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Form 747117/CWB

Section 1:Your Name and Rank

Name: Tomas Watts
Rank: N/A
Organisation: House Austora; Bolter & Aquila
Regiment: 7TH Stonwall Grenadiers
Company: 1st Platoon: 2nd Squad: 2nd
Deparmento Munitorum Laison: Officer Master Sergeant Inigo
World Stationed: Perdition IV
Combat Zone Type: Urban/Ash
Section 2: Items of kit to be requested:

Type of kit requested: Multi-Key

Number of items: 01

Principal purpose to which kit will be put: Non-Destructive Entry

Methods are lacking in the squad, as such it has already notably
hampered the relations of Perdition Natives and Stonewall Personnel.
This will allow such events to become much more infrequent.

Routine uses to which the kit will be put: Entry of locks and secured
terminals, under specitic need and allowance, in the field.

Disclosure: Voluntary

Future care of kit to prevent damage:. A Protective Case, and a form

for regular repair of equipment.
Hive World Aullorous ; Hive Secundas “Pompaelo”

Allocated Mission Parameters:

7th Stonewall Freind or Foe?

While many might know me from my time as a Special Investigator

amongst the Hive Constabulary, or might never have heard of me, it can
be said with no uncertainty that I am a man of Perdition, the Steel walls
my cradle. And forges the comfort of a mother’s heart beat. Perdition
IV has been my home for decades, and likely to be my grave as well. With
the sedition and outright rebellion of our cousins in the Planetary
Defense Forces (PDF) the certainty increases much more. I left behind
the duties of the Hive Constabulary, but I didn’t leave the oath I swore
to safeguard the people of the hive from threats both foriegn and
domestic, I didn’t abandon my investigatory instincts or nature.
Even now I watch, I act, when word arrives to the Constabulary that
there would be a place for people like me to watch over the battlefield,
to see the people from off-world who came to assist us and to ensure
that they did us no harm. I leapt at the oppurtunity. With leave, I took
to the Bolter and Aquila, one of the few Perditians that would choose
to stand amongst outsiders when even our own flesh and blood can’t be
For hundreds of years, since the colonization of the world, we have
been loyal to the Imperium. And, this is the reward our loyalty
promises us, that in a time of need we will have the help required. I was
flown out to regroup with the House Astora vessels, and then departed
from them to the Transport of the 7th Stonewall, the people I would
call brothers-in-arms.
From the moment I stepped aboard their vessel, I was an outsider, I had
stepped into a covenant that is not unlike the Adeptas Sororitas that
call our world Home. They, like us, are a people that care about
defending their homeland, they form tight bounds of solidarity that
are hard pressed to fracture. At first no-one would speak to me, for I
had no place amongst them, I haven't bled on the battlefields they have,
I didn’t have the code they live by. Instead, I was put up in an officer’s
quarters, I was given access to the luxuries of home, and I was given
certain protections that were not afforded to the Guardsman who
came to defend us. This might not sound out of place, but it cemented my
status as an outsider.
7th Stonewall Freind or Foe?

I would not undergo the rites sacred to them, I did not participate in
their training as they would only be hampered by this ill-received
camaraderie, for the 7th are a band of Veterans. They received me the best
they knew how, for life amongst the 7th is no different than the life
amongst the Forge Dregs, the numerous Menials that wake with the
ringing of the great alarm, and only go to rest with the ringing of
They live in conditions that are as harsh as the frontlines of the
battlefield, with the few creature comforts we on Perdition IV enjoy semi-
regularly, either banned outright or heavily regulated, for they are
warriors of faith, fire, and steel. Those who drink, do so with the prospect
of easing past battles on their memories. The few who spoke to me, did so
about their great losses to the Green Tide, their defense of a planet not
their own had cost them many times more than the casualties we suffered
dealt by Sepertatist hands. They are a regiment with a great emphasis on
Honor, Duty, Respect, and Discipline. They tell me of a world called
Stonwall, a bastion of Imperial Faith, where just enough grows and people
are happy, where there are tough times but Faith always comes through.
They tell me not about themselves, who they’ve given to the emperor’s
service out of piety, but of their home of that which we called them away
from. And, like the other various Imperial Guard regiments that
answered our calls for help, they expect nothing from us but the support
needed to complete a righteous task.
They treat me as an outsider, not out of hate, or even
misunderstanding, but because of the understanding that I am one of the
people they are summoned to defend. They are giving their all, dressed in
regalia that demonstrates their heritage in thick or thin, and armed
with their faith that this is the righteous task.
Like those of us on Perdition IV, the 7th are made up of many people that
come from all walks of life, and while their vocation is war and
bloodshed, they are neither our foe nor marauders, but our sworn ally.
There may be times when the lives of those who call Perdition IV home are
lost, where our homes are destroyed or our fields trampled, but that is
the debt we were forced to take on by the Separatists. The Imperial Guard
only wishes to ease that debt as quickly and easily as possible, many wish
there was no need to fight, but know that it is their duty to do so.
This has been Field Reporter Tomas Watts, and I send the best from the
Frontlines of the 7th.
Mission Objective

An attempt at a new font; for mission

Operation Name:
Tempered Steel
Mission Parameters;

The 784th Verdant Crest Armored Regiment, Third

Company, Fourth Platoon shall breach through
the enemy lines. Traveling to Coordinates
[Redacted from non-command documents] to
destroy a large Successionist Artillery Battery
in the “Ash Wastes” to alleviate the artillery
falling on friendly lines.


The Atmosphere is hazardous in the ash wastes,

and as such the visibility is low and
rebreathers will be issued to all Tank Crew,
and command personnel.

In-field Command Structure:

● Lt. Susanna Walt

● Sgt. Fulton Deley
● Cpl. Cassidy O’Sheridan
● Spc. William Mortimer

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