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Group 8

Name Of Group :

1. Ni Luh Sintami ( 18IGS12135)

2. I Made Sutasoma ( 18IGS12145)
3. Sandrianus Sanju ( 18IGS12155)
An Analysis Of Cohesive Devices in CNN
Online Newspaper Entitled Meet the 12
Years Old Graduating High School and
College in the Same Week
Table of contents

01 02 03
Introduction Theoritical Framework Research Method

04 05
Finding and Conclusion
Bacground of the Study
 There are a lot kind of media which provides the informations in form of writing that we can
see in our daily life, for example is social media.
 Website or blog is a kind of social media which we often find in our daily life . The information
that provided on it could be well understood by the readers if the writing structure of the news
is effetive .
 The connection among the sentences is very important when we do a writing or in other words
we should be able to create the cohesiveness within the text so our readers can understand it
easily. As Witte & Faigley, (1981) reported that an important property of the writing quality is
Reason for Choosing the Topic

- The News became a trending topic at that time on that country.

- It is an unique topic and educate news because it talk about 12
years-old graduated from high school and college in the same week.
which is normally the students graduated from high school at ages
18 and for the college is 22.
Research questions
1. What are the types of Cohesive device found in CNN
online Newspaper Entitled Meet the 12 Years Old
Graduating High School and College in the Same Week?
2. What are the Types of Cohesive Device most use in
CNN online Newspaper Entitled Meet the 12 Years Old
Graduating High School and College in the Same Week?

Review of the related Study
There are a lot of researches of cohesive devices had done by many
people. There are many objects that the researcher used such as movie
script, drama, novel, speech and etc.
There are studies on the use of cohesive devices that had been done
previously. The First study is conducted by Khonita (2014) which
investigated the use of cohesive devices in articles about Tri Rismaharini
published in Jawa Pos Newspaper. The second study is written by Fatemi,
Kafi, and Shahriarpour (2014) which discussed cohesive devices in Tehran
Times Newspaper. Third, Aghdam and Hadidi (2015) analyzed the
occurrences of two types of lexical cohesion such as collocation and
synonymy in political newspapers and academic articles.
Theoretical framework

This chapter contains description of the theories that used to analyze the data.
The main data of this research are some sentences that contained cohesive
devices. The theory that used in this research is Halliday & Hasan, 1976.
Cohesion is the semantic relation between one element and another in a text. A
text is cohesive when the elements are tied together and considered meaningful
to the reader. Cohesion occurs when the interpretation of one item depends on
the other, i.e. one item presupposes the other (Halliday & Hasan, 1976).
Gramatical Cohesion
• Reference
Reference can be identified as the situation in which one element cannot be semantically interpreted unless it is
referred to another element in the text. Pronouns, articles, demonstratives, and comparatives are used as referring
devices to refer to items in linguistic or situational texts. Reference may either be exophoric or endophoric (M. Bloor &
T. Bloor, 2013).

• Substitution
Substitution occurs when an item is replaced by another item in the text to avoid repetition. The difference between
substitution and reference is that substitution lies in the relation between words, whereas reference between
meanings. There are three types of substitution: nominal, verbal, and clausal.

• Ellipsis
Ellipsis is the process of omitting an unnecessary item, which has been mentioned earlier in a text, and replacing it
with nothing. It is similar to substitution because “Ellipsis is simply substitution by zero” (Halliday & Hasan, 1976).
• Conjunction
Conjunction words are linking devices between sentences or clauses in a text. Unlike the other grammatical devices,
conjunctions express the ‘logical-semantic’ relation between sentences rather than between words and structures
(Halliday & Hasan, 1976).
Lexical Cohesion
• Lexical cohesion is refers to relationship in meaning between lexical items in a text (Brian Paltridge
2006: 133). Halliday and Hasan state two types of lexical cohesion such as reiteration and collocation.

• Synonym is one of semantics features, it’s mean there is meaning of the words.

• Collocation is an associations between vocabulary items which have a tendency to co – occur, such as
combinations of adjective and nouns, as real-estate agent, the right direction and Aussie man (Brian
Paltridge 2006:137). While Halliday and hasan state collocation is achieved through the association of
lexical items that regularly co-occur.
Research Method

Research Procedures for

Design Technique for analyzing the
collecting the data data
Research Design

This study is a discourse analysis within qualitative

method, It’s means the research builds a complex,
holistic picture, analysis words, Reports detailed views
of informants, and conducts the study in a natural
Technique for collecting the data

- Choose one article from CNN Blog

- Copy the text to Microsoft Word
- Read the text word by word in the CNN article of Meet The 12-Year-Old
Graduating High School and College in the same Week published on April 28,
- Block each word, by using review fiture on Mic.Word to classified the
types of cohesive device.
Procedures for analyzing the data

- Identifying cohesive devices that found in the article.

