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By BetaMonkey

For VIBER group Writing ZNO
The indefinite article a / an is used before singular
countable nouns or adjectives followed by singular
a + consonant sounds an + vowel sounds
a ruler, a European an apple, an egg.
country, a university, an umbrella, an orange,
a one-way ticket, a an hour,
hospital, a blue overcoat an exciting holiday
• Uncountable or plural countable nouns take some / any, etc.
I've bought some magazines.
We haven't got any more ice cream.
• A/An is not used before uncountable nouns,
except in certain expressions:
It is (such) a pity / shame!
A good knowledge of French is required for this job.
What a relief!
She has a love of / a hatred of / fear of cats.
• A/An - one: He has got a car.
(We do not specify what kind of car.)
They have got one car. (only one, not more)
The indefinite article is Examples
1. before a noun which is They live in a flat.
mentioned for the first time
and represents no particular Take a break.
person or thing.
2. before a noun which represents a group of people,
animals or things.
We can also use the or the plural form.
A car is faster than a bike.
The dolphin is an intelligent animal.
Children need love and affection.
3. when talking about someone’s character, job or
He is a pessimist.
Her husband is an accountant.
Howard is an Englishman. But: Claire is Spanish.
Howard is an Englishman. But: Claire is Spanish.
Spanish is an adjective, so no article. A Spanish man is a
Spaniard. Note that for many other nationalities, the
form of the adjective and the noun is the same:
American, an American
German, a German
Italian, an Italian
Russian, a Russian
Chinese, a Chinese
Japanese, a Japanese
Greek, a Greek
Howard is an Englishman. But: Claire is Spanish.
for most nationalities the adjective and the noun have the
same form, and only in a few cases are the forms of the
adjective and noun distinct, e.g.:
Danish, a Dane
English, an Englishman
French, a Frenchman
Irish, an Irishman
Scottish, a Scot(sman)
Spanish, a Spaniard
Welsh, a Welshman
4. in certain numerical expressions:
a couple / dozen
a half / quarter
a lot of
a thousand / million
a great deal of
a great many
We need a hundred copies.
A great many teenagers download information from the
They walked a quarter of a mile.
5. to talk about: price per weight or item
distance per amount of fuel or speed
frequency per time
certain illnesses
This perfume costs £55 a bottle.
My car does 50 miles a gallon/130 kilometres an hour.
They go shopping twice a week.
He has a fever / a cold / a toothache.
6. before Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms + surname when we refer to
someone unknown.
A Mrs Jones wants to see you.
The definite article the is used before countable and
uncountable nouns of all genders both in the singular and
the plural.
The definite article is used:
1. before countable and uncountable nouns which are
specific or have been mentioned before.
I'll see the doctor tomorrow.
The postman brought three letters and a parcel; the
parcel was for Mary.
The definite article the is used before countable and
uncountable nouns of all genders both in the singular and
the plural.
The definite article is NOT used:
1. before countable and uncountable nouns which refer to
something general or have not been mentioned before.
He likes coffee.
Experience is important for this job.
Whales are mammals.
The definite article is used:

2. before unique nouns.

the Earth, the sky, the Pyramids

3. before names of seas, oceans, rivers, channels /

canals, coasts, deserts, countries or regions (plural),
groups of islands, mountain ranges:
the Mediterranean, the Pacific, the Mississippi, the
English Channel, the Panama Canal, the Bine Coast, the
Kalahari Desert, the Netherlands, the Highlands, the
Bahamas, the Andes
The definite article is NOT used:
2. before names of people, streets, cities, islands,
countries, continents, mountains (singular), days of
the week, months:
Maggie Smith, Oxford Street, Berlin, Ibiza, Italy, Asia.
Mont Blanc, Friday, August
But: the High Street, the Hague, the Vatican
The is optional before the names of seasons when the
meaning is general:
Where do you usually go in (the) summer?
The is used when we talk about a specific season.
Do you remember the winter of 2011?
The definite article is NOT used:

3. before names of squares, parks, lakes, stations

Euston Square, Holland Park, Lake Ontario, Liverpool
Street station

4. with restaurants, hotels, shops, banks, etc. whose

names include the name of their founder or another proper
name (e.g. a place)
Luigi’s Restaurant, Emily’s Hotel, Harrods, Lloyds Bank,
Gatwick Airport
The definite article is used:

4. with buildings: cinemas, theatres, museums,

galleries, restaurants, hotels, institutions:
the Odeon cinema, the Royal Theatre, the British
Museum, the National Gallery, the Pasta House, the
Hilton, the British Council

5. with newspapers, ships, services, organisations:

the Guardian, the Queen Mary, the police,
the United Nations
The definite article is NOT used:

5. before names of magazines, sports, games,

colours, school subjects and languages:
Newsweek (but: The Economist), tennis, white,
geography, Greek
German is a difficult language.
But: The German language is difficult to learn.

