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The Power of Mind:

The Whole Brain Theory

Chapter 7
What is the Whole Brain Theory?

 In 1861, Paul Broca conducted a study on

the language and left-right brain
specialization on a patient who had
problems with language.
 After several tests, Broca theorized that
some language functions reside on the left
side of the brain (R.J. Morris 2006).
What is the Whole Brain Theory?
 Dr. Roger Sperry conducted a study for
epilepsy, which gave him the 1981 Nobel
Prize for Physiology or Medicine.
 Sperry explained that the brain has two
hemispheres that perform tasks differently
from each other.
 He discovered that the left hemisphere of
the brain was performing tasks that were
intuitive, creative and synthesizing; while
the right hemisphere of the brain was
more adept with analytical, logical,
reasoning and critical thinking.
“Split Brain Theory”
What is the Whole Brain Theory?

 Another neuroscientist by the name of Dr.

Paul MacLean came up with a theory that
identified three distinct parts of the brain
namely: neocortex, limbic system and
reptilian complex which were referred to
as “Triune Brain Theory.”
What is the Whole Brain Theory?

 Ned Herrman extended his “Brain

Dominance Theory” which he concluded
to having not just two parts, but four, the
upper left and right hemispheres, and the
lower left and right limbic halves.
 They are all connected to each other.
Hermann is regarded as the “Father of
Brain Dominance Technology.”
Whole Brain Theory in Learning
 According to the website, there are five
essential characteristics of mind mapping:
1. The center image represents the man
idea, subject or focus.
2. The main branches radiate from the
central image.
3. The branches comprise a key image or
word drawn or printed on its line.
4. Twigs represent the lesser topics.

5. The branches form a connected nodal

Using Mind Maps Effectively

 Use Single Words or Simple Phrases

 Print Words
 Use Color to Separate Different Ideas
 Use Symbols and Images
 Use Cross-Linkages

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