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He was sent from
hind what
above, it was him, be
ok around.
our eyes see as we lo
From heaven above, He made humans th
at is likely
tes nature
his image, he crea
Both his holy hands and all the living
animals in
from our
Earth. He saves us
create sins, he heals us
from the
love us
wounds and he
Human integrate unconditionally. He
was the
a n d He
man behind my back
was my God.
receive from your
Love is the first gift you
ily , ev en w h en yo u ’re not yet born in
is wo rl d. Th ei r lo ve for you is
tional, that is the
irreplaceable and excep
t you down, and
love that will never le
ide and unfold
Love that never fades d it w ill he lp yo u, gu
in ne r b ea ut y. Fa m ily is the greatest
re yo u ’ve re ce ived from up above, it
Family, grace from above
tr ea su
was preordained
is not chosen because it
is your greatest
for you by God. Family
spiration and
Thou strength and weakness th , it se rv ed as yo ur in
ati o n to m ov e fo rw ar d and continue
mo tiv
But it is also your
to grow as an individual.
eatest weakness
weakness, for your gr
st strength.
comes from your greate
al. Loving is
True love is uncondition
ier when you
selfless it makes you happ
ppier, you feel
see your true love more ha
rson because
comfortable. You love this pe
Love’s a true feeling you want to, and not beca
him/her to love you back.
use you want
Love knows no
hen you are
You cannot let go of that boundaries, no limits. W
expecting in return then th
at’s not love to
y deal. Love
begin with, its just a shad
It’s forever stuck really doesn’t need to be
springs from within. This do
mutual. Love
esn’t have to
feel satisfied
be mutual. Whether it is, we
love the other
but if not, we would always
person as love comes from

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