6. before names of airlines or companies:

Air France, Interamerican,
BMW, etc.
The definite article is used:

6. with names of families and nationalities (when we

refer to the whole family or nation):
the Simpsons, the Dutch, the Japanese
The is optional with nationalities ending in -s (the)
Greeks, (the) Australians, etc.

7. before inventions and the word radio:

When was the telephone invented?
We heard the news on the radio.
But: I saw that documentary on TV last week.
The definite article is NOT used:
7. with meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack):
What did you have for breakfast?
But: When we talk about a specific meal, we use the:
I didn't enjoy the dinner on the plane.
8. before the words bed, court, church, home, hospital
prison, school, university, work when they are used
for the purpose for which they exist:
Thomas went to university to study engineering.
But: Patrick went to the university to visit his
The definite article is used:
8. with the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs.
He is the best student in his class.
Most does not take the when it is a determiner:
Most students passed the exam.
9. with adjectives referring to classes of people:
the old, the blind, the poor, the educated, etc.
10. with only, same and ordinal numbers + nouns
This is the only pen I've got.
Cats are not all the same.
Who was the first astronaut to walk on the Moon ?
The definite article is NOT used:

9. before the words father, mother, mum, dad (when

we refer to our own parents).
Father / Daddy taught me how to drive.

10. before means of transport.

I travel by car / by bus / by train / by air.
Also: on foot, on horseback
But: He was in the car / on the bus when I saw him.
The definite article is used:
11. before noun + of + noun:
the gulf of Mexico, the Statue of Liberty
12. with titles (not accompanied by proper names):
the King, the Queen, the Prince of Wales
But: Queen Beatrix of Holland. Princess Margaret
13. with historical events or references:
the Greek Revolution, the American Civil War
But: World War II.
14. with the North, the South, the East, the West:
Last year we visited the South of France.
The definite article is NOT used:

11. with north, south, east, west when they are used as
They are heading west.

12. with some diseases (cancer, malaria, etc.)

You should be vaccinated against malaria if you want to
travel to the tropics.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Complete using a, an, the or -


-- tea is an evergreen plant. It was

accidentally discovered by the
Emperor - Shen Nung of -- China.
Whilst on aa trip, he was
boiling a pot of water
when a tea leaf fell into it.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

-- British sailors, returning from

th Far East, brought packets of --
tea back - home as presents for
their relatives.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

he first advertisement for - tea
appeared in a newspaper called
Mercurius Politicus in 1660. The
the newspaper said
advertisement in the
that -- tea could cure - colds and
other illnesses.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

The poor were prepared to pay as

much as aa third of their weekly
wage to have - tea.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

- - tea has been the most popular

drink in - Britain for three hundred
years. The/An average Briton drinks
thirty cups of -- tea aa week. In
fact, the British import almost
twenty-five percent of all -/the
-/the tea
exported in the world.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

1. - Jim plays the

the guitar in - St
Mark’s Square every day.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

2. Unfortunately, there are a lot

of accidents on the motorway
between - Athens and Salonica.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

3. -- Hyde Park is the biggest park

in -- London.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

4. -- malaria is a disease carried

by -- mosquitoes.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

5. Every year - swimmers attempt

to swim across the English Channel.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

6. -- Ibiza is an island off the

coast of - Spain and is part of the
Balearic islands.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

7. It has been a long time since I

last spoke - Russian.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

8. - - Europe is the smallest

continent on Earth, yet it is the
most heavily populated.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

9. -- most flowers bloom in the -

Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

10. Every year - millions of people

visit the Statue of Liberty.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

11. The colours of the

the Greek flag
are - blue and - white.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

12. In 1995, the United Nations

celebrated their fiftieth anniversary.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

13. - father is taking us to a nice

restaurant called - - Wheeler’s on
- - Sunday for - dinner.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

14. - - Sophia is aa mechanical

engineer but she also writes for the
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete using a, an, the or -

15. Head -- east for about an an

hour and you’ll find the Palace
Hotel on the right hand side of the
By BetaMonkey

