Lesson 2 Grade 11 - Muscle and Bone Activities For A Stronger Body

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Muscle and Bone Activities for a Stronger

Muscle and Bone Activities for a Stronger Body
Aside from aerobic exercises, resistance and stretching
exercise target the muscles and bones. These exercise
are also included in different exercise program.
Antagonistic muscles are pairs of muscles that work against each other.
The relaxed muscle is the antagonist while the synergists are the muscles that
hold the stationary bone still.
It is the reason why the shoulder stops moving. This muscle function can be
observed through the following activities:

Resistance Exercise
Resistance exercises are performed by pushing or pulling weight
or force, which can either be external or one’s own body weight. It
involves the contraction of muscles, which is basically classified
into two types:

1. Isometric contraction
2. Isotonic contraction
Resistance exercises improve the following:
a. Muscular and bone strength. In general, strength is defined as the quality
or state of being strong, or the capacity for endurance and exertion. There
are three kinds of strengths, and these are enumerated below with
corresponding examples.

i. Static strength is used to exert force on an immovable object and is

considered as an isometric activity because muscles stay the same
length while having limited movement. It is evident in arm wrestling
or in sports like a rugby scrum.
ii. Explosive strength is used when force is exerted in
one short but fast movement. It is used during javelin
throw or in high jump sports events.
ii. Dynamic strength is a force applied repeatedly over a long time. It
is linked to endurance. Muscle endurance is exercised when
muscles keep exerting a lot of force for a long time without
fatigue. It is used when doing press-ups or cycling.
Resistance machines in gyms or free-weight equipment such as
TRX (total resistance exercise) and resistance bands are used
when performing resistance exercises.
Stretching Exercise
Stretching is one of the physical exercises that focus on a
particular muscle group to improve flexibility and elasticity. It
tones the muscles and increases the range of motion around
the joints, which help an individual carry out daily tasks easily.
Stretching also reduces muscle stiffness and the risk of muscle
strain injuries. It even activates relaxation of the entire body.
Stretching and other flexibility exercises focus on the flexibility of the joints,
which improves the elasticity of the muscles, body posture, muscle
coordination, range of motion, and joint strength. It also increases blood flow to
the muscles and activates them in the proper order, thereby helping in the
smooth three-dimensional movement of the limbs. Stretching exercises are
further divided into three major types:
1. Static stretching: In this type of stretching, the muscles are stretched to a
point, and the position is held for a few seconds.
2. Ballistic stretching: It involves extending or pushing the range of motion of
the limbs.
3. Dynamic stretching: It involves slow and repetitive motion of the limbs in
order to improve flexibility and strength.
Differences between Aerobic Activities and Muscle- and Bone-
Strengthening Activities
Aerobic Activity Muscle- and Bone-
Strengthening Activity
It strengthens the It tones the muscles and
circulatory system. boosts the density of the
It increases the intake of It consumes the stored
oxygen for energy energy in the muscles.
It raises the heart rate It involves intense
for a longer period of workouts.
It is also known as It is also known as
cardiovascular weight or resistance
exercise. training.
It includes activities It involves
like brisk walking, weightlifting, pull-
running, dancing, ups, push-ups,
jogging, cycling, planks, stretching,
swimming, and so on. etc.
Does exercise have psychological benefits?
Undoubtedly, there are physical, psychological, and intellectual
benefits of regular exercise, as every exercise increases the intake
of oxygen in the body, which results in increased energy, reduced
stress, better sleep, and so on.
It has been studied by psychologists that regular exercise proves to be
an instant mood booster. As the human body is designed to make
movements, any regular physical movement leads to positive effects.
Moreover, exercising promotes the release of happy hormones like
endorphins in the body, which trigger a pleasant and positive feeling.

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