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The Information Age began around the 1970s and is still going on today.

This era
brought about a time period in which people could access information and knowledge

Characteristics of the Information Age

1. Use of information to increase productivity

2. Global use of information

3. Emphasis on innovations
The Mechanical Computer era (1623–1945)

 mechanical computers were built from only moving mechanical components such as
levers and gears, rather than electronic components.
Evolution of Computer Technology

invented the logarithms and

Napier’s bones, and popularized
the use of the decimal point.
 Leibniz’s Calculator/Wheel
 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), a
German mathematician, successfully introduced a
calculator designed in 1673 but was completed in
 The calculator could add, subtract, multiply, and
It was fully automatic and commanded by a fixed instruction
program and can perform mathematical calculation.

The idea of analytical engine didn’t

Charles Babbage’s invented these machines which take physical form but served as a
had a significant influence in computer base for modern digital computers
development. He drew up detailed plans for It was an automatic machine and
mechanical calculating engines, both the table-
making Difference Engines (1821) and the
could do 60 addition per minute
Analytical Engines (1837).
The Turing Machine
The Universal Machine
The story of modern electronic digital computing should start
with Alan Turing who published a paper in 1936 On
Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungs
problem. The paper proved that a machine equipped with
wheels and levers capable of calculating various mathematical
equations and store aggregate amounts of data, thus making it
more efficient than humans who served as manual computers.
The development of Universal Turing Machine UTM. Known
as the first “computing machine” earned him the title “Father of
the Modern Technology”
 Konrad Zuse, German civil engineer and entrepreneur
devised the world’s first programmable computer
between 1936-1939
 His electromechanical computer, the Z3, was the first
Turing-complete digital computer to be created and
became operational in 1941.
 Around 1939, John V. Atanasoff together with Clifford
Berry, they created the first electronic digital computer
called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
 The machine was able to solve for variables one at a time
until an entire system of equations is solved
 Tommy Harold Flowers, a British Post Office employee,
invented the world’s first programmable electronic
computer in 1943 called the Colossus
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

John Presper Eckert (1919-1995) and John Mauchly (1907-1980) of the

University of Pennsylvania Moore School of Engineering
 Universal Automatic Computer
 it used stored programs
 It was the first successful commercially available
Computer Generations

o is a computer era or period characterized by development and use of a particular computer technology that significantly
changed the way computers operated.
o The Development of Computer technology is grouped into five generations.

o Each generation is marked by advancement in basic technologies which have resulted in

computers of lower cost
higher speed
greater memory capacity
smaller size than computers of preceding/former generations.
First generation Second generation Third generation


Identify the obvious differences


Moore’s Law

According to Moore’s Law, the number of transistors on a chip roughly doubles every two years(18 months). As
a result the size of computers gets smaller and smaller.
This was an observation made by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in 1965. He noticed that the number of
transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention.  
Moore’s law predicts that this trend will continue into the foreseeable future, making computers smaller and
Internet and World Wide Web

 During cold war, different nations utilized computer technology to be able to efficiently gather and deliver information
 In US, academic institutions and government agencies worked together to come up with systems to address such processes
 The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was created in 1969.
 ARPANET was a packet switching network that grouped data in a message into parts or packets that are sent independently to
other computers in the system through the most optimal route.
 Once the message reaches its destination, it reassembles itself and can be read as it was originally composed.
 In the 20 years of its operation, ARPANET was able to connect computer networks across the United States, Europe, and Australia
until it was decommissioned in 1990.
 It was then replaced by a system called the internet.
 INTERNET is a collective name of all the devices that consist the global network including hardware and
 Internet, a system architecture that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by
allowing various computer networks around the world to interconnect.
 The internet is a globally connected network system facilitating worldwide
communication and access to data resources through a vast collection of private,
public, business, academic and government networks. 
The Internet has grown and evolved over time thus it facilitate services like:


•Web-enabled audio/video conferencing services.

•Online movies and gaming.