• For emphasis we can use:
very, so, too + little/few
There's very little milk in my coffee.
only + a little/a few
He's go/ only a few friends.
• Some, any, much, many, a little, a few, a lot, lots, plenty
can also be used without nouns as pronouns.
Have you got any money? No, I haven't got any.
We didn't buy any bread. We've got plenty.
A Complete the dialogue with the phrases given in
the box below. a jar a kilo a packet a carton
ten slices three bars two loaves
A: What else should I add to our shopping list.
B: Well, we also need (1) a kilo/ten slices
a kilo/ten slices of cheddar
cheese, (2)two two loaves of bread, (3)a carton
loaves a carton of
orange juice and (4) a packet of whole-grain cereal.
a packet
A: OK. anything else?
B: Maybe we could add some more things, such as
(5) a a
jar jar of strawberry jam, (6)three three
barsbars of
chocolate and (7)a akilo/ten
kilo/ten slices of turkey. Have I
forgotten anything?
A: Well. I think we're OK.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete the sentences with a(n), the, or, - .

1. I read in an article that there

are no bridges which cross the the
Amazon River.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete the sentences with a(n), the, or, - .

2. What colour was the dress
- - Nicky bought yesterday?
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete the sentences with a(n), the, or, - .

3. -- Jason finds it very difficult to

learn thethe
Chinese language.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete the sentences with a(n), the, or, - .

4. Jennifer had an omelette with

mushrooms and a chef s salad.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete the sentences with a(n), the, or, - .

5. Bill went to - London University

to study - Economics.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete the sentences with a(n), the, or, - .

6. We made a reservation at an an
amazing ski resort in the Alps.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete the sentences with a(n), the, or, - .

6. We made a reservation at an an
amazing ski resort in the Alps.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Complete the sentences with a(n), the, or, - .

7. I guess, - summer is the most

popular season of the year.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

any apple juice in the

1. Is there ______
a. a lot b. some с. any
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

2. Could I have some

____ coffee, please?

a. much b. some с. any

Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

3. Justin can’t eat this soup. There's

much salt in it.
too _____
a. much b. plenty c. many
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

4. How many
____ people were there at
your cousin’s wedding?
a. much b. many c. any
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

no light in this room.

5. There’s _____
It's too dark.
a. much b. any c. no
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

6. Come on, children. There's

plenty of cake for everyone.
a. plenty of b. lots c. many
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

some more apple

7. Could I have ______
juice, please?
a. no b. some c. any d. many
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

8. I can’t drink this tea. There’s too

much sugar in it.
a. much b. plenty c. many d. lol of
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

many teachers were there

9. How ______
at the seminar Yesterday?
a. some b. many c. any d. much
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

a few
10. Don’t leave. There are ______
more things I want to tell you.
a. few b. any c. little d. a few
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

1. Wait a minute. There are

few / a few more things I want to
tell you.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

2. There was very little / a little he

could do to help me with my project.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

3. There are only few / a few hotels

in this city. We won’t find a room
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

4. Hurry up, children. We've got

very few / little time left.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

5. He’s got a few / few friends in

London, so he
may stay with them.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

6. I’m sure there are very little /

few job opportunities in this small
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

1. Appliances Plus sells many

different brands of (tape recorder).
tape recorders.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

2. (tea),
Tea, which is made from the
dried leaves
(leaf) of a small bush, was
discovered five thousand years ago.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

3. Margaret and Don have two

three-year-old (daughter).
daughters. They
are (twin)!
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

4. Jack: I can’t see a thing.

Brian: Do you want your (glass)?
Jack: No. It’s the dim (light)
light that is
making it difficult to see.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

runners-up will
5. The first three (runner-up)
each receive a medal.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

6. The attic is full of (mouse).
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

7. The Italian and French

dictionaries are on the top shelf.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

8. He met all the (criterion)

criteria for the
job but wasn’t hired because he
was late for the interview.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

A Put the words in brackets into the plural form

where necessary.

9. We are waiting for all the (staff)

to arrive before beginning the
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Choose the correct answers.

1. I’m really thirsty. Could you get

me a ________
glass of water?
a. glass b. jar c. can
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Choose the correct answers.

slice of cheese,
2. Could I have a ______
a. bar b. slice c. sheet
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Choose the correct answers.

3. I made a mistake. Could you get

me a clean _______
sheet of paper?
a. block b. packet c. sheet
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Choose the correct answers.

