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Bishwas Acharya

Deepa Parajuli
Roshna Rajbhandari
Upama Baral

Raj Rokaya
• Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs first
described in the 1930s and while historic
transmissions to people have been "sporadic", the
human infection rate is rising. It is caused by H1N1
virus. In humans, the swine virus exhibits symptoms
of regular human flu, including fever, cough, sore
throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
• Swine flu can also lead to severe infections because it
is not recognised by the human immune system, and it
is not likely to be stopped by drugs developed to
combat human variants of the flu. It can cause
pneumonia or respiratory failure, particularly in
people with underlying chronic medical conditions,
and human deaths have been reported previously from
swine flu cases. The 1st case of death due to swine flu
was reported in Mexico.
• In case of nepal,the 1st case was reported with three
members of the same family testing positive in June
29, 2009. The family had reached Katmandu’s
Tribhuvan International Airport in June 16, 2009
when they were diagnosed with fever. They had
traveled from the US via Doha. The government
stepped up vigil at its lone international airport after
the outbreak of the disease in more than 100
countries, but the land routes were not adequately
• Nepal is connected by land route to China and India.
Both neighbors have reported rising incidence of the
new epidemic. Thus the probability of infection is
high in Nepal.

• We searched the materials from google and
compiled them in words.
• To study the swine flu cases in Nepal and the other
• To study the age-wise distribution of deaths due to
swine flu.
• To study the age-wise distribution of deaths due to
swine flu.
• To study the preventive and control measures of
swine flu.

Mode of spread of swine flu:

• Droplet inhalation
• Direct contact
• Indirect contact
Symptoms of swine flu:
• Fever > 380C
• cough, and/or sore throat
• fever, which is usually high, but unlike seasonal flu, is
sometimes absent
• runny nose or stuffy nose
• body aches
• headache
• chills
• fatigue or tiredness, which can be extreme
• diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes, but more
commonly seen than with seasonal flu
Country No. of cases No. of deaths
United States 113,690 3,433
Brazil 58,178 2,135
China 120,940 800
United Kingdom 28,456 474
Nepal 172 3
Bhutan 91 0
India 29,599 2,024
Greenland 1 0
• Total worldwide detected cases and deaths:

Total no. of detected cases Total no. of detected


1,632,258 19,633

• Swine flu is a pandemic. It is transmitted by various

methods. The 1st one is droplet inhalation produced
when Infected person talks/cough/sneezes. The 2nd
one is by direct contact by touching an infected
person – shaking hands, hugging, kissing. It is also
transmitted by indirect contact by touching surface
contaminated with the virus.
• The signs and symptoms of swine flu are similar to
seasonal viruses and include fever, cough, headache,
body aches, sore throat and runny nose. Only medical
practitioner and local health authority can confirm a
case of influenza A (H1N1)
• It exists almost throughout the world .The 1st case of
swine flu was detected in Mexico. There are
1,632,258 detected cases of swine and 19,633
detected deaths throughout the world.
• The largest number of cases and deaths are detected
in USA which have 1, 13,690 detected cases and
3,433 deaths and the lowest is in Greenland, Andorra
and Chad which have 1 detected case and no
deaths.58 countries are found to have deaths above 40
and 77 countries have deaths below 40 and 66
countries have no deaths with only the detected cases.
In Nepal there are 172 detected cases and 3 detected
deaths. Apart from these data, there are many more
cases and deaths which are still undetected.
• Pregnant women, parents and caretakers of young
children, health care workers, adults over sixty five
years of age and children younger than five are listed
in the high risk group for swine flu. Individuals who
have heart or lung disease, diabetes, and weakened
immune weakened immune systems are also listed on
the high risk list. However the total percent of deaths
of age group 0-15 is 18%, age group 16-44 is
31%,age group 45-64 is 25% and age group 65 and
above or elderly is 26%.
• North America and Australia are found to be at
extreme risk of swine flu infection as more cases and
deaths are detected and many are suspected.South
America is at 2nd risk continent. Thirdly is Asia,
fourthly Europe and the last one is Africa. Very few
cases are detected in Africa. In Nepal swine flu cases
is almost although 3 deaths and 172 are detected.
Nepal is at risk because its neighboring countries
India and China are at the level of high infection.
• Swine flu has become a pandemic. It exists all over
the world and has taken the life of many persons.
Thousands of people have lost their life and millions
are infected. It mostly occurs during the winter
• The main route of transmission of the new influenza
A (H1N1) virus seems to be similar to seasonal
influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking,
sneezing or coughing.
We can prevent getting infected by avoiding close
contact with people who show influenza-like
symptoms (trying to maintain a distance of about 1
meter if possible) and taking the following measures:
• Avoid touching your mouth and nose;
• Clean hands thoroughly with soap and water, or
cleanse them with an alcohol-based hand rub on a
regular basis (especially if touching the mouth and
nose, or surfaces that are potentially contaminated);
• Avoid close contact with people who might be ill;
• Reduce the time spent in crowded settings if possible;
• Improve airflow in your living space by opening
• Practice good health habits including adequate sleep,
eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.
• Treatment is done under the prescribed doses of
oseltamivir, zanamivir and other antiviral drugs.
• The government, concerned health agencies and the
pubic must actively involved in the prevention and
control. The vaccines for the treatment and
prevention must be invented.

1. Template2009-2010 flu pandemic table - Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia.htm
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

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