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Touro College of Undergraduate Psychology

Undergraduate Psychology

• Depression is a quiet condition that affects everyone, regardless of their physical

or mental condition. Over 40% of the population is affected. Depression has
become a troubling trend that affects a person's psychological as well as physical
well-being. It's been portrayed as a mental disorder on many occasions. Looking
at the results of the questionnaires and the data gathered, it is evident that there
is a need to investigate the techniques for preventing and treating it within the
university setting as well as the surrounding society. The collected data were
analyzed using theme analysis, which allowed the researchers to determine the
participants' individual perspectives without imposing their own.
Aim of presentation

• Academic Objectives; Students should be able to exhibit the expertise, abilities, and
mindsets of a successful therapist in the healthcare context when assessing and treating
patients with anxiety and depression.
• Medical expertise. The learners will use nationally known recommendations in patient
safety to test for and diagnose depression and other mental illnesses, for the care of
patients with significant depressive disorders, follow the practice recommendations,
and determine the components of a death risk analysis and implementation plans that
are suitable.
• Practice-Based Education;The learner will use communication technology to gain access
to health records and to aid in conscience and therapeutic judgment, examine the
medical journals for new information clinical studies and their implications for existing
depressive moods illness treatment plans, and utilize information technology to gain
accessibility to despair learning materials for patients and their families.
Signs of Depression

• Having a negative self-image.

• Sleeping patterns have changed.
• Alteration in appetite.
• Negativity, rage, shame, impatience, and stress overtake you.
• Changing feelings during the day, such as feeling worse in the mornings and
better in the afternoon as the day continues.
• Inability to concentrate.
• Experiencing exhaustion.
• Poor academic performance.

• In the world, depression has been recognized as a central contributor to death amongst
college students. It's been described as a mental illness that disproportionately affects
females. Furthermore, it is a problem that impacts everyone, regardless of social class, degree
of education, gender, ethnicity, or belief. Because females are much more emotional, it is
thought to affect more females than males.
• One of the most difficult aspects of depression medication is that it is not recognized as a
disease. Because of their great hopes of themselves and society, it tends to affect youngsters.
Depression is classified as a psychological condition or illness rather than just a sickness due
to a lack of acknowledgment. As a result, there have been numerous death instances
misdiagnosed. Since depression is considered as a mental health condition, many people
attribute suicide to it.
• Depression has been found as a prevalent occurrence amongst kids that have a familial
history of mental health issues, who are nervous, and are often unable to form positive
interactions, as well as those who engage in antisocial behavior.
Causes of depression

• Abuse of any form, whether physical, verbal, or psychological. bodily, sexually can increase your risk of
depression in the future down the line.
• Age. Depressive disorders are more common in older adults. Other factors, like as being alone and having no
support system, can increase this.
• Particularly, medications. Some drugs, such as Accutane (for acne), interferon-alpha (an antiviral drug), and
corticosteroids, can make you more depressed.
• Disagreement. In those who are physiologically predisposed to depression, personal issues or arguments
with families or friends may cause depression.
• It's either a tragedy or a death. Although understandable, sorrow or mourning Suicide is more likely to occur
after the death or loss of a loved one. Genes. A blood test for mental illness could increase the risk.
• Depression is thought to be a multifactorial disease, suggesting that instead of a single gene that causes
sickness risk, there are likely several different genes, each with a little effect. The genetics of depression, like
other mental disorders, are more intricate than those of simply hereditary disorders like Huntington's chorea
or cystic fibrosis.
Treatment of Depression

• Depression is curable, and symptoms management usually consists of three steps:

• Assistance can take many forms, from brainstorming workable solutions to teaching
members of the family.
• Talk therapy: One-on-one counselling and cognitive behavioral therapy are two possibilities
for psychological counseling (CBT).
• Treatment with drugs: Antidepressants may also be administered intravenously by doctors.
• Antidepressants can help people with mild to moderate depression. Only follow a doctor's
instructions when taking these medications. Some medicines take a long time to take effect.
If a patient stops taking the medicine, they may miss out on the treatment's major benefits.
Some people stop taking their prescription when they start to feel better, but this might
lead to a recurrence. Inform your doctor of any antidepressant problems you have, as well
as any plans to stop taking them.

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