4. Mum, where’s the ______ of
a. tube b. jar c. cup
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Choose the correct answers.

flash of lightning lit

5. A sudden ______
the sky up for a second.
a. flash b. clap c. block
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Choose the correct answers.

6. This is a ______ of my favourite
soap. I love the way it smells.
a. lump b. packet c. bar
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

B Choose the correct answers.

lumps of sugar
7. Can I have two ______
in my tea, please?
a. lumps b. pieces c. pints
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

1. I teach - History and -- Spanish.

Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

2. I’m really thirsty. Do you have

any beer? Otherwise some/- water
is fine.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

An igloo is made from --

3. An ice.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

4. I’d like some tomatoes, some/a

lettuce and some oranges, please.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

5. -- cancer is aa disease
which a lot of people die of.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

6. Have some
some food. You must be
starving after playing - football
all day.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

7. We decided to replace the

balcony door with a sliding
glass door because we wanted
more - light in the living room.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

8. There isn’t any paper left in

the machine so I can’t make any any
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

some time off

9. Jane would like some
- - work. She needs aa holiday.
Nouns Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

C Complete using a, an, some, any or - .

10. Brian had an unexpected

phone call from World Travel this
morning. They told him that he had
won a trip to Hawaii, including
free -- accommodation.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

1. The crew is / are getting the ship

ready to sail.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

2. Snow cover / covers the whole

valley in winter.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

3. Scales measure / measures

Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

4. Salmon spend / spends the first

part of their life in a river.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

5. The medium which is / are used

mostly for advertising is / are
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

6. News travel / travels fast

Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

7. The firewood you bought burn /

burns well.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

8. The cheese on the table is / are

very tasty. Try it.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

9. This series of books contain /

contains medical information.
Grammar Practice
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answers. In some cases, both

answers may be correct.

10. The staff is / are attending the

Christmas dinner tonight.
D Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

Don’t change the word. (Use 2-5 words in total.)

1. They went on holiday to Tunisia
for two weeks.
They went
went on
ona atwo-week holiday
two-week to
to Tunisia.
D Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

Don’t change the word. (Use 2-5 words in total.)

2. My glasses need changing, Mum.

I went
need onaa two-week
new pairholiday
of to
glasses, Mum.
D Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

Don’t change the word. (Use 2-5 words in total.)

3. How many suitcases do you have?

Howwent much
on a two-week
do to
you have?
D Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

4. Hechange
Don’t has the
travelled a words
word. (Use 2-5 lot by air, but
in total.)
he still gets nervous when the
aircraft takes off.
They wentheon
Although hasa two-week
travelled aholiday to
lot by air,
take-offs still make him nervous.
D Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

Don’t change the word. (Use 2-5 words in total.)

5. Paul likes playing darts more
than any other game.
They went
Darts is on a two-week
Paul’s favouriteholiday
D Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

Don’t change the word. (Use 2-5 words in total.)

6. It didn’t rain a lot last year.

They went
We had on a little
(very) rain holiday
two-week to
last year.
D Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

Don’t change the word. (Use 2-5 words in total.)

7. I’ll give you some advice, Mary.

They went
I’ll give youonaa piece
two-week holiday
of advice to
D Complete the sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

Don’t change the word. (Use 2-5 words in total.)

8. She doesn’t know a lot about
Her went on a two-week holiday is
of astronomy to
Tunisia. very poor.
A Заповніть пропуски, поставивши іменники в рамці, у множину.
child • foot • man • person • puppy •
tooth • watch • woman

1 Did you know that Jason’s dog has had three

beautiful puppies?
A Заповніть пропуски, поставивши іменники в рамці, у множину.
child • foot • man • person • puppy •
tooth • watch • woman

2 The Spice Girls was an all-girl band, so there

weren’t any men.
A Заповніть пропуски, поставивши іменники в рамці, у множину.
child • foot • man • person • puppy •
tooth • watch • woman

3 It’s a bit strange that Victor wears two

watches - one on each arm.
A Заповніть пропуски, поставивши іменники в рамці, у множину.
child • foot • man • person • puppy •
tooth • watch • woman

4 If women do the same jobs as their husbands,

they should be paid the same.
A Заповніть пропуски, поставивши іменники в рамці, у множину.
child • foot • man • person • puppy •
tooth • watch • woman

5 The dentist says I have to have two teeth

taken out!
A Заповніть пропуски, поставивши іменники в рамці, у множину.
child • foot • man • person • puppy •
tooth • watch • woman

