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Business Report Writing

Lecture - 2
What is a business Letter?
 A business letter is a professional, formal letter
that is sent by one company to another.
 These letters are used for professional
correspondence between business clients.
Employees, stakeholders as well as individuals.
 Whether one need to tell a potential client
about product, collaborate with another
company, convince someone to attend event or
give a thank you note; a well-written business
letter can do the job.
 Business letters demonstrate a level of
professionalism and class.

 It is considered as more authentic way of

communication among individuals of
professional circle.
Important functions of Business
 Representative of an organization
 Provide information on topics related to
 Provide valuable evidence for a legal purpose
 Become reference material for future
transactions between organizations and
 Encourage and Sustain goodwill
 Inspire all the people involved in the business
to perform higher and better level performance
Business Letter
 A business letter is a formal document with a
set and organized structure.
 It includes contact information, a salutation,

the body of the letter, a complimentary

close , and a signature.
 Following points should be kept in mind

while writing a business letter;

Points to remember
 In general, one should write the purpose of
writing in first paragraph very clearly.
 It is sagacious to keep the body of your

business letter direct and brief.

 One should provide more specifics in the

next paragraph.
 One should use closing paragraph to reiterate

the reason for writing

Kinds of Business Letters
 In the end, one should thank the recipient for
reading, and possibly mention the follow-up
 There are different kinds of business letters.

For example;
 Good news letter
 Bad news letter
 Invitation letter
Kinds of Business letters
 Adjustments letter
 Resignation
 Letter for joining
 Cover letter
 Letter to the Editor
Structure of Business Letter
 A business letter should always follow a
certain format and structure to make sure it
is received as professional and up-to-
 There are many different types of business

letters although they share a common

structure to a great extent.
 In business, a letter is simply any type of

correspondence sent between two parties.

 It may be about any topic and sent via many
delivery methods such as email, regular mail ,
and hand delivery.

 The tone of the letter fluctuates as it depends

upon the reader and most of the times one
needs to vary from neutral to formal.
Purposes for Business letters
 To inform
 To congratulate
 To enquire
 To order
 To request
 To collect dues
 To complain
 To make an adjustment
Phrases for good news letter
 I am delighted to inform you…
 I am overwhelmed to announce…
 I intend to congratulate you…
 I am pleased to declare…
 I would like to congratulate you….
Phrases for bad new letter
 I am really sorry to inform you…
 I regret to inform you..
 It is displeasure to inform you
Resignation Letter
 A formal resignation letter is designed to
tender resignation with a more refined tone
than a simple letter format.
 A formal letter is ideal for situations where:
 The work environment emphasizes formality

and professionalism.
 When one needs to show respect to the

Phrases for resignation letter
 Please accept this letter as my formal
resignation from this position..
 I would like to inform you about my intention

to resign from this post..

 I am writing to inform you of my resignation

 I, hereby, intend to inform you abot my

Invitation Letter
 A formal letter is written to invite someone
professional or a visitor to visit a company or
 It may serve the purpose of inviting a guest

to some official gathering, event or

celebration while conveying more
information than a traditional invitation card.
Phrases for invitation Letter
 It is to invite you..
 I would like to invite you..
 It is an immense pleasure to invite you..
 I am pleased to inform you..
 You are cordially invited to..
 I am delighted to inform you that you are

cordially invited to..

 On behalf of the company, I intend to inform

Adjustment letter
 An adjustment letter is a response to a
written complaint. The purpose of this letter
is to inform the readers that their complaint
has been received.
 It is also a legal document recording what

decisions were made and what actions will be

Phrases for Adjustment letter
 The report that we have received just today
shows that the consignment forwarded to you
was he wrong one…
 It was a mistake from our dispatch section..
 We regret this mistake which has caused you

both embarrassment and inconvenience..

Letter for joining
 It is a letter for the chosen candidate which
reveals his/her willingness to accept the job,
offered by the company’s owner.

 The job hunt procedure ends with the joining

letter of the selected applicant.
Phrases for letter of joining
 Concerning your appointment letter (letter
no) dated July 30th, 2021, I am joyed to
inform you that I intend to join as a….

 I am immensely pleased to inform you that I

accept the offer and acknowledge the same.. I
am ready to join as…
Cover Letter
 A cover letter is a written document
commonly submitted with a job application
outlining the applicant’s credentials and
interest in the open position.
 It is a one-page document that is submitted

as a part of job application (alongside your

CV or resume).
Phrases for Cover letter
 As a highly skilled and professional project
manager with 11 years of experience , I am
writing to express my interest in the project
manager position at your company.
 My experience aligns well, as I have worked

 I know I would make a valuable addition to

your team..

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