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between Media
and Culture
Selvi Shinta
Salsabila Sajida
Yuanisa Wiguna
Media, Culture and Public

Media Culture Public

Media is not just informan Social value that include People or humans who
but the function of media expression, meaning and interact in social relation.
is menkonstruksi pikiran symbolic. Then, culture ( Soerjono Soekanto, 2006:
juga represented by content. 22)
Media as an
• As the tools for us to look from many
perspective and interpretation of events or
• As a mirror that can be used as a lesson,
• As a filter or gatekeeper act choose parts of
the experience,
• As a forum.
Relation between Media and Culture
Culture reflects the human response to the basic needs of life. The cultural component is always
changing. These changes can be slow or rapid changes. The cultural component is always
changing. These changes can be slow or rapid changes. In line with the modernization era, the
mass media became one of the effective means of communication and mediator between the
government and people.

There are 3 ways mass media to influence cultural norms:

● Media can makes culture norms more stronger than before ;
● Media can create new cultures that are not oppositing with the old cultures ;
● Media can change a whole cultures, so that make individual behavior can change.
According to Rosengren (1981), there are 4
relation between media and culture
● There is interpendence or dependence ● The media is affected by the
between the media and society. The community. Society has power by
media in practice must respond to what responding or entering and influence.
the community demands. Media in It's not just accepting. Materialism.
everyday life is needed. Two ways
● Media and society are autonomous,
they each have a system. There is no
● The mass media has great power in connection each other.
influencing society or structure social.

Dikutip oleh
The effect of mass media on culture can be
characterized through cultural globalization.
Increased cross-cultural contact but accompanied
by a decrease in the uniqueness of communities that
were once isolated.

Globalization also changes people

perspective in dress patterns and others.
The process of social change that occurs in
ordinary society is called: Acculturation,
Assimilation, mimicking attitudes and
Any question?
Culture is a important thing that must exist in this world
and media is one of the tools to maintain the culture.
There are 3 ways mass media to influence cultural norms:
• Media can makes culture norms more stronger than 4 Relation between media and culture:
before ; • There is interpendence or
• Media can create new cultures that are not oppositing dependence between the media
with the old cultures ; and society.
• Media can change a whole cultures, so that make • The mass media has great power
individual behavior can change. in influencing society or structure
• The media is affected by the
• Media and society are autonomous,
they each have a system.
Is the closest planet to the Sun, it’s only a
bit larger than the Moon. The planet’s
name has nothing to do with the liquid
metal, since it was named after the
Roman messenger god

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