6 How many people were there at the show?

A Заповніть пропуски, поставивши іменники в рамці, у множину.
child • foot • man • person • puppy •
tooth • watch • woman

7 We’ve walked miles! My feet are hurting!

A Заповніть пропуски, поставивши іменники в рамці, у множину.
child • foot • man • person • puppy •
tooth • watch • woman

8 Mrs Jenkins has just had a baby, so she’s got

three children now.
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

1 Your money is / are on the

table in the dining room.
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

2 The advice you gave me

was / were really useful.
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

3 The cakes in that shop

looks / look absolutely
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

4 There has / have been a

lot of bad news recently.
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

5 Your homework
was / were late. Please do it
sooner next time.
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

6 Does / Do the information

about the museum include the
opening times?
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

7 We need new furniture in

the dining room.
It’s / They’re very old and
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

8 The fish in this tank all

seems / seem to be ill.
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

9 I love your hair.

It’s / They’re really soft.
By BetaMonkey
B Обведіть правильний варіант відповіді.

10 Oh, no! The rice

has / have gone all over the
C Доповніть фрази словами, поданими в рамці. Деякі слова
необхідно вживати кілька разів. Напишіть всі можливі варіанти.

a few • a little • a piece of • some


C Доповніть фрази словами, поданими в рамці. Деякі слова
необхідно вживати кілька разів. Напишіть всі можливі варіанти.

a few • a little • a piece of • some


a little/a piece of/some

C Доповніть фрази словами, поданими в рамці. Деякі слова
необхідно вживати кілька разів. Напишіть всі можливі варіанти.

a few • a little • a piece of • some


a few/some
C Доповніть фрази словами, поданими в рамці. Деякі слова
необхідно вживати кілька разів. Напишіть всі можливі варіанти.

a few • a little • a piece of • some


a little/some
C Доповніть фрази словами, поданими в рамці. Деякі слова
необхідно вживати кілька разів. Напишіть всі можливі варіанти.

a few • a little • a piece of • some


a little/a piece of/some

C Доповніть фрази словами, поданими в рамці. Деякі слова
необхідно вживати кілька разів. Напишіть всі можливі варіанти.

a few • a little • a piece of • some


a few/some
C Доповніть фрази словами, поданими в рамці. Деякі слова
необхідно вживати кілька разів. Напишіть всі можливі варіанти.

a few • a little • a piece of • some


a little/some
C Доповніть фрази словами, поданими в рамці. Деякі слова
необхідно вживати кілька разів. Напишіть всі можливі варіанти.

a few • a little • a piece of • some


a little/a piece
D Доповніть кожне друге речення таким чином, щоб за
змістом воно збігалося з першим реченням. Вживайте не
більше трьох слів, включаючи виділене слово.

1 We don’t know anything

about the problem.
We don’t have
have any
any information
about the problem.
D Доповніть кожне друге речення таким чином, щоб за
змістом воно збігалося з першим реченням. Вживайте не
більше трьох слів, включаючи виділене слово.

2 Is it okay if I have some

Is it okay if I have a bit of
D Доповніть кожне друге речення таким чином, щоб за
змістом воно збігалося з першим реченням. Вживайте не
більше трьох слів, включаючи виділене слово.

3 There’s only a little coffee

left in the jar.
There isn’t much coffee left in
the jar.
D Доповніть кожне друге речення таким чином, щоб за
змістом воно збігалося з першим реченням. Вживайте не
більше трьох слів, включаючи виділене слово.

4 I try not to drink too much

Coca-Cola in a week.
I try not to drink too many cans
of Coca-Cola in a week.
D Доповніть кожне друге речення таким чином, щоб за
змістом воно збігалося з першим реченням. Вживайте не
більше трьох слів, включаючи виділене слово.

5 Would you like some more

Would you like another piece of
D Доповніть кожне друге речення таким чином, щоб за
змістом воно збігалося з першим реченням. Вживайте не
більше трьох слів, включаючи виділене слово.

6 I don't want a lot of cream

on my strawberries.
I only want a little cream on my
By BetaMonkey
E Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

1 Be careful with that vase

because it's made of ..............!

A glass В a glass
By BetaMonkey
E Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

2 I started coughing because I

had ...............
a hair at the back of
my throat.
A hair В a hair
By BetaMonkey
E Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

3 Don’t put your hot cup on my

new table! It’s ...............
wood and I
don’t want you to burn it.
A wood В a wood
By BetaMonkey
E Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

4 We should all
paper............... so that it can
be used again.
A paper В a paper
By BetaMonkey
E Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

5 My dad gets ...............

a paper every
day on his way to work.

