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Raspberry Pi

--- By Khushi Gupta

What can you do with a
Raspberry Pi?
Some people buy a Raspberry Pi to learn to code, and people
who can already code use the Pi to learn to code electronics
for physical projects. The Raspberry Pi can open opportunities
for you to create your own home automation projects, which
is popular among people in the open source community
because it puts you in control, rather than using a proprietary
closed system.
Different Types of Raspberry
Pi Models
The different types of raspberry pi models are following:
• Raspberry Pi model B
• Raspberry Pi model A
• Raspberry Pi model B+
• Raspberry Pi model A+
• Raspberry Pi Zero
• Raspberry Pi Zero W
Raspberry Pi 1 model B+
This model B+ is replaced in the place of
raspberry pi model B in the year 2014.
Model B+ Rpi is compared with the model
B it has.
• More GPIO: The GPIO model B+ has 40
pins while retaining the same pinout for
the first 26 pins as the Model A and B.
• More USB: It has 4 USB 2.0 ports,
compared to 2 on the Model B, and
better hotplug and overcurrent
• Micro SD: The old friction-fit SD card
socket has been replaced with a much
nicer push-push micro SD version.
• Lower Power Consumption: In the low
power consumption the linear
regulators are replaced by switching
one and it will reduce the power
consumption by between 0.5W and 1W.
• Better Audio: The audio circuit has a
dedicated low-noise power supply.
Raspberry Pi Zero

It is a half size of the model

A+ with twice a utility and for
any project, it has the same
specification like 1GHz,
Single-core CPU, 512MB
RAM, Mini-HDMI port, Micro-
USB OTG port, Micro-USB
power, HAT-compatible 40-
pin header, Composite video
and reset headers, CSI
camera connector (v1.3
only). The following image
shows the raspberry pi zero.
Raspberry Pi 2
The basic image of the
raspberry pi 2 is
following and the
features of the
raspberry pi 2 are it has
quad-core ARM cortex-
A7 processor with a
900MHz, the SDRAM is
about the 1GB. It is
completely compatible
with the raspberry pi 1.
Raspberry Pi Model B
It is a higher-spec variant of
raspberry pi. After this design
of this raspberry pi, it has
extended to the next model
i.e raspberry pi 2. The
specifications of the
raspberry pi model B are
following, the raspberry pi
model B has two USB ports,
having a RAM of 512MB and
its Ethernet port is 100mb.
The basic image of the
raspberry pi model is shown
in the following.
Raspberry Pi v/s Computer
Raspberry Pi Computer

The basis is the

motherboard. It has other
It is a motherboard. All
components are soldered components such as
Construction directly onto the
RAM, Storage, CPU, and
GPU that are connected
to the motherboard using
standard connectors.

14 × 7 inches for the mini-

Average 85.60 mm × 56.5
Size mm × 17 mm
tower and 24 × 8 inches
for the full tower cases

$25 for model A and $35 $400-$3500 for the entire

Price for model B motherboard. computer.
RAM between 1 and 8 Average RAM of 4GB
Memory and Storage GB. Micro SD card for and Hard Drive/SSD for
storage. storage.

Has 4 USB ports, 1 HDMI Highly depends on the

monitor minimum, 1
computer model, but
audio port, an Ethernet usually includes at least
Connectivity port. Has Bluetooth and
the equivalent, with
Wi-Fi capability. No
Microphone, no options for easy
additional ports.

Architecture ARM AMD64

Screen No screen Can have a screen

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