- Classifying the sentences based on the types of
cohesive devices.
- Giving the explanation of cohesive devices that are
used in sentences based on the theory.
- Drawing the table of cohesive devices that are used
in the article, the counting the number of occurrence
of the cohesive devices.
Finding and Discussion
Types of Cohesive Devices Frequency Total Total

Grammatical References Personal 46    


    Demonstrative 17    



  Conjunction Additive 6    

    Adversative 2    

    Temporal 1 9  

  Subtitution Nominal 2 2 74

Lexical Reiteration Repetition 4    


    Synonym 2 6  

  Collocation Collocation 5 5 11
The Use of Grammatical Cohesion
A. Reference
Personal Reference
a. He
Wimmer completed four years of school in one year -- two years of high school and a two-
year associate's degree. He will graduate from Rowan-Cabarrus Community College on May
21, and from Concord Academy High School on May 28, where he is valedictorian.
The personal reference item he refers back to Wimmer. Because he refers back to the previous
sentence; Wimmer , the reference item he has the rule as anaphora. Anaphora means the reference
items referrig to the preceding text.

b. Them
Despite being several years younger than his classmates, Wimmer said he gets along well
with them -- and was even nominated to Homecoming Court last year.

The personal reference item them refer to his classmattes or Wimmer classmates .Item them as a
personal pronoun.
c.They and their
Wimmer's parents said they are proud of the person their son has become.
The personal reference item they and their refer to Wimmer's parents . Item they as
a personal pronoun and item their as a possessive determiner.

Demonstrative reference
d.Those and that
Those options include job offers in and out of the United States, more school, or a
fellowship that will allow him to grow his startup.

Demonstrative reference item Those and that refer to the word Options as

Additive conjunction
a. And
Meet the 12-year-old graduating high school and college in the same week

The additive conjunction and in the middle school and college is to show informations that child who graduate 2 study in
the same week.

Adversative conjunction
b. But
But this wasn't always Wimmer's plan, he said.

Conjunction But is adversative , because but is contrast idea which explaine that was not Winner Plan to graduating high
school and college in the same week.
Temporal Conjunction

c. Now,
Mike Wimmer, 12, will graduate college on May 21, and high school on May 28.
(CNN)A 12-year-old in North Carolina used the downtime he had during the pandemic
to take on a few extra classes in school. Now, one year later, Mike Wimmer, of
Salisbury, is getting ready to graduate high school and college -- in the same week.
Word Now, as a Temporal Conjunction because word Now, related in terms of the timing
and occurrence with the sentence before.
Nominal substitution
a. It
C. Subtitution He got his first iPad when he was 18 months old, and
wondered how it worked.

The nominal substitution It replaces the word iPad. The

nominal substitution it substitute
an item noun which is the iPad.
The Use of Lexical Cohesion
A. Repetition
• Startup
He also created his own startup, called Reflect Social, which
"combines popular social media platforms with Internet of
Things (IoT) devices, providing a new dynamic social
experience," according to its website.Wimmer's goal for the
startup is to simplify how smart home technology works, with
the ultimate goal to help others.

The writers finds the repetition of the words the startup. The
executions is repeated in the second sentence.

a.Wimmer, who has an interest in robotics, told CNN that he's "the
math and science guy." He's always had an affinity for technology.

The word interest and and affinity have the same meaning and illustrate
synonymy cohesion.

Technology,, programming,, platforms,, Internet,,website.

The word Technology,, programming,, platforms,, Internet,,website as a
collocation because all those items in a text that are semantically related.

• There are 85 types of cohesive device that found in the CNN Online News Paper Entiteld Meet
the  12-year-old graduating high school and  college in the  same  week , which is grammatical
cohesion the totally 74 consist with references the totally 63, conjunction the totally 9,
substitution 2, and lexical cohesion the totally 11 consist with reteration the totally 6, and
collocation the totally 5.
• Based on the discussion above, we can see most of cohesive devices use in that News paper is
Grammatical Cohesion which is reference 63 times. The article is written, Therefore, the main
reference used is the first person, conjunction, substitution, reiteration, and collocation that we
used to analysis and collecting the data.

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