A paper В a paper
By BetaMonkey
E Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

6 Of course you can have some

milk. Get ...............
a glass out of the
A glass В a glass
By BetaMonkey
F Впишіть по одному слову в кожен пропуск.

Open-air markets
Even if you only have a (1) little money,
you can still have a great time at your local
open-air market. The clothes (2) are cheap,
and the fruit (3) is cheap, too! Often, the
food in your local supermarket (4) has .
travelled a long way, but at the market you
know that you’re buying food which has
been produced locally.
By BetaMonkey
F Впишіть по одному слову в кожен пропуск.

Open-air markets
The vegetables (5) are fresh, even if you
go late in the day when there are only a
(6) few left. Support your local market and
help local farmers. Contact your Town Hall
to find out if there are (7) any open-air
markets in your area.
2 UNITS 2, 3 AND 4 Read the TV programme information and choose the correct words in italics.
Today’s best programmes
Subtitled programmes are available on (0) channel / the channel 29.
Programmes include hand signing for (1) deaf / the deaf.
18.00 Channel 16 TV International
A weekly look at (2) television / the television around (3) a / the world.
19.15 ВВС 4 The Bridge on (4) River / the River Kwai
Award-winning war film. (5) A / The list of actors includes Alec Guinness
and William Holden.
21.30 Channel 5 Job Watch
What is the government doing to help (6) unemployed / the unemployed?
This programme examines (7) a / the latest job creation policies and a
new plan to help students at (8) university / the university find jobs.
22.00 CNN The Energy Crisis
(9) Chinese / The Chinese are investing in coal-powered electricity. Is this
the best way to protect (10) an / the environment? This documentary
examines the facts.
3 UNITS 2, 3 AND 5 Complete the three conversations with a, an, the, - (no article), this, By BetaMonkey
that, these or those. In five places, more than one answer is possible.

JOHN This place is amazing. Look, (0) that's the Mona Lisa over there,
on the other side of the room.
ALICE (1) ............ painting behind the thick glass?
That it. Let's get a bit nearer.
JOHN Yes, (2) ...........'s
ALICE I still can't really see it. All (3) ............... tourists are standing in the way.
Why don't we get a coffee and come back later?
JOHN OK. Is there (4) ............... café in (5) the/this
........... museum?
ALICE I'm sure there is. Let's ask (6) that/the
........... security guard over there.
3 UNITS 2, 3 AND 5 Complete the three conversations with a, an, the, - (no article), this, By BetaMonkey
that, these or those. In five places, more than one answer is possible.

the Tate Gallery.
TOURIST Excuse me. I'm looking for (7) ............
DAN Which one? There are two.
the one with all the modern art.
TOURIST Er, (8) ............
DAN I think you mean the Tate Modern.
TOURIST Yes, (9) ............that
's the one I want.
DAN the river. You have to cross
Well, it's on the other side of (10) ............
over (11) ........... Millennium Bridge.
TOURIST Where's (12) ...........?
DAN the corner of (14) the/this.
It's not far. Just turn left at (13) ........... ........... street.
3 UNITS 2, 3 AND 5 Complete the three conversations with a, an, the, - (no article), this, By BetaMonkey
that, these or those. In five places, more than one answer is possible.

Hello, Cambridge Tourist Office? Right, I'm coming to (15)............
Cambridge next week and I'm looking for (16).............-information.
GUIDE Sure. What would you like to know?
- history and (18)...........
SILVIA Well, I quite like (17)........... - architecture.
Are any of (19)............the
university buildings open to the public?
GUIDE Yes, and some of (20)............ the colleges are very old.
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

The Isabella
(0) .............................. Stewart Gardner Museum is one of the
most unusual museums in (1) ...............................

A Isabella
B The Isabella
C An Isabella
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

The Isabella
(0) .............................. Stewart Gardner Museum is one of the
most unusual museums in (1) North America.

A North America
B the North America

C a North America
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

It was built by the millionairess Isabella Stewart Gardner at the

the nineteenth century.
end of (2)............................

A nineteenth
B the nineteenth
C a nineteenth
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

those days wealthy Americans often travelled to Europe and

In (3)........
bought fine paintings and sculptures. Isabella went to Europe
many times and bought a lot of (4)..........

A that
B these
C those
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

those days wealthy Americans often travelled to Europe and

In (3)........
bought fine paintings and sculptures. Isabella went to Europe
many times and bought a lot of (4)..........

