as people stand rather sitting to keep the
down into tasks by the item members focus, it is time boxed to 15 mins
c) Defines how to implement the functionalities into the product
d) Prepares Sprint Review Meeting and performs Sprint Retrospectives to improve d) Every team member can modify the Sprint Backlog a) The SM moderates the Sprint review Meeting
efficiency. e) Work I never assigned, but pulled out of the backlog by the b) The Development Team presents the working software they built to the Product Owner
individuals and any other stakeholders
Scrum Master
f) Items nor completed in a print arte not moved to the next sprint, c) The PO accepts or rejects work based on the Acceptance Criteria that was agreed
a) Owns the Scrum Framework and coaches every participant in the correct usage of but are returned into the Product backlog Instead formerly in the Sprint Planning Meeting
t5eh Scrum Ceremonies, Artefacts, as well as the role and responsibilities
a) The Burndown Chart is an information radiator, it visualizes the a) The purpose of the Retrospective is to continuously improve the way of working
b) Helps the Product Owner in preparing the Sprint Planning Meeting
estimated work remaining within the Sprint. The remaining effort
b) The Scrum Master facilitates the meeting
c) Helps the Development Team in preparing the Sprint Review meeting can be estimated in ideal days/hours, or in story points
c) The development Team can decide if it is helpful or not for the Product Owner to
d) Prepares and facilitates the Daily Scrum b) The quality of the burndown increases if the effort is burned
attend the retrospective
down when a task or a story is completed
e) Protects the Development Team from interferences during a sprint, and coaches
d) Come out with the improvement action plan for implementation of corrective action
them to become more effective c) Gathering point for the daily Scrum

d) Updated any time during day and night, only

during daily Scrum
Scrum in Nutshell

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