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2 Quarter Week 2
The idea of a computers came from a need of people.
They needed an easier and faster way to count and
compute. A long time ago, people used their fingers
to count and compute. The they used sticks, pebbles,
and stones to do these.
The abacus is the first tool invented
to help people compute faster. It is
made up of small wooden rods. Abacus Napiers
These rods are placed on a wooden bone
frame. Each rod has beads. One
slides these beads as one counts or
Slide ruler

Pascal’s calculator or
Later, people developed other tools that could compute bigger
numbers, such as the slide rule, pascal’s calculator , and
Napier’s bones, these are said to be the first computing
machines. They later led to the invention of the first actual
computers in history. These are said to be the first computing
machines. They later led to the invention of the first actual
computers in history. These computers were very large. Since
then, computers have gone through major changes.
Today, there are different types of computers. The most
common type is the microcomputer. Many microcomputers
are personal computers. A personal computer can simply be
called pc. Examples of this include desktop computers and
laptop computers.
A desktop computer is a
computer that is designed to stay
in one location only. This is the
kind that can be placed on top of a
desk. You might have this at
home. You also see desktop
computers in schools, offices, and
even in Internet shops.
A laptop computer, or laptop, is a small
enough to fit on one’s lap. It is also
known as notebook. Laptops are smaller
than desktop computers. They are mobile
computers. This means you can easily
carry them around. You can use them
even when you go to different places.
Lately, a smaller type of laptop was
introduced. This is mininotebook or
A tablet is also a mobile computer. It is
smaller and lighter than the laptop. The
tablet has no physical keyboard. You do
your work on it by touching the screen.
Early tablets were used with light pens.
Now tablets work by human touch. You
simply move your fingers across the
screen when you use a tablet.
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