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Juniebe L. Manganohoy, RPm, LPT

Student of Doctor of Public Admini
PA 305: Special Problems in Admin
Part I: Structure Responsibility and Control
* Align Learning and Development with Organization Mission and Values
*Structure for Accountability
*Establish the Learning Environment
Part II: Planning the Environment and Educational Events
* Plan for Quality and Strategic Planning
* Is training the Answer? Assessing Learning Needs
Part III: Benefits and Outcomes
*Intended Learning Outcomes
*Why should be involved in Instruction?
*Conduct Learning Events Professionally
Part IV: Content Design and Delivery
*Deciding what to include
*Methods to achieve consistency
Part V: Assessing Outcomes, Maintaining Records and Program Evaluation
*Learning Feedback and Job Application
*Program Evaluation and Records
*Accreditation Sources
Manager TIPS
A. Accreditation will r educe people costs b y increasing the productive capacity of your
existing talent—thus improving your bottom line.
B. Accreditation ensures a continuous learning model that is grounded in best practices,
an attractive offering to millennial workers.
C. Accreditation promotes innovation and verifies a strong commitment to continuous
improvement in both product and service.
D. Accreditation validates the claim of qualified and competent personnel within your
E. Accreditation ensures a consistent approach to instructional design and training
delivery—and the learner experience. Learning is not haphazard.
F. Accreditation demonstrates that all your learning and development programs meet
standardized quality requirements and protocols.
G. Accreditation signifies to learners that they a e receiving high quality, reputable
training that has undergone a rigor ous design process by skilled learning and
development professionals. H. Without accreditation, the learning and development
program risks continued plodding do wn a path of ignorance, talent depletion, and
economic drain.
Aligning Learning and Development with
Organization Mission and Values
The mission of the organization is a statement which sets for the
enterprise’s practical purpose for today and tomorrow. The mission
creates the intermediate focus and purpose of the organization—
leading to what it will be like in the future.

The mission is a simple statement of why the organization exists (to

produce goods or provide services) and what external need it serves
in the marketplace today (whom it provides products or services for).

The mission is a concrete statement that can be understood b y many

and sets forth the direction of the organization based upon its current
and expected environment.
Structure for Accountability
The success of any learning organization relies on having a
structured learning and development department that is
accountable—one that trains its employees with authority, and
which is analytical in its approach to the training effort. This
chapter focuses upon de eloping a results-driven learning and
development function within the organization, one which has a
defined structure, establishes an appropriate responsibility and
control system for assuring quality education delivery, and
awards training credits fairly.
Establish Learning Environment
Training is an internal function, in which both managers and
resources need to support employees from across varied
business units as learners. Learning managers are challenged
with aspects of establishing a proper environment for learning,
be it an online webspace or a residential setting, and this
environment may be vastly different from the learners’
workspace. For accreditation, the training environment must
be managed proactively as a comfortable physical and
psychological environment, which is carefully designed, and
which contains adequate support to learners.
Planning the
and Educational
Plan for Quality and Strategic Planning
Is training the Answer?
Assessing Learning Needs
1.Normative Need
2.Comparative Need
3.Felt Need
4.Expressed Needs
5.Management Conditions
6.Interpersonal relations
Intended Learning Outcomes
Accreditation allowed us to speak to the fact that we
really understand the needs analysis, we really think
about learning styles, we really think about what the
appropriate way is to evaluate the skills. We think about
what’s the breath of quiz and checks relative to delivering
--Clyde Seepersad, Linux Foundation, General Manager
Who Should Be Involved in
“Alexander the Great credited his father for his life but credited his teachers for
learning to how live well”

a. Need Assessment Skills

b. Learning and Development Professional Skills
c. Implementation Skills
d. Job Analysis Skills
e. Design Skills
f. Development Skills
g. Developing Learning and Development Professional Skills
g. Ensuring a well qualified Learning and Development Team
h. Evaluation Skills
i. Documenting Learning and Development Professional Qualifications
Conduct Learning Events
a. Occupational Profiles
b. Credentials, Certifications, and Certificate Programs
c. Competencies such as Conduct and Code of Ethics,
Professional Obligations, Professional integrity,
Intellectual property, confidentiality, boundaries and
limitations, conflict of interest.
Deciding what to include
Planning Training for your Employees and
your Workplace.
a. Work Environment
b. Current Abilities

Write conditions, Action Verbs, and

Criteria in Instructional Objectives
a. Condition
b. Setting Instructional objectives
c. Action Verbs
Methods to Achieve
1. Methods are categorized
2. Select Methods according to Objectives
3. Promote Interaction
4. Selecting Instructional Media-Training
Learning Feedback and
Job Application
1.Providing Learners with
2.Record Keeping
3.Defining and Ensuring Far
Transfer of Training
Program Evaluation and
a.Formative “ how are we doing?”
b.Summative “ how did we do in the
training we developed?”
c.Confirmative “looks on the ongoing
effects of training/long lasting
Accrediting Bodies
Are private, non profit membership organizations that abide by specific
quality standards, policies, and processes to review programs.

Standards show clear benefits on certain issues, such as efficiency,

employees, systematization, customers and other stakeholders, which
indicates that in general terms, certified firms improve people, operational
and stakeholder performance.

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