Characterizing Artistically Literate Individuals: Prepared By: Atbang, Elaiza Mae Camoro, Maricris

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Prepared by:
Atbang, Elaiza mae
Camoro, Maricris
What is Artistic Literacy?
is the knowledge and understanding required to participate.
authentically in the arts.
While individuals can learn about dance, media, music, theatre, and
visual arts through reading print texts
What is the importance of artistic literacy?
Arts literacies help students develop design-thinking, creativity and
critical thinking—all skills said to be important for the future
The characteristics of artistically literate
A musically literate person understands rhythm, tempo, contrasts,
color, form, and expressive intent.
An artistically literate person can perceive these elements in dance,
visual art and theater as well as in music.
The anchor standards reflect the overarching nature of the
fundamental concepts of all arts disciplines.
Artistic Literacy as an Agent for Personal,
Meaningful, Connection
For many audience members and some teachers, the purpose
of seeking out more knowledge or skill around a work of art is to
arrive at a confident value judgment.
Why "Artistic" and Why "Literacy"?
These two words—each loaded with its own social, psychological,
emotional and intellectual resonances—frequently meet with some
resistance when used in combination. Yet it is precisely because of the
weight they can carry that we continue to find them effective.
Framing Artistic Literacy as a Human
Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights begins:
“Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the
community, to enjoy the arts, and to share in scientific advancement
and its benefits.” As such, “enjoyment” of the arts is formally
recognized as a human right in and of itself.
Engagement is an Outcome
In the process of developing and hosting opportunities for artistic
literacy to flourish, it can be easy to confuse potential strategies with
desired outcomes. By reminding ourselves that engagement is
something that must be cultivated—rather than something we can
simply demand or enact—we are better able to perceive and uphold
the qualities of a supportive learning environment.

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