•Data transfer/file-sharing, often through File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

•Instant messaging

•Internet forums

•Social networking

•Online shopping

•Financial services
To access information from this global
network, the World Wide Web (WWW) was
created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee, a
British computer scientist and researcher at

Web is one of the services

communicated over the internet,
a portion of the internet.
 HTML (HyperText Markup Language), standard
language used to create websites and application
 HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), the protocol
that defines how information is formatted and
distributed on servers and browsers.
o Internet Protocol (IP) are addresses used to
properly identify each individual device connected
to the Internet
 MOSAIC (1993) popularized the World Wide Web  Microsoft develops programs like Microsoft
and the Internet; client for internet protocols; first Office, Microsoft Windows and other influential
browser to display images online with text instead products
of displaying images in a separate windows  Microsoft office is a family of client software,
 INTERNET EXPLORER (1995) series of graphical server software and services; first announced by
web browsers developed by Microsoft and included Bill Gates on August 1,1988
in the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems  Microsoft Windows is a group of several graphical
starting in 1995
operating system families that caters to certain
 MOZILLA FIREFOX or Firefox is a free and open sector of the computing industry
source web browser developed by Mozilla
Foundation; created in 2002 under the codename
Social Media
Social Media
 The most prominent technological advancement of the new millennium
 Social media websites & applications are designed to facilitate the creation & exchange of information
in a virtual space
 Can be accessed through computers or mobile phones
 Influence the way society share, exchange, and communicate ideas with each other
Social Networking Services

 In 1978, the first social media was created, Bulletin Board System (BBS) by Ward Christensen and
Randy Suess used to announce meeting and sharing information by posting it on BBS
 In 1995, Geocities was launched as web hosting were it allowed internet users to create simple websites
for themselves.
 In 1997, Six Degrees appeared where users created profile and list of friends
 In 1999, was a year for Blogger and Livejournal; users could write, share and communicate with friends
by using their own blog or journal.
 Friendster was launched in 2002; it was a social gaming site based in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
 MySpace, LinkedIn and WordPress launched in the same year 2003; MySpace users were musicians and
bands; WordPress provided free blog hosting for registered users; LinkedIn was a social networking for
 Also in 2003 they launch the Skype, a telecommunication application that specializes in providing video
chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices smartwatches via the Internet
 Multiply, a social networking service with emphasis on allowing users to share media such as photos,
videos and blog entries was launched in 2004
 Also in 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched “The Facebook”, the popular free social networking website that
allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with
friends, family and colleagues; can be accessed from a large range of devices with Internet connectivity
 In the same year, Flicker was launched, a photo-sharing platform
 You Tube was launched in 2005 founded by Jawed Karim, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley, all employees of
PayPal; a social sharing that let users freely upload and share videos
 In 2006, Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Williams; an American
online news and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as
 Instagram, photo and video sharing social networking service owned by Facebook Inc. was created by
Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010 exclusively on iOS
 Snapchat, a multimedia messaging app used globally was launched in 2011
 In 2011 also, Google launched new product of social networking named Google plus where
you can have video chat and exchange information
 In 2012, Tinder was launched, a popular dating-oriented social networking service
The Rise of Social Media

 It currently plays a large role in the advertising industry

 It can also help people engage in political matters
 It also allowed many of its users to enter or create virtual worlds where they can express themselves freely, as well as share
experiences with others with similar interests
 It is also used as a means for leisure, and most users use it to connect with family, friends, and loved ones
 Also allowed people to express their opinions on virtually anything for other people to read; locally news agency use it to
disseminate news & announcements every day
The easy access to social media presents its own risks.

 The issue of privacy & identity theft

 Cyberbullying
 Sexual abuse online
 Effects on the way a society establishes its norms & ideologies
Social Media in Education

Enhances student Allows information Expands student-teacher Improves student’s Reduces face-to-face
collaboration and sharing interaction communication skills and communication
interaction decreases barriers for

Can be used as a tool for Affects the ways students

bullying write

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