A art
В some art
C the art
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

the Palazzo
She visited Venice in 1884 and fell in love with (5)..............
Barbaro. She decided that one day she would build (6)...............
in her home town, Boston, which would be (7)............. of a
Venetian palace.
A a Palazzo
B the Palazzo
C this Palazzo
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

the Palazzo
She visited Venice in 1884 and fell in love with (5)..............
a house
Barbaro. She decided that one day she would build (6)...............
in her home town, Boston, which would be (7)............. of a
Venetian palace.
A house
B the house
C a house
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

the Palazzo
She visited Venice in 1884 and fell in love with (5)..............
a house
Barbaro. She decided that one day she would build (6)...............
a copy of a
in her home town, Boston, which would be (7).............
Venetian palace.
A copy
В the copy
C a copy
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

As she collected more and more art she decided her new home
a museum.
should also become (8)........

A museum
B a museum
C the museum
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

In 1898 Isabellas husband, John Gardner, died and she began

building her new home/museum. It opened to the public in
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

the top floor of the museum as a private home

Isabella kept (9).….........
for herself and she lived there until she died in 1924.

A the top
В that top
C a top
4 all units Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C below. By BetaMonkey

BOSTON. Museums and Galleries

These days the museum contains more than 2,500 works of

art and is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, from 11
a.m. to 5 p.m.

A The
B These
C Those
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

1. Many / Much people showed up

at the concert.
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

2. Few / Little people go

mountaineering during the winter.
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

3. There’s very little / a little time

left to get ready for the dance.
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

4. You needn’t apply any more

suntan lotion; you’ve got plenty of /
plenty on.
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

5. There is a lot of / a lot traffic on

the motorway.
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

6. You didn’t make much / many

serious mistakes in the test, but
you should be more careful with
your spelling.
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

7. We’ve only got a little / a few

petrol left. We’d better stop at the
next petrol station.
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

8. We need to get a few / few

stamps from the post office. I want
to Send off my Christmas cards.
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

9. I couldn’t find many / much

information on ancient Greek art in
my encyclopaedia. I’ll go to the
By BetaMonkey

D Circle the correct answer.

10. How much / many bread do you

want me to buy?
H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

1 If you have ............

a little time at the
end of the exam, check your

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

2 Give me ............
a few minutes and I’ll
be ready.

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

3 We've only got ............

a little milk left
so get some when you go shopping.

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

4 Just ............
a little practice every day
and you'll soon be able to play the

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

5 We were disappointed
few............ of the members came
to the youth club party.

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

6 Sprinkle ............
a little sugar on the

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

7 I suppose now I'm 43, I

little ............ hope of playing
football for England.

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

a few
8 Could you help me with ............
exercises I don't understand?

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

a little coffee left, if

9 There’s ............
anyone wants some.

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

10 Becoming an astronaut is so
demanding that ............ people
manage it.

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

11 I'll meet you in half an hour -

a few e-mails to write
I've got ............

A few B a few C little D a little

H Choose the correct answer. By BetaMonkey

12 Many people feel

little ............ point in voting,
even in a general election.

A few B a few C little D a little

249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

1 He didn’t say anything /

nothing to the police.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

2 No one / Anyone was at

home when I called.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

3 There was hardly no one /

anyone at the party.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

4 I need any / some more

milk for this cake.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

5 I can't find my sister

anywhere / nowhere.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

6 Are you going nowhere /

anywhere for your holiday?
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

7 John goes to sleep at

11.00 pm any / every
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

8 Call round any / some time

you like.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

9 He needs any / some time

to work out the answer.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

10 Anybody / Nobody told

me you were leaving.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

11 Anybody / Everybody
congratulated us.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

12 She goes to school every

/ some day.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

13 Is there everything /
anything good on at the
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

14 Will you give them

nothing / some homework
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

15 I think there's
anything / something
wrong with my car.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

16 Sally isn’t going

anywhere / nowhere this
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

17 He doesn’t want
anything / nothing in
particular for his birthday.
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

18 Shall I go and buy

some / anything cheese?
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

19 There is nowhere /
everywhere in the world I'd
like to visit more than
249 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

20 I didn’t buy some / any

213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

1 Don’t worry, I said

nothing / anything.
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

2 Pete didn't see anyone /

no one come out of the
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

3 We need to take some /

any food with us.
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

4 It took him any / some

time to recover from his
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

5 Anybody / Everybody was

pleased with their exam
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

6 Is there any / some sugar

in this coffee? It's very
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

7 We didn't go nowhere /
anywhere this year.
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

8 Can I have some / any

water please?
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

9 The doctor told her there

was anything / nothing
wrong with her.
213 Underline the correct item. By BetaMonkey

