Self Excited Vibrations: Ramakanth P Joshi 100922003

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Mechanical vibrations Seminar on


Ramakanth P Joshi
The theory of self excited vibration has important application in mechanical systems.

Shortly after the official opening of the Tacomas narrows bridge at puget
sound,washigton, the main span of bridge underwent self excitation oscillation which
resulted in the destruction of bridge.

steady transversely blowing wind was held responsible

Definition: self excited vibration
Mathematical representation
Dynamic stability analysis for self excited vibration
Friction induced vibration
Flow induced vibration

 There are systems for which the exciting force is a function of the motion parameters of
the system, such as displacement, velocity, or acceleration . Such systems are called self-
excited vibrating systems since the motion itself produces the exciting force.
 In self excited vibration the alternating force that sustains the motion is created or
controlled by the motion itself; when the motion stops the alternating force disappears,
 In a forced vibration the sustaining alternating force exists independently of the motion
and persists even when the vibratory motion is stopped
self-excited vibration can be considered as a free vibration with negative damping.

Solution for this equation can be written as

Which is clearly a vibration with exponentially increasing amplitude

A mechanical system is statically stable if a displacement from the equilibrium position sets up a
force (or couple) tending to drive the system back to the equilibrium position. It is statically
unstable if the force thus set up tends to increase the displacement. Therefore static instability
means a negative spring constant k

• A system is dynamically stable if the motion (or displacement)converges or remains

steady with time. On the other hand, if the amplitude of displacement increases
continuously (diverges) with time, it is said to be dynamically unstable. The motion
diverges and the system becomes unstable if energy is fed into the system through
self –excitation. To see the circumstances that lead to instability, we consider the
equation of a
single degree of freedom system:

If a solution of the form x(t) = Cest, where C is a constant and Ieads to the characteristic
The roots of the equations are

Roots of equation x(t) = Cest

the motion will be diverging and a periodic if the roots S₁ and S₂ are real and positive.
This situation can be avoided if c/m and k/m are positive.
The motion will also diverge if the roots S₁ and S₂ are complex conjugates with positive
real parts. To analyze the situation, let the roots S₁ and S₂ of Eq. be expressed as

The above equation shows that for negative p, c/m should be positive and for positive p 2+q2 ,K/m
should be positive.

Small amplitude behavior

The equation of motion of the system is
Since the base is moving at constant velocity v1, and the
corresponding coefficient of friction at that velocity is 1, the 1
system reaches static equilibrium with:

If now a disturbance applies a small positive increment of
velocity, , to the mass, as shown in Fig

But, from the fig

On substitution

Upon subtracting 5

We now see that gives the change in force for a unit
change in velocity, and is therefore equivalent to a
viscous damping coefficient

It is usually more convenient to write 7

in the non-dimensional form

The solution for the equation can be written as

If then the total non-dimensional damping coefficient, , is negative, it can be seen from
the above equation that the exponent becomes positive, and x will always consist of an
exponentially growing oscillation, until limited in some way.

Large amplitude behavior

The amplitude will limit if the energy derived from the friction force over a complete cycle
becomes equal to the energy dissipated by the damper.

Limiting will always occur when the peak velocity due to the oscillation, , exceeds the
mean rubbing velocity, v1

Assuming that the waveform remains sinusoidal, this corresponds to a displacement limit, x max,
given by:

The conventional cantilever type of aircraft landing gear, when fitted with brakes, can
exhibit two main forms of friction-induced vibration:

1) When the brakes are working normally, if the coefficient of friction between the rubbing
surfaces in the brakes tends to decrease as the velocity increases, negative damping may
result, producing the vibration known as ‘brake judder’ or ‘brake chatter’, at low freq
and break squeal at high frequencies

2) When the brakes lock completely, perhaps because the anti-skid device, if fitted, does not
always operate down to very low speeds, the friction characteristics between the tires
and the runway can then provide the negative damping instead. Measurements of tire
friction show that the negative slope of coefficient of friction versus v, necessary for
instability, tends to occur when the runway is wet, and the speed is low.

In both the cases it will lead to fatigue failure

High-tension electric transmission lines have been observed under certain weather
conditions to vibrate with great amplitudes and at a very slow frequency.

A rough calculation shows that the natural frequency of the span is of the same order as the
observed frequency.

We have a case of self-excited vibration caused by the wind acting on the wire which, on
account of the accumulated sleet, has taken a noncircular cross section
In aerodynamic work it is customary to resolve the total air force on an object into two
a. In the direction of the wind (the drag or resistance D).
b. Perpendicular to the wind (the lift L).
These two forces can be measured easily with the standard windtunnel apparatus.
α= tan-1(v/V)

The lift and drag forces Land D have vertical upward component (i.e., components opposite to
the direction of the motion) of Lcos α and D sin α . The total upward damping force F of the
wind is

The criterion for dynamic stability is


Thus the system will be unstable when

The values of the lift and drag of an arbitrary cross section cannot be calculated from theory but
can be found from a wind-tunnel test. The results of such tests are usually plotted in the form of
a diagram such as

 When a fluid flows by a cylindrical obstacle, the wake behind the obstacle is no longer
regular but in it will be found distinct vortices of the pattern shown in Fig.
 This phenomenon has been studied experimentally

 The cylinder moves forward by about 41/2 diameters during one period of the vibration.
 The eddy shedding on alternate sides of the cylinder causes a harmonically varying force
on the cylinder in a direction perpendicular to that of the 'stream.
 The maximum intensity of this force can be written in the form usual for most
aerodynamic forces (such as lift and drag) as follows

In high speed cars the flow induced lift

forces can unload the tires thereby causing
problems with steering control and stability
of the vehicle. Although lift forces can be
countered partly by adding spoilers ,the drag
forces will increase. In recent years movable
inverted airfoils are being used to develop a
downward aerodynamic force with improved
stability characterstics
 Mechanical vibrations, J.P. DEN HARTOG, Fourth edition, McGraw-Hill book
 Mechanical vibrations,Singiresu S Rao,fourth edition, ISBN 81 – 7758-874-5,Pearson
 Shock and vibration handbook,Cyril M. Harris and Charles E. Crede, volume
1,McGRaw hill company.


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