Communicating Intercultural: Disusun Oleh: Lesna Sari, S.PD, M.PD

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Disusun oleh: Lesna Sari, S.Pd, M.Pd
Types of Cultural Communication

 Cross cultural

 International communication

Multicultural communication

 Intercultural communication
What Is Communicating Intercultural?

Communicating Intercultural or Intercultural

Communiction refers to the effective communication
between people or workers or clients of different cultural
background. It also includes managing thought patterns
and non verbal communication.
Examples for Cultural Differences

Arabic language is written from right to

left and almost all other languages are
written from left to right.
Examples for Cultural Differences

In America, people shake hands and even hug each other.

But in India we just join hands to sat namaskar.
Need for Intercultural Communication

■ Succes of any International Business

■ Allows workers from different cultures to work together as a group
■ Worldwide marketing campaign
■ An increase in international business
Two Trends of Intercultural Communication

■ Globalization
■ Multicultural Workforce

■ Globalization refers to the reduction and

removal of barriers between national borders
in order to facilitate the flow of goods, capital,
services and labour.
Multicultural Workforce

■ The phrase “multicultural workforce” refers to

the changing age, gender, ethnicity, physical
ability, and race of employees across all types
and place of work.
Impact of Globalization –business sector

■ E.g, import and export of food, electronic goods, etc.

to other countries
■ Buliding a business friendly environment with other
Impact of Globalization-Advancement in
Film Industry
■ Spreading of multiculturalism, collaborations
■ For example: Endhiran film was persuaded by
animatronic technicians from other countries do
Increase in International Travel and Tourism

■ Greater International travel and tourism

■ For example: in 2008, there were over 922
million international tourist arrivals, with a
growth of 1.9% as compared to 2007
Multicultural Workforce

■ Social backgrounds
■ Cultures
■ Racial backgrouds
■ Gender
■ Age
■ Regions
■ Religion
Need for Managing

■ Staff retention – less recruitment costs

■ Working together – more productivity
■ Resolving conflicts
■ Team management
Do’s of Intercultural Communication

■ Avoid assumptions, jokes which are misunderstood

■ Use symbols, diagrams, and pictures
■ Avoid using slang and idioms, choosing words that will convey only the most
specific denotative meaning;
■ Investigate their culture’s perception
■ Take cultural and local differences into account
■ Say what you do and do what you say. Make sure that your communication is line
with the audience; use understandable language
■ Find out what cultural factors
Dont’s of Intercultural Communication

■ Using the same approach world – wide

■ Considering traditional knowledge and practices as backward
■ Letting cultural differences become a source of conflict that hinder the
process or work
■ Fail to ignore culturally – dependent enabling and counteracting forces
■ Fail to take language barriers into account
Dont’s of Intercultural Communication

For example:
 North Americans view direct eye contact as a sign of
 Asians view direct eye contact as a form of disrespect
The way we communicate is
related with grammar….
Present Tense
What is simple present tense
■ Simple Present Tense is the tense used to express an
action or activity taking place or happening at the
present time in a simple form, or activities performed
repeatedly, or daily habits, or acts that have nothing to
do with time.
Time information that can be used in the Simple
Present Tense is:

1  Everyday setiap hari

2  every week setiap minggu

3  every month setiap bulan

4  every year setiap tahun

5  every night setiap malam

6  every afternoon setiap sore

7  every minute setiap menit

8  every hour setiap jam

9  once a week satu kali seminggu

10  twice a week dua kali seminggu

A. Verbal Sentence
■ Verbal sentence in the form of Simple Present Tense, generally used for
a. Declared an act of a habit or performed at certain times.
■ Example:
- He visits my house twice a week.
- They go to campus everyday
- She eats meat ball everyday.
1.Positive form
■ For I, you, we, they subject
we used : Subject + infinitive
(Verb 1)

■ For she, he, it subject Subject + infinitive

we used:
(Verb 1) + s/es
There are several rules that must be observed when adding
s/es on a verb (infinitive), as follows:

No Verb 1 (infinitive) The addition of the suffix "-s" Meaning

1 read reads membaca

2 work works bekerja
3 write writes menulis
4 set sets terbenam
5 shine shines bersinar
6 sing sings menyanyi
7 bring brings membawa
8 eat eats makan
9 help helps menolong
10 give gives memberi
2. Verb (infinitive) that ends in the letters "ch, o, s,
sh, x, z" the suffix is "-es"

No Verb 1 (infinitive) Penambahan akhiran “-es”

Arti kata
1 teach teaches mengajar
2 reach reaches menjangkau
3 do does mengerjakan
4 go goes pergi
5 kiss kisses mencium
6 discuss discusses mendiskusikan
7 pass passes melewati
8 wish wishes mengharapkan
9 finish finishes menyelesaikan
10 fix fixes memperbaiki
3. verb (infinitive) that ends with the letter "y" and is preceded by a
consonant (consonants), then the suffix "-y" was changed to "i" and then
added "-es".

No Verb 1 (infinitive) Penambahan akhiran “-es”

Arti kata
Cry Cries Menangis

2 Carry Carries Membawa

3 Fly Flies Terbang

4 Study Studies Belajar

5 Reply Replies Menjawab

6 Try tries Berusaha

4. The verb (infinitive) that ends with the letter "y"
is preceded by a vowel (vocals), plus enough with
the suffix "-s'.

Penambahan akhiran “-
No Verb 1 (infinitive)
s” Arti kata

1 Buy Buys Membeli

2 Play Plays Bermain

3 Lay Lays Berbaring

4 Say says Berkata

2. Negative Form
■ For I, you, we, they subject
we used :
Subject + do + not +
infinitive (Verb1)
■ For she, he, it subject
we used :
Subject + does + not +
infinitive (Verb1)
■ Information :
In the form of negative verbal sentence, the additional "s / es" to the verb
does not exist.
3. Introgative Form
■ For I, you, we, they subject
we used :

Do + Subject +
Infinitive (Verb 1) ?
■ For she, he, it subject
we used :
Does + Subject +
Infinitive (Verb 1) ?
■ Information :
In the form of negative verbal sentence, the additional "s / es" to the verb does not

■ Do I write a letter everyday?

(Apakah saya menulis surat setiap hari?)
■ Does She read a magazine every morning?
(Apakah dia membaca majalah setiap pagi?)
■ Do they visit their grandmother every Friday?
(Apakah mereka mengunjungi neneknya setiap hari Jum'at?)
# And the answer is yes i do or no I don’t.
B. Nominal Sentence
1. Positive Form
Information :
Non verb or not a verb (verb), can be a noun (noun),
adjectives (adjective) or an adverb.

Subject + To be + Noun Adjective/Adverb

To be (is, am, are) adjusted to the subject of the sentence.

■ - Is on the subject of He, She, It

■ - Are on the subject, You, They, We
■ - Am on the subject I
2. Negative Form
Subyek + To be + not +Noun Adjective/Adverb

Information :
Negative nominal sentence is formed by
adding notes behind to be.

Example :
-You are not sad. -------------> Adjective
  (Kamu sedih)
- I am not in the library. -----> Adverb
  (Kami ada di perpustakaan)
- She is not a teacher.
  (Dia seorang guru)
■ Nancy and James are good friends .They speak good German . Nancy
works in a restaurant downtown and James is a librarian . The children
play in the garden every weekend . James and Nancy visit church
together every Friday.
■ Which of this sentence that is simple present tense?

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