10 He does his homework

any / every evening before
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

anything else
A: Is there ................
you'd like to order?
B: Yes, we would
like chips,
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

A: Has ................
anyone seen my
B: Sorry. I have ................
idea where it is.
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

someone is
A: I think ................
knocking at the door.
B: Are you sure? I can’t
hear ................
anything .
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

A: I’d rather not go
B: We can do …..............
else if you want.
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

A: Have you found your
car keys yet?
B: No, I can’t find
................ .
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

A: I'm bored. I’ve
got ................ to do!
B: Then you can
................ dusting for
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

A: I think I’ve forgotten
to bring a pen.
someone will
B: I’m sure ................
lend you one.
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.
A: Did you visit your new
neighbours this morning?
B: Well, I knocked on
their front door but there
was ................
nobody / no one at home.
18 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.

A: Where does Kate live?
B: I think she
lives ...............
somewhere near
18 Fill in the gaps with any, anyone/anybody, anything or anywhere.

A: Shall we sit in the
corner or by the window?
B: .................
Anywhere you want.
18 Fill in the gaps with any, anyone/anybody, anything or anywhere.

A: Who can I bring to the
B : .................
you like.
18 Fill in the gaps with any, anyone/anybody, anything or anywhere.

A: What do you want to
watch on TV?
B: Oh, anything
................. Idon't
really mind.
18 Fill in the gaps with any, anyone/anybody, anything or anywhere.

A: What time shall we go
out tonight?
B: ................. time you
18 Fill in the gaps with any, anyone/anybody, anything or anywhere.

A: Where can I buy this
B: At ................. Good
bookshop in town.
18 Fill in the gaps with any, anyone/anybody, anything or anywhere.

A: Where shall I sit?
B: Anywhere
................ at this table.
18 Fill in the gaps with any, anyone/anybody, anything or anywhere.

A: Can I join that club,
too? Anyone
B: Of course! ................
can join the club.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

1 Ron knows ..................
there is to know about
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

Everyone knows Charlie
2 ...............
but no..................
one/nobody really
likes him.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

3 We could hardly
see .................. in the
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

4 I'm so tired! I just want

to go somewhere
.................. to relax
for a few days.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

5 I’ve never
been ................... more
exciting than London.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

6 Are you doing ...............
at the moment? I need to
something .
ask you .............
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

7 Michael never
does .............. without
asking ..............................
... first.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

8 Is there ................ milk
in the fridge or shall I go
and get .................. ?
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

9 Everyone/Everybody
was very pleased with
no one/
their results; ....................
nobody was disappointed.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

10 Has ................. told
you .................
anything about
what you have to do?
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

11 There nothing is ............

that ............... can say to
make me feel better.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

12 They looked
everywhere for Helen but
they couldn’t find her.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

13 Everyone/Everybody
................ is
wondering no one/
why anything
.......... ..........
Noticed ............... before.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

14 I want to
go .................. this
weekend. I anywhere
been ................. for ages.
214 Fill in: some, any, no, every or their compounds. By BetaMonkey

anyone seen my
15 Has ............
pen? I've looked for it
…………....... but
it’s ................ to be
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

1 My dog follows
me ................ I go. He
never leaves my side.
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

2 That chair is going to

break again however
well you fix it.
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

2 That chair is going to

break again ..............
well you fix it.
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

Whatever happens I’ll still

3 ...................
be his friend.
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

Whenever I try to talk to

4 ...................
Kate she just ignores me.
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

5 The bus is leaving.

Whoever wants a ticket
must buy one now.
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

6 Sam has a Spanish

Whenever he goes
friend ……..........
to Spain he stays with
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

However hard I try, I

7 ................
can't seem to forget that
awful night.
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

8 ..................
Whenever we go to
the cinema Julie pays for
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

9 He dresses
Wherever ............... he
goes he makes a good
Ever can be added to question words to mean “any”. These are:
however (= in any way that), whatever (= anything that),
whenever (= any time that), wherever (= any place that),
whichever (= any of), whoever (= anyone who). Whoever did this
must be punished. (= anyone who did it)
218 Fill in: whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whoever
or however.

10 I won’t accept that

behaviour from
anyone they
